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Children of the Night 2.5.1 - MUD Details
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MUD Name Children of the Night 2.5.1
Telnet Address
MUD Forums
Language English
Location United States
Admin Name Xrakisis
Theme fantasy, player kill, hack n slash
Brief Desc The Hybrids cotn thats been running on and off for over five years. New changes and fixes being implemented all the Time. This mud was started from Dystopia 1.2.7.
Date Added 2nd August, 2010
Codebase Godwars - Dystopia 1.2.7(Cotn 2.5.1)
World Size Small (less than 3000 rooms)
World Originality Mostly Original
Game Rating Not Specified
Player Killing Restricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Accepted
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Medieval Fantasy
Ranking Category Game-Medieval
Avg Players Online 1-5
Year Created 2004
Vote URL
  • Supports ANSI Color
  • Supports MCCP
  • Class Based System
  • Level Based System
  • Multiclassing
  • Has Clans/Cabals
  • Equip saves on exit
  • In-game Forums
  • Accepts Reviews
  • Free to Play

Children of the Night 2.5.1 - MUD Description
Children of the Night 2.5: The Original
Xrakisis [] (

The Hybrids cotn that has been running now about 8 years on and off.

Classes: Demon, Werewolf, Drow, Vampire, Tanarri, UK, Angel, Wraith
Assassin, Paladin, Elemental, Dragon, Hydra, Zombie, Technomage,
Shinobi, Anti-Paladin, Giant, Skyblade, Priest, Ghoul.

[UNDEAD LYCAN]: Werewolf/Vampire
[HELLS SOLDIER]: Demon/Assassin
-=(xGaia Wolfx)=-: Werewolf/Elemental
[Shadowborn]: Drow/Wraith
-=(xDruidx)=-: Paladin/Elemental
[Shadow Dragon]: Demon/Dragon
[Shadow Fiend]: Demon/Wraith
[Stalker]: Werewolf/Drow
[HELLS SPAWN]: Vampire/Tanar'ri
{/*}Black Assassin{/*}: Drow/Assassin
<<Vampyric Mist>>: Vampire/Wraith
.x(Silver Dragon)x.: Angel/Dragon
.x(Gold Dragon)x.: Paladin/Dragon

*Races of cotn
*Human: Superberserk
*Chimera: Chimeraattack, Fbreath, Chimeraform, Csting
*Cerberus: Cerberusform, Cerberusattack, Engulf, Eternal
*Cyclops: Crushingblow, Cyclopsattack, Tremble
*Griffin: Gswoop, Griffinattack, Buffet, Griffinform, Eagleeye
*Harpie: Hscream, Pirate, Hspit, Buffet
*Phoenix: Sunbolt, Sunmerge, Divebomb, Tear, Rebirth
*Satyr: Scharm, Satyrattack
*Medusa: Snakebite, Look, Turnhead
*Titan: Flameburst, Supermight, Titanheal, Tearthquake
*Fenris: Bite, Fenrisform, Fhowl, Frage
*Nymph: Look, Gentletouch, Turnhead
*Spectre: Mistform, Spectralhand, Deathtouch, Sblink, Phase
*Minotaur: Mgore, Minotaurattack, Mcharge
*Centaur: Thunderhammer, Trample, Centaurattack
*Valkyrie: Bless, Vswoop, Vcurse

- Wilderness Installed
- Autoloading harvestable Vegetation
- Material system, 221 materials.
-mix command to make an alloy
-materials command with 9 arguments to see amounts of raw materials
-smith to forge weapons from raw materials
-forgearmor to forge armor from raw materals
-mine and chop integrated with wilderness
- Auto-generated room descriptions.
- Weather. (incorporated into room descs, among other things)
- Connect and Forge Runes into eq for +50 HR/DR
- Glyphs for special affects to Weapons
- Races
- Original Areas
- Xcenter installed (players can now view class stats)
(number attacks, damcap, wpn levels, parry, dodge)
(Admins can change values from in-game)
- Rom style damage messages
- Attacks go to body parts (if light plate worn half damage)
- Basic and Rare autoloading EQ
- Armorcraft to custom create armor
- Player Symbiotes
- Auction System
- Player Arena
- Fbuy to create slabs, gemstones, stones (for armorcraft)
- Kingdoms
- Convert to change qp to Exp and Exp to Qp
- Qp gained from mob kills
- Leveling Weapons and Armor
- Xset installed
- 11 Hybrid Classes
- Weapon types and stances redone
- Trainable Rank, Resistance and Legend
- Exp that doesnt cap at 2billion
- Object connect code
- Globalpeace and checkfighting added for immortals.
- Vampires auto-bite to gain more blood while fighting
- Jail Code
- Shop code installed
- Kavirs Soundex snippit installed
- Tiers and Tierkill to gain them
- Shield wear location and Shield block (similar to parry/dodge)
- Guildsark Hand, Guardian, Crusaders, Druid, Beast, Damned
*Each guild as a 32 room fortess with grecall
*Guild members can hire guards and soldiers
*Guild fortresses connected by a battlefield area
*Garrison command to view soldiers/guards.
-when they die they dont respawn
- Immortal races with abilities
- vitality, discipline, agility, charisma and luck ability scores
- Autoleveling (200 levels, hp/mana/stamina gain)and auto-state
training (strength or agility etc will autoadvance.
-Player professions

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