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Old 07-26-2010, 12:52 AM   #1
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Talking KaViR is a cyberbully

Well, folks, this thread:

Shows how Kavir abuses his power at TMC to damage his competition. Simultaneous to his recent release of GodWars II, the "random mud pick" at TMC reads:

Random Mud Pick: God Wars II ( Play Now )

His motivation in creating this absurd argument that Mud Server A is really Mud Server B is essentially a "false-positive" - meaning, he creates the illusion of a gray area, then uses his power to call into question NiMUD solely to get an illusion of illegality around the software, driving out competition -- just like he has done creating an illusion of a community around his dwindling GodWars codebase. Of the 43 muds listed on TMC as "GodWars", only 12 operate and only 2 don't infringe on other people's copyrights and/or trademarks in their content.

He can't stand a fair competition, so he eliminates it -- unfairly -- solely to sooth his own ego while he employs cronyism through use of sock puppetry and his personal friends. There is no accident that the people who respond responded when they did, he has carefully orchestrated this illusion for his own personal gain and is doing so supposedly in the name of the "community", but in reality he is doing it solely for himself. He finds it amusing that he can rub salt in other people's wounds, and uses those weaknesses to bully others into responding, then uses his sockpuppets and cronies to create pressure - kind of like Jay Leno did to Conan O'Brien.

More evidence of Dick Woolcock's cyberbullying: - you will note that many times in the timeline they mention KaViR saying one thing and doing another, or providing different rules for different people, or trying to get people's services shut down for using software that had been distributed to them - probably by KaViR, who then later denied it or revised history to appear differently, since this timeline comes from KaViR himself.

This document is my argument that I do not use a significant enough amount of code from Merc/Diku to warrant calling running NiMUD "running a Dikumud" since NiMUD is not a DikuMUD. A DikuMUD comes in a DikuMUD package, and a NiMUD comes in a NiMUD package. Since I am not "running a DikuMUD", I don't have to keep their credits in the "credits" command because all I have to do according to the license is keep their notices in the source code and their names in the login sequence.

You can tell from the way KaViR picks on me by insulting me regarding my deceased colleague, creates regarding NiMUD, and then uses his power to flag NiMUD using a KaViR-created false-positive for Diku license violation.

He is doing this only for his own personal gain, and the way he goes about it is to use dirty tricks. He has had NiMUD delisted from TMC - I was not allowed to defend myself before it was delisted in front of anyone but KaViR and his 4 cronies/fake accounts - and at least I now know who it is who has it "out for me" in the Mud community. Richard Woolcock is nothing more than a self-serving egotist with no respect for his elders or the people who have provided him with valuable source code. Using his logic, he would say the same thing of me --> with no legal backing and without providing any significant evidence. This technique is called reflection, (mirroring or copycat-ism) and he used it in the above thread on Mud Connector to spread FUD before abusing his power as a TMC "auditor" -- a position which he holds only to serve himself, with the occasional legitimate claim to keep his relationship with TMC appear legitimate. He will interpret legal documents in ways that benefit him only, and will ignore and disrupt any attempts to defend one-self.

I do not recommend using his software or dealing with him at all. From the few GodWars administrators I spoke with, many of them expressed disdain and the few who didn't were also bullies.

Last edited by locke : 07-26-2010 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 07-26-2010, 04:26 AM   #2
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

I took a look over that thread and all I saw were a bunch of grown (and half-grown) men arguing over who gets The Most Emo Troll Award.

In the end, you couldn't win the argument THERE so you brought it here; the problem with this is that the MUD community is so small, you're still ultimately arguing with the same people as before.

So here are the bottom lines, on which I think we must all agree, even if we never admit to it:

1.) A sizable portion (I would say a fifth, to blindly pull a number out of my ass) of all MUDs advertised on both TMS and TMC are operating illegally due to either broken licenses OR stolen IP [which does, in fact, include areas "based on" established IP or franchises]. A non-exhausting list of such IPs include: Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Tolkien, Digimon, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, InuYasha, Pern, the Wheel of Time, Dune, Avatar, Naruto, DragonRealms, DragonLance, Hitchhiker's Guide, that stupid sparkling vampire series, Harry Potter, Fallout, Lion King, and any other number of things I can't recall off the top of my head.

2.) An even larger portion of listed MUDs are listed incorrectly in the hopes of being competitive, and the listing sites, bless their fragile little hearts, are so inaccurate that they might as well not even exist. Even when an infringement is brought to light, it's usually ignored, because we can't be bothered to try and exercise integrity around here anymore.

3.) MUD owners and their minions are TYPICALLY sociopathic, lying, unethical little sh*ts; many of them actually have high IQs, but they have the social graces of a rutting moose and don't have the presence of mind to admit that they have absolutely no idea on how to design and run a game.

4.) The MUD communities, such as TMS and TMC, are stalled and kept active only by trolls fighting each other over 8-year-old+ arguments.

5.) The proliferation of freely available code has done very little to strengthen the MUD genre -- if anything, it's killing it. See [insert Yet Another Stock MUD here] as an example of why.

In short, you're never going to win an argument, no matter what it's about or how right (or wrong) you are, because there are absolutely no standards against which to argue.

Quite frankly I'd be giddy if someone went through and sued half of all of these illegal games and challenged licenses on legal grounds. I'd be even happier to see them shut down.

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Old 07-26-2010, 04:44 AM   #3
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

As a TMC auditor I'm expected to flag listing problems that are drawn to my attention, and known non-compliance with mud licences is considered a major issue.

You announced that around 40% of DikuMUD was a "directly match" with NiMUD, then followed up by boasting to me directly that you had no intention of following the Diku licence. You did this on TMC after I told you that I'm a TMC auditor, explained to you how the audit system worked, told you that it's my responsibility to respond to issues that are brought to my attention, and unofficially advised you multiple times to correct your non-compliance.

What exactly did you expect me to do?

If you think I've somehow targeted your mud, you are very much mistaken. You're just the latest in a line of muds that refuse to respect the rights of other mud developers. Of course most of them don't explicitly tell a TMC auditor that they're knowingly flaunting the licence.

In regard to the "competition" comment, your mud has no players and the gameplay is basically stock. If you wish to see how I respond to real competition, with unique gameplay and a mud that actually pulls in players from a similar target audience to my game, .
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Old 07-26-2010, 08:25 AM   #4
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

I know I haven't been around here that long, but in the time I have been here, KaVir has always been polite, thoughtful, and intelligent in his posts. I've never observed anything that even comes close to bullying.

He also always seems willing to discuss mud mechanics, and expresses his thoughts in practical terms that can help other mud developers improve their game.

From what I can tell, he's got a very solid game, and doesn't appear threatened by other muds. Unless his behavior is different elsewhere, I'm pleased to be part of the same community as KaVir.
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Old 07-26-2010, 09:03 AM   #5
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

KaVir has been around longer than I have, and the entire time I've been around I've never seen him post anything bogus. He's honest, reliable, and dedicated to MUDs and the MUD community.

Locke on the other hand is a known code thief. He doesn't seem to understand from a legal standpoint how copyright works; his logic seems to be "no-one's sued me yet, therefore it must be legal".
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Old 07-26-2010, 11:16 AM   #6
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

A complete lie, I claimed less than 10% and proved it was probably more like 7% with this document:

Not true. Your stupid cronies have followed me to the ends of the earth bothering me whenever you get a chance, bringing up all sorts of bogus claims (like the one I just responded to), encouraging the deletion of many mud softwares that were distributed and you also use personal attacks. I've been around longer than you KaViR.

If you're such a stickler for following licenses and respecting other developers then why don't you enforce the same thing for my OLC packages I released with my friend a long time ago. You're a hypocrit, a liar, a sociopath , a mirroring copycat, and an all around idiot, KaVir.

Like I said before, this is an example where he's spreading FUD. NiMUD has no stock areas and is 80000 lines of unique, complex gameplay. Then, he went on to plug his own project. Obviously Kavir takes his sense of fair play from British Petroleum.

Last edited by locke : 07-26-2010 at 11:22 AM.
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Old 07-26-2010, 11:19 AM   #7
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Well, my software was stolen from me by Ivan who wrote his own name prominently over ours. On top of that, many features from my MUD, NiMUD, have found their way into countless other MUDs without any credit given. Furthermore, my source code - the source code that shows the historic connections between The Isles, OLC, and more of its contemporaries, have been systematically removed thereby creating a situation where it appears that others wrote OLC unless you dig into the web archive or waltz around on Usenet archives. This is obscuring the truth and is done by people like KaVir.

And it is the responsibility of a party to enforce their own copyright protections, not that of the government or anyone else. If it goes unenforced, oh well, it ain't the first time.

Though it may appear KaVir has fans and supporters here (ie: an illusion is created thereof), talking to people on MUDs themselves has revealed to me a dislike and distrust for Kavir and his bullying.
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Old 07-26-2010, 11:25 AM   #8
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

No, I am creating more artifact of it here because this creates a separate record. There is a great injustice going on here - if you ignore the science I have provided then you are, well, ignorant.

Only the ignorant would suggest the destruction of information is somehow warranted - ever. Have you not learned from Alexandria? Your idea that burning a library is somehow better than leaving bygones be bygones shows me that you have no sense of delicacy.
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Old 07-26-2010, 11:38 AM   #9
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Talk about delusional narcissism. Everything that Locke is attributing to Kavir is actually a reflection of Locke's own personality short of a massive ego, limited intelligence and even more limited abilities.

Long story short, Locke is a thief. He's stolen someone else's code, stripped their names from it and tried to pass it off as his own. Whether it's 90% his code, 1% his code or 99.99999999999% his code it's still a Diku-derivitive.

I'll note that last year in response to Locke's bull****, I introduced a motion to the RPMUD Network to ban any game using this stolen code from our listings and that any game we review which uses this stolen code and does not modifiy its credtis to reflect its true design lineage would be given a negative review featuring the most severe condemnation.

To Locke, a quick rundown of your "points" reveals just how wrong you are and once again also proves your well-known claims of superior intellect are also fictional (your narcissism is to blame of course).

Games using Godwars that may infringe on copyright do so because the games' owners have made a choice to do so, not because of anything Kavir has done. They and they alone are responsible for their violation. Games using "your" code, as if anyone would use it, are screwed from the start because YOU have violated the Diku license. There's a big difference there.

Your narcissism is blinding you to the reality that Kavir doesn't have cronies supporting him; he has taken the ethical position and thus the community has supported his position because he's right. The reason no one comes to your defense is because you're wrong, you're a thief and you're also too conceited, arrogant and self-absorbed to realize it.

Your argument is flawed from the start because it's not based on reality. You are claiming credit for other people's work in violation of the license agreement that you accepted by use of their work. Regardless of how much of the Diku code you originally used remains, once you decided to use their code you were subject to their license. Even replacing ALL of their code still holds you responsible to credit them for their work from which you have built off. There is no defense for your actions as they're motivated by both your desire to take credit for other people's work and your lack of intelligence which is preventing you from understanding your delusional exaggeration of your own self-worth.

Your description of Kavir is so laughable because you've decribed yourself. You're an egotistical narcissist who can't accept that you're a small fish, a nobody, a never-was and a never-will-be. You're the one desperate to try and portray himself as something he's not and scared of competition or anyone who questions your self-esteem. In short, you're a deluded fool and a thief.

Go back to the rock you occassionally crawl out from and wallow in your self-deception that you created a code, that you invented YouTube, that you discovered oxygen and penicillin and whatever other delusions your pathetic little mind creates to delude you into thinking you're anything but an unintelligent, talentless fool.

Please don't come back here and may the door hit you in the ass on the way out,

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Old 07-26-2010, 11:45 AM   #10
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Obvious troll is obvious.

Seriously, everyone - it's so clear that he is getting off on the attention he gets here and on TMC. It's the only possible explanation for his mind-boggling behaviour. It seems obvious advice, but please don't feed the troll. No-one is going to be convinced either way by arguing. Locke will not accept he is in the wrong, and almost everyone else in the mudding world will not accept that his molten crazy isn't going to ever be less molten or crazy. All that is happening at the moment is that every year or so we get a repeat of exactly the same argument spread over multiple threads like some kind of horrible road-kill on a windscreen.

I appreciate when it comes down to his claims of people disrespecting his own copyright that people feel it's necccessary to counter the disinformation, but at the very least we can keep it all, surely, to a single thread.

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Old 07-26-2010, 11:51 AM   #11
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Well if they don't respect me, why should I respect them?

Anyway the point is now rendered moot:

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Old 07-26-2010, 11:53 AM   #12
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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Old 07-26-2010, 12:32 PM   #13
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

It's not theft to claim one's work as one's own. Furthermore, Locke was once a thief character in a game.

Not true. I've never completely stripped their names from any version of NiMUD, The Isles, etc.

Not true. Part of copyright law provides "Fair Use" -- which is why YouTube keeps winning lawsuits even though most of their content is owned by other people and was used without their permission - solely because the length of the video was so short.

Yes, and by doing so you burned Alexandria. Aren't you just a bit liberal with your delete key, fascist?

Whatever, man. It's a double standard and you're the hypocrite in charge.

Despite your attempt to create a rumor as such, I've noticed my code is in a lot of MUDs these days -- a snippet here, a snippet there -- Newt's contributory NiMUD combat system, for one, has found its way into dozens of servers. Also, there are other popular snippets including a derived NiMUD money system, which have found their way around. OF COURSE, our OLC is was and has always been a very popular OLC and one of the first complete OLC packages despite claims people have made to the contrary. OLC is a part of an entire branch of MUDs starting with ROM, and also found its way into GodWars, Dystopia etc .. not to mention other MUD softwares and individual server copies.

I never violated the Diku license, I merely interpreted it differently and I was not the only one who interpreted differently in the same way that it became interpreted by me. You have decided to single out those people and for that reason you should be ashamed because the destructive nature of ostracizing or marginalizing people and their work is as unethical as the claims you are purportedly making.

Pot calls kettle black = same diff dude

He most certain does as you are one of those. So are others on MUD Connect, I know who you are -- you are the voices of maybe a half dozen people -- a gang of bullies, a den of trolls - and perhaps a sockpuppet or two thrown in. That does not describe the "entire mud community" nor even a great percentage.

Well, I just caught him in a lie like 10 minutes ago. IS lying ethical? A question you should ask yourself as you spread more and more lies.

6 people I would say support KaVir, 2 of which are his other personalities or psuedonyms.

You've just ignored the people who have come to my defense. You know the truth is that people come to me on my mud all the time to talk about their code etc and about these issues. They don't like KaVir, and they don't post here or on TMC because it's always you guys coming to bully people. I looked at some of the other threads that Craytylus and Macademus were posting on on TMC, and it seems like they pick their targets and bully up MUDders all the time, insulting them and writing insults and being snobs.

The same could be said of you.

Not at all. Their copyright notices have always appeared in their files, and their credits have always appeared in the help files, excepting the "credits" command for a period because that was OK before and now you losers are going around deleting things because you've taken it upon yourselves to do that sort of thing.

There is a marked difference between taking a short piece of code and leaving their copyright notices in it, and being forced to prominently credit them because you're using their software as a whole.

Makes no sense.

Not at all. Nope, I've always credited them in at least one spot in every single release I've made.

Doubtful. See, this is where you begin to become predatory and a bully in the most obvious way. You resort to personal attacks, instead of focusing on the key issues. It's too bad you're unable to communicate in any more sophisticated ways.

A free game has little to do with one's self-worth.

Well, perhaps we're all a little like each other.

How mature. The thousands of people who have used my software are a testament to the opposite.
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Old 07-26-2010, 01:31 PM   #14
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

This is what you said on TMC:

"Any new code that is a part of NiMUD today -- that is to say versions released after the AL 2.0 was introduced -- the modifications and additions -- and ultimately, a near-complete rewrite, means that a substantial portion of the NIMUD code (more than 90%) is original work. DIKUMUD source code length: about 20,000 lines .. NiMUD source code length: greater than 80,000 lines .. lines found to directly match between MERC/DIKU and NIMUD: very few - less than 10% similarity .. giving rise to the argument that whatever appears inside NIMUD that retains resemblance to DIKUMUD is "Fair use""

You claimed around 90% of the 80,000 lines are original work, and the other 10% "directly match" DikuMUD. That means around 8,000 lines of NiMUD "directly match" Diku - and you've further stated that Diku is 20,000 lines. Based on those estimates, around 40% of the Diku code has been copied verbatim into NiMUD, with the remaining 60% having presumably been modified in some way.

You're now claiming that by "less than 10%" you actually meant 7%. 7% of 80,000 would mean that 5,600 lines of NiMUD "directly match" Diku. That means 28% of the original Diku code has been copied verbatim into NiMUD.

Actually you just said that that 7% of it "directly matched" Diku (and you claim I'm the one lying?). That means over a quarter of the stock Diku code still exists within NiMUD.

And my sense of time-travel, apparently. I plugged my project a week ago, and "British Petroleum" ceased to exist over a decade ago (it lost the name when it merged with Amoco).
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Old 07-26-2010, 01:58 PM   #15
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Only there's no proof that it is your work. Your claim is as unsubstantiated as your claim to have invented YouTube.

You've attempted to claim that "your" code is not a derivitive. Either it is or it isn't.

You're not meeting the qualifications of "Fair Use". You're attempting to circumvent a license that you entered into when you used the code in the beginning.

We're banning plagarism. The legitimate code is completely welcome. Your plagarized and miscredited work is not. By not banning your code it would be like a library shelving a copy of Tom Sawyer photocopied by someone who changed the title page to read "By Joe Nobody".

You also don't appear to have a very good vocabulary. It's not fascism to remove and not recognize stolen work from a collection. It's respecting the work of the original authors. You've been shown to be an unrepentant thief. It does no harm to the spread of knowledge to ignore stolen work nor does it constitute oppression to do so.

"Whatever" is the argumentative equivalent of admitting the other person's point is valid and that you can't make any argument against it.

It's not a double standard because Kavir can not be held responsible for the actions of others once the code is out of his hands. In your case, however, the offense began before others used the code. They can make amends by properly modifying the credits to reflect the actual lineage but in no way does that absolve you of the offense.

You're crediting yourself with other people's work. There is no more proof that you invented OLC than there is that you invented YouTube, the internet, oxygen or gravity.

You did violate the Diku license. It's not your right to interpret their license to your desire. The reason other people haven't been singled out for similar violations is because they have the good sense not to make an ass of themselves trying to claim that they didn't.

It's not the same and if you were intelligent and not narcissistically close-minded then you'd realize the difference.

I have yet to meet anyone who, upon hearing your arguments, has agreed with you.

A clear sign of a narcissist is the paranoid belief that anyone who can find flaws in their arguments must be part of a conspiracy to discredit them. You are a textbook example.

Prove this lie. Show us this example. Simply claiming to catch someone in a lie is a lame tactic.

Lying isn't ethical whether it's about creating a codebase, OLC or YouTube. If you didn't create it, claiming otherwise is a lie.

Far more than six support the same position as Kavir. The RPMUD Network's Operating Committee supported his position 5-0 and I'm the only one of those five that has posted here. In the past, your bull**** threads have produced far more who have supported the same position as Kavir. One need only go back through the forums to see.

Furthermore, Kavir has never been shy about standing on his own with or without support. His identity is well-known in the community. You, on the other hand, have no such reputation. All you are known for is being a thief, a liar and an unjustifiable egomaniac.

No one who has demonstrated any understanding of the issue has come to your defense. They, like you, have been unable to provide any legitimate argument to support your position and actions. Relying on self-serving arguments that are not backed by legitimate evidence does not strengthen your position no matter how many equally-unethical people might agree with you.

They also probably share your lack of intelligence and ethics. Two racists agreeing that they think whites are mentally superior doesn't make them right. Two thieves agreeing that stealing isn't wrong doesn't make it legal. You and any unethical moron agreeing is no different.

Irrelevant. The popularity of Kavir does not invalidate his arguments nor do the actions of Cratylus or anyone else validate your position.

Except of course that I'm not the one making unsubstantiated claims about the origins of my code ir unethically attempting to give myself credit for other people's work.

You don't have the right to enforce exceptions when it comes to other people's licenses nor do you have the right to attempt to belittle their work by over-emphasizing your own. You're required to acknowledge the people upon whose work you've expanded. Additional commentary is unethical especially when the intent is to diminish the credit given.

Use of that "short piece of code" required adhering to the license. If you didn't want to credit them, you should not have used it. You made the choice to use it and thus by doing so agreed to the terms of use.

It makes perfect sense. By use of their code, you agreed to their license requirements. From that point forward, anything built off of that work is subject to those same requirements. That's why people scratch-build their code and don't simply work off the code of others. You did not choose to do that and thus you are bound by the decision you made.

It's an observation based on your inability to comprehend.

Of course it does. We base our self-worth on our perception of ourself and anything we do. Self-worth does not have to refer to financial possessions hence noting a game is "free" is irrelevant. Perhaps I could have used the term "self image" instead though since you appear to be confused over the phrase "self-worth".

I'm referring to your narcissistic tendency to transfer your own behavior to your perception of others. Instead of recognizing your own failings, you attempt to cite them in those whom you view as opposing you. Instead of admitting wrong, you claim to be a victim because to do otherwise would shatter your concept of yourself.

And which software is that? YouTube? Sim City? Someone else's work that you claim to have created? Oh wait, was it the internet itself? I've lost track of all the things you claim to have created which conveniently your name is in no way associated with whatsoever.

Last edited by prof1515 : 07-27-2010 at 10:10 AM.
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Old 07-26-2010, 03:40 PM   #16
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Locke.. as a developer, how do you get any work done when you insist on engaging in these long winded arguments which you never win, and ends up with not one single person supporting you in any way shape or form.

You are destroying / have destroyed your credibility, and making 100% sure that noone who frequents either this forum, or TMC respects anything you do, not that I have ever seen one single voice of support anyway.

Was the fact that you received only 1 donation on your 'empire of the sky' donator page enough to say to you 'this community is not interested in anything you say or do'

I dont mean this as an attack, just a statement of fact. There is no way it can be healthy or even remotly rewarding to constantly get this tirade of abuse. You are fast becoming the MUD equivalent of Dereck Smart who would claim he invented the wheel if he could.

Move on to where you will get the respect you crave, and yes, may even deserve.. but coming back here for a dose of abuse every month or so is bordering on masochism.
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Old 07-26-2010, 07:02 PM   #17
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

I orginally wasn't going to post in this thread, but I really can't stomach the thought of accusing everyone who doesn't agree as a "supporter" of KaVir.

KaVir has made it pretty clear that he doesn't like most of the games that I work on or the personalities involved in most of my games, but he has never "bullied" us in any way. He also was the person who found us to be in violation of TMS and TMC voting policies which were resolved. If he were a bully, he could constantly bring this up and drag our name through the mud regardless of whether or not it was an honest mistake or not. Once we remedied our voting policies on our games, it has never been brought up again. And in fact, we've taken a break from voting as a result of our own mistake, not because anyone requested it. That's what you do when you respect the policies put in place on the sites in which you decide to participate.

I find it pretty hard to call him a "bully", and I find myself really calling himself an "enforcer". People who break the rules never like it when they're called to task, but you either rectify your mistakes, reform, or keep on doing what you're doing and disregard the policies in place. You really reap what you sow, honestly, and if people call you to task for it, it doesn't mean that they're bullies. It could very well mean that you're treading on established policies, and people are taking you to task for it.

Bullies try to make you comply to their will for personal gain. Enforcers really just try to make sure the rules are followed. I really don't see where KaVir or Prof have any personal gain in this.
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Old 07-26-2010, 07:05 PM   #18
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

P.S. I like the random capitalization in Kavir's name, though. Makes it look cool. kAviR KaViR
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Old 07-26-2010, 08:09 PM   #19
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Oh, it's not August yet. Locke started early this year.
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Old 07-27-2010, 12:28 AM   #20
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Re: KaViR is a cyberbully

Locke, I think you might be more convincing if you create a Youtube video to argue your case, and I would be very disappointed if KaVir wouldn't man up and face the challenge for a real tube to tube rebuttal, and create a video in return.

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