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Dark Isles - MUD Details
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MUD Name Dark Isles
Telnet Address
MUD Forums
Language English
Location USA
Admin Name Carmine
Theme An original, intricate roleplaying fantasy game
Brief Desc Dark Isles is an intense, text-based roleplaying adventure for those interested in developing an intricate character and joining other like-minded people to create a continually evolving story based within an originally themed world.
Date Added 16th July, 2008
Codebase CircleMUD - Heavily Modified Circle Mud known as "Oasis"
World Size Medium (3001-6000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Game Rating Adults only - strong language, sexuality or violence
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Mandatory
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Fantasy
Avg Players Online 16-20
Year Created 2007
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Class-less System
  • Level-less System
  • Multiclassing
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Private Messaging System
  • Free to Play
  • Hiring Builders

Dark Isles - MUD Description
Dark Isles is an intense, text-based roleplaying adventure for those interested in developing an intricate character and joining other like-minded people to create a continually evolving story based within an originally themed world.

Here you will find no levels or classes, but instead tools to help tell the story, provide focus and background for your character and the setting. Your character can set up shop and sell clothes that you make with leather that someone else has cured from a hide that another character has hunted. You can build a hut, dig up shell-fish or scavenge the high-tide for useful items that may have washed up at the beach. Your character can gather herbs and experiment with alchemy using a mortar and pestle. The possibilities are endless.

ICly the game is set on two main islands, Heas (the Human homeland) and Tarkas (the Skrel'eth homeland). The world is populated with original races that have some basis on races found in a more traditional fantasy theme as well as the option of playing one of four special characters:
Dark Isles is now officially open again and accepting roleplayers who want to have an influence on the muds development, take on roles of responsibility and rank within the IC world, create history, become the heroes and villains that people will talk about for years to come. And if you have an idea on ways we can improve the mud, we would love to hear it and discuss whether it would be suitable to incorporate into our plan for Dark Isles.

Note: Dark Isles is completely free to play. Roleplay/ICness is strictly enforced and a way of life.

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