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Old 07-21-2010, 03:41 PM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 10
Gatz is on a distinguished road
NarutoMUD Looking for Builders and Roleplay Imms!

NarutoMUD is actively looking for individuals to join its staff. We seek people who are interested in working on a team with others who are passionate about producing fun content, and having fun while doing it.

For a builder, we have a simple builder test which will be given just to make sure you can do simple things. Even if your skills are rusty, the test is pretty light. We are just wanting to weed out the flakes. In terms of required ability that we seek, we have a quality checking process to prevent areas from going in before it is ready, and enjoy watching builders of all skill levels come on to the staff and grow. NarutoMUD is built from SMAUG FUSS, so people familiar with that OLC will find themselves at home, people who aren't will still have a fairly easy time getting into it. A lot of our current builders came from players who had no experience building before, and I believe that stands as a testament to the ease in which our modified SMAUG OLC works.

If you get brought on, we have an interesting building setup. For larger zones, we usually chunk them out into smaller sub-sections and assign builders to them. Otherwise, we have two or more builders work together, with one taking a role of “Lead” on that project. Also, we encourage our builders to help each other out and share ideas. We're very open about our building process and like to foster a spirit of growth not just for the game, but for the ability of the builder as well.

Roleplay staff has a little bit different requirement. There main focus is to run special event quests and events, as well as encourage roleplay. Encouraging roleplay happens by holding workshops to help people get into the spirit of having fun with roleplay and offering guidance of writing player biographies. Roleplay staff will always be a bit more 'hands on' with players, making sure there are always interesting things happening around the world of NarutoMUD.

I hope some of you are interested in joining us! We love adding to the staff. We're a very laid back bunch, and NarutoMUD has become a home away from home for us. If you'd like to check us out our website is and our game is at, port 4545. You can always contact me at with “NarutoMUD” in the subject line. Thanks for reading!
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