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Old 05-06-2011, 12:30 PM   #1
New Member
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 5
Dream is on a distinguished road
SWR 2.0 coder needed.

Hello, I'll start off by saying yes this is the same guy asking players to join now I have to of course beg for a coder to perhaps show me some mercy and hope that someone is willing to help in this communal project to make an SWR 2.0 mud into a great mud. I've been doing my best on my end building stuff but that isn't really enough is it. There is still some things that could be done code wise to improve on the mud. Some things that I know players would enjoy like ASCII mapped planets instead of planets that have to be built room by room. I've been dreaming of having a mud like this for a long time I once wanted to run an EmpireMud but that server is such a resource hog the host won't let me use it I know they won't its just too big of a hog, its also just too buggy so I started up this project here the codebase is actually cleaned up A LOT a friend of mine took and re-did the code for SWR 2.0 and made it a lot less buggy and a lot less cluttered so that it runs smoother and doesn't have so many problems and it is easier to read codewise. I have had the mud up and running crash free for a couple days now and I have yet to make it crash by building stuff. I'm kinda hoping that someone will volunteer but if I had to I suppose I could pay someone to do the job... I couldn't afford much but I would try to make it worth their while to work with me.

Perhaps more details on my ideas will entice someone to join-

My Idea is to Add ASCII mapping to this mud and make it so that players can simply build cities on the planets surface. Literally take a mainstream world and do to it like what they did to coruscant in star wars and just make the entire world nothing but a metropolis that covers half the planet. Have each planet have its own random NPCs that pop up in certain types of rooms stuff like that just completely randomized terrain for when players use the explore command to find new planets and when aliens invade have actual ships that spawn the creatures so that players have to come and have to destroy the alien invasion or the planet will be lost to the alien onslaught.

I thought ship building was still broken and that was also an idea I had to make it so designing ships would be possible but it seems after playing with it a little bit design ship IS working in this version.

So yea if there are any coders/programmers/developers out there willing to volunteer your time just get a hold of me on the mud or via instant messenger at on yahoo instant messenger or post here on the forum or email me at the mud can be reached at: port 8504

Hope to see ya soon.
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