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Cantr - MUD Details
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MUD Name Cantr
Telnet Address N/A
Language English
Location United Kingdom
Admin Name Jos Elkink
Theme society simulation
Codebase Custom
World Size Small (less than 3000 rooms)
World Originality All Original
Player Killing Unrestricted Playerkilling
Roleplaying Encouraged
Online Status Fully Operational
Category Social
Avg Players Online 16-20
Year Created 2001
Vote URL
  • Class-less System
  • Level-less System
  • Equip saves on exit
  • Accepts Reviews
  • New accounts require validation
  • Free to Play

Cantr - MUD Description
This game is what I call a computer-operated society simulator. When you join the game, you can start several characters. Those characters get a name and they get - randomly - a starting location in the sim environment. This new character has no biography or personal background other then what you play in the sim. Nothing exists except what is explicitly in the game - no history, no other worlds, etc. When you log in you can access the pages of each of your characters and there you can make them travel, build something, talk to people, write notes, produce food, etc.

Capital rule
There is one rule in this game, which is crucial for the game to become a success, but which is easy to cheat with. That is: all your characters are completely individual characters - thus your characters do not form some kind of clan together. You do not use your characters to play some goals for you as a player, but you think about what goals your individual characters would have and you try to think from the perspective of your character when you think about how to achieve your goals.

The society
The computer program behind the game creates the physical environment in which the characters act. Locations are named, buildings located, materials burried into the ground, etc. The computer keeps track of your characters health, location, inventory, and a lot of other things. The society, however, is not programmed into the game. How trade works, whether there are political systems or not, whether there is a police force or not, or whatever else you can imagine, all those things are invented by the players. Therefore, I cannot tell you much about the form this society will take in this introduction, and moreover, there might be different forms as there are different starting locations and players are supposed to play their characters independently - thus what happens around one starting location, does not necessarily resemble what is happening at another location. My hope and intention is that a complex society, with economics, wars, politics, communities, etcetera, will form itself.

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