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Old 02-16-2006, 07:02 PM   #1
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The Fall of The High Seas

Written by: Chryos

It was the 8th Day of the Month of Autumn Twilight, Year 541.

That cold ocean air, so cold it burned your nose. The salt air filling every breath.

Shrefwan took his post aboard the Crow's Nest, watching over everything the crew was doing. The crew, bold adventurers all who came aboard to help rid Medievia of one of the newest threats to our land, the serpent. Those slithering denizens of the deep, who have made their home in our oceans.

We set out on our journey in search of those wretched beasts. We had journeyed together before, the Captain and myself, aboard this ship of almost mythical standings\; the High Seas. With record high's of 2,616,587 fae, and 21,717 serpents points, the ship was out to beat their own scores.

So we set sail, with the best crew of serpent hunters Medievia has to offer. Today, those serpents would have to run and hide, because holy vengeance was about to wrought. It didn't take long for the battle to begin, the DM felt it necessary to test our strength, and wits, by sending aquoderms. Shrefwan held his place aboard the crow's nest, if a serpent were to sneak up on us, we might be in trouble. The sea worms quickly squirmed below decks, trying to take out the crew person by person. Angeliqa quickly got the crew organized, and together began battle with the derms. The derms, though vicious, soon fell to the spells and blades of the crew.

Though the battle with the derms was short, it was not peaceful for long. We quickly entered serpent territory, and almost immediately we saw a glimmer of violet just underneath the surface of the water. With a quick call to arms Shrefwan shouted for our larboard side to open fire. With that, the battle was on. As soon as the first shots hit the beast, it reared up, staring at us with three heads. Then quickly dove again. From afar Shrefwan viewed the serpent coming at us, fast. "Load Larboard!" We needed to get all of our guns reloaded, before the serpent was to attack again. Arrumar grasped the wheel a bit tighter, making sure our course was true. The serpent came closer and closer, and just when it was almost on top of us, "FIRE!". A shot hit it in the face, and quickly turned it away. This serpent was going to be no trouble at all, We had all faired quite well against much harder adversaries in these waters, and no eel-headed beast was going to hurt us.

The serpent was quickly destroyed, volley after volley made sure of it. With the beast's corpse in the water we all grabbed our hooks and ran to the edges, hauling up more and more meat from the serpent's giant remains. Serpent meat seems to be the best thing to use to attract other serpents. So we started throwing more and more of the smelly carcass into the water, hoping to attract, bigger, badder serps. A crossbreed was next. Crossbreeds have advantages from both sides of their parentage, but cannot break apart when killed. It slowly rose up, shining glowing gold and glistening emerald in the moonlight. Though through all menacing it did on our nerves, it was no match for what slithered under our boat. A hideous streak of ruby as far as the eye could see.

It reared it's ugly hammer head out of the water, which immediately sent chills down the crews spine. This thing could very easily sink our ship, and kill everyone aboard. Immediately we bore down on the serpent. Though it may be big enough to swallow us, there was no way we were going to lose. Quickly we eradicated the golden emerald serpent, we had much bigger fish to fry. Volley after volley the crew fired at the beast, slowly but surely wearing it's life down. The brace crew faired well against the giant foe, carefully timing their shots with the orders of the captain. The battle was long, but the serpent couldn't even touch us, out ship had faired incredibly well so far. Soon the serpent was dead, a wonderful gift for the necromancer to bless our journey. Though, we discovered the gods were not on our side this day, for when the final shot hit, and killed our foe, it split. Turning what was a difficult job, into sheer terror. The crew, dazed from the long fight, still weary from battle, manned the guns, ready to follow the orders of the captain. The exhaustion got the best of us though, when trying to keep one baby from hitting us, another would come forward in it's place, ready to annihilate our ship. Bravely the crew fired, but the beast's offspring rammed us again and again. The hammer headed serpents were too much for us, and with one last final strike. We sank.

That ship of legend, gone in an instant.

So all that remains of our faithful day, is this log, to be remembered by future generations of serpent hunters to come.

For More on Medievia and Clan Ships, please visit:
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Old 02-16-2006, 08:52 PM   #2
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There, I fixed your typo.

EDIT: Wow Ikonboard is interesting...
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Old 02-16-2006, 11:08 PM   #3
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I've been playing this game off and on since '96. I've had a clan for I can't even remember how long since before the days of kingdoms, but after the days of castle battles (sad loss). Through the years I have taken part in pretty much every aspect of this game from trading to huge cpk battles between fueding clans to running dragon lairs ... but ney I leave that to another time. Medievia's shipping system is one of the coolest things I think I have ever seen in a game. I think I may have had 50+ people on my ship at times on some of my trecks out to sea. You can have a lot of fun with that many people on a ship hunting serpents, looking for rebel ships or maybe you just feel like being a pirate and sinking, or even stealing, someone else's ship. I mean I'm not big on games that aren't free because I don't relly like spending extra money, comcast is already robbing me enough, but what other game has this kind of feature on top of all the other stuff they have already, free or not?
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Old 02-16-2006, 11:27 PM   #4
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This feature has been available on free MUDs for some time. Same for the rest of their features.
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Old 02-17-2006, 06:43 AM   #5
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Thanks Chryos for posting your article!

I'll be devil's advocate because I'm curious... what other MUDs can you name that have a Ship feature like Medievia's? Before you answer it might be wise to understand that Medievia's ships are all their own unique little zones, steered through the ocean by a captain and a crew, all working together to fight off all the nasties that the Dungeon Master creates especially for them. I will be the first to say that I am not knowledgable about features of other MUDs so I'm curious to know what other games have ships that are zones, that need a group of people to run, need large groups of 20+ people to kill off the mobs, that have a Dungeon Master creating many types of mobfactions and unique serpents on the fly based on their adventure, and that the clans themselves buy, stock, repair and run.

In addition, do the muds that you mention with ship features have maps like these for navigating the oceans and fighting the beasts? Scroll down for most of the ship/serpent shots.
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Old 02-17-2006, 07:32 AM   #6
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Lusternia's aetherships work along the same concept as yours. Though I like the little tree's on your map, those are cute.
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Old 02-17-2006, 07:51 AM   #7
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Old 02-17-2006, 08:21 AM   #8
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Probably are others, I've heard of ships in other games before. Lusternia was just the first one to pop into my head.
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Old 02-17-2006, 10:40 AM   #9
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Federation from IB Games has had a similar system for quite some time.
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Old 02-17-2006, 10:56 AM   #10
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It's hardly an uncommon feature - it's been part of the stock SWR codebase for years, but other muds have had similar systems long before that.
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Old 02-17-2006, 10:56 AM   #11
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The advertising forum is over there. Third door on your right.
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Old 02-17-2006, 01:13 PM   #12
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I've been looking briefly into the games you're all mentioning... are they all science-fiction based spaceships or are there games that you know of that have actual ocean-sailing type ships?  I'm really not trying to get at anything here except my own personal knowledge of the ship systems that exist.  When I get more time I'm going to log onto some of these games you are mentioning so I can have a more accurate comparison.  Do you know of any games that have ocean-sailing ship features like Medievia's?
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Old 02-17-2006, 01:54 PM   #13
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Well I wouldn't mind some addresses to these games to check it out. As for the screen shots thats nice but these maps:

This one shows the world and all mob factions/serpents/seaslugs around the world.

And this one to put in coords and find exact place in the world is also cool.

Like I said though if you could give me some addresses of these game you all speak of that have these features I'd like to check em out.

Both of these maps used together make the shipping experience much more manageable for anyone who reads this and actually uses the ships this story talks about.
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Old 02-17-2006, 05:58 PM   #14
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Most use spaceships (although the difference is really just cosmetic), but I can't be bothered to list them all (there's around 60-70). There are also various TinyMUDs which utilise ships, but they tend to handle it somewhat differently, so I've not bothered with those either. I've also skipped some of the more tacky implementations, and I've no doubt missed many muds which didn't use obvious keywords, but here's a few to get you started:

Necromium: 4000

5 Kingdoms of Mercator: 2411

Merentha: 10000

Duris: 6666

Elysium: 7777

Basternae II: 6666

Dark and Shattered Lands: 4000

Abandoned Reality: 4444

Empire: 4000

DarkWind: 3000

Ancient Empires: 5011

Xyllomer: 3000

Beyond the Forest's Edge: 2000

Waterdeep: 6660

Nemesis: 2000

ElderainMUD: 4000

DreamsMAZE: 4208
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Old 02-18-2006, 05:10 PM   #15
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Old 02-18-2006, 05:22 PM   #16
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I am glad you included DarkWind on your list, KaVir.

That was one of the very first MUDs I ever played seriously, and they had a really awesome seagoing ship system at least 10+ years ago.

You could enhance and upgrade your ship in numerous ways, outfit the crew, attack other ships, attack monsters, travel the ENORMOUS seas, and do all sorts of other great stuff. You could even board people's ships. It was very cool. I imagine they have probably added more features since I last played.
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Old 02-19-2006, 08:18 AM   #17
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Old 02-19-2006, 12:36 PM   #18
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Old 02-19-2006, 01:05 PM   #19
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Ok, here goes another try...

I don't know, I've never played a game with a one-room ship. I would think a whole zone of rooms makes it more realistic in the scheme of things though and lends itself better to a multi-player environment.

I don't believe anything of the sort. I was merely just trying to find games that have similar systems and personally I've never played a sci-fi MUD and really had no clue they had spaceships like our sailing ships. I never meant to assert that they were different, I merely didnt know about them!

Well, again I go back to that it's more realistic to real ships and the multi-player aspect. Ships in Medievia are Clan based and the majority of any ship's crew is made up of members from the clan. Yes other people can board and fight but they must ask permission before doing so. Having many rooms and many jobs for the ships leads to better multi-player battles and the more people, the more chaos and fun!

Ships are maintained by the clan and crew. Decay? No I don't think they do. Crews can repair the ship on board and at dock.

Ships that are too heavily damaged without being repaired sink beneath the seas of Medievia. Anyone onboard loses all the Fae gathered and the clan must buy another ship if they want to replace it. The players die when the ship sinks. When you corpse you end up in Davy Jones' locker. Then you walk to portal and enter portal, and you end up on mainland
resurrected and ready to go.

No, Clans buy ships already made. We are going to code workers in the near future who you will hire to make your ships for you.

I don't know the answer about the guns but I do know we have different types of guns that do different types of damage: Magic Missle, Fireballs, Bolt Throwers, Dartflingers, etc. Each type of gun is better for the hull, rigging, etc.

As for the ramming and physics, I have no clue about that but I know that wind speed matters, how fast the current is going matters, and where in the sea you are matters when it comes to speed and things like that. You would have to speak to Vryce and Ozy about that brainy stuff.

Again, I claim no expertise in ships in other games and/or ships in general. I just know that our players LOVE our ship system and have been very happy with it since it's implementation. Old players have come back to check them out and have decided to play again because of them. Once we get ship trading involved and our CPK islands, the seas of Medievia will never be the same again.

I'm sorry if I didn't answer your questions clearly enough, but I have done the best I can without any real knowledge of the code! I think it's just perhaps the way we implemented the ships into Medievia that has got our playerbase so enthralled with them.
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Old 02-21-2006, 08:45 AM   #20
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Kavir hit them all. Like I said before, it's nothing new.
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