I am Azeroth Urden of Shrouded Intentions. The programming of our SIM engine is going well ahead of plans and it is time for us to begin finding additional staff to build our world. I have two dedicated writers now, but I feel a need of around six in order to really get the project going. This position is really more of a writing position rather than building, this being a custom code, everyone will have to be taught or retaught in order to build. And since the foundation for building *is* writing, I am really looking for talent in that particular field. You can take a look at the history and chronicles on our website to find the type of skill we require. I am also still in need of an artist. I need one person who can draw/pencil/paint/etc. for some much-needed art on the website. If you feel that you are qualified for either of these positions, please contact me via email.
Azeroth Urden
Shrouded Intentions