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Old 04-24-2002, 11:50 AM   #1
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Old 05-07-2002, 04:09 PM   #2
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This is just an update on the advertisement for coders and builders for a realism-based MUD.

Right now we are in need of Coders to join the project, although it has been re-named "Red Zone Conflict" as the storyline and theme has been altered. It will now be a fictional war with realistic weaponry and countries involved during the Vietnam Era. (No Vietnam though obviously)

I started some work on a website for the game as a resource to those interested in joining the staff, or curious about what the game will be.

I am looking for a few good coders that are open-minded and able to create something completely original.

AIM: Smokejumperjon
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Old 05-09-2002, 01:08 AM   #3
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Thumbs up

I'll be honest with you, i am not sure how many people will sign on and build on theam (sp) of around now a days reality. Most people that I have ran into vere away from the realism for the fact they go where they can let loose, and not deal with anything real for awhile. I am intrested on the code base and all if you don't mind telling.

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Old 05-09-2002, 11:04 AM   #4
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First off, this MUD won't exactly be based on today's real world and it's warfare. It's based in the time of the 60s-70s, during the Cold War Era. The weapons, tactics, vehicles, and even some attitudes will be based on that time period.

You are right, a good majority of the MUD Community out there don't want to have to deal with a realistic MUD, they want to escape realism... however, how many in the MUD community were actually in Vietnam or a large-scale war? To a certain extent, you would be escaping reality, since you will have the opportunity to live in the times and boots of a soldier 30-40 years ago.

Right now we're using the LP MUD Codebase, but that may change, depending on the status of my Coders. We're trying to attract not only an audience, but also a staff, of open-minded creators that can dedicate effort to creating something that has never been done before, or even touched on. I personally dont think the average RPG fan will like the game, simply because a lot of the focus is on realism and teamwork, along with missions and fast-paced action. However, war-buffs and others that WOULD appreciate a MUD like this are slowly starting to show themselves. I think if everything works out, it will be a success, and at the very least, a good experience.
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Old 05-09-2002, 09:08 PM   #5
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Just another small update on the staffing request of the MUD.

I am looking for a Coding advisor that is very experienced with LP MUD codebases. Not nessescarily to do work on it, but to guide and assist with the coders that are currently working on it.

If you are interested in being a coding Advisor, or actually coding, contact me:

AIM: Smokejumperjon
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Old 05-11-2002, 12:56 AM   #6
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Yet another small update.

I am in need of talented Topographers that would be able to create a detailed and interactive map of Indochina and the area surrounding that. This is imperative to the project, so if you have skills in that, please contact me at once.

AIM: Smokejumperjon
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