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Old 09-15-2010, 03:18 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Name: Dare
Location: NE Missouri
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Need Help/Builders

Looking for experienced builders, new builders, or people wanting to learn how to build in a friendly and easy to use code base. Willing to teach if you're willing to learn and help with a new and upcoming mud.

Now a bit about the mud.

DareMUD, A TBAMUD code based off of CircleMUD that was developed from DikuMUD, launched Jan 31st 2010, and is run off of Home PC, was originally designed as the MUD that my high school mudding friends had always spoke of making. After a few weeks all of the original designers left, ll but me that is.
I was left with 30 some zone city, zone size ranged from just a few rooms 15 or so up to s full zone of 99 rooms. The city being to massive, and with no one to help me. In mid August I removed all of those 30 zones, well all but two. A maze of my own creation and a petting zoo that I had spent nearly a month building and scripting.
I started over from the ground up. I currently have 4 cities, each with only 33 rooms, 10 of which are Clan rooms. 4 gate rooms, 2 bars, 2 unique shops, a rent, and a few secret rooms for players to find later. Also I have 3 other zones outside of the city, a zone that is road that surround and connect all 4 of my cities. A zone that makes up the space between the cities. As well as a Newbie Exp zone, level 1-7. I have mapped out and and build three other Exp zones that have not been added to the world map, level 7-13, 14-21 and 21-30, or something close to that anyway.
DareMUD is, in idea at least a MUD unlike any other, it's not just another hack and slash MUD. It is going to be a MUD with more mob interaction then you can shake a stick at, and extra descriptions the way that extra descriptions should be. A place where a little splash of color goes a long way. No rainbow colored items that hurts your eyes to look at, and not just another black and white MUD.
While DareMUD does have the original zones from TBAMUD's release, such as The Realm of Midgaard, none of these zones are accessible by normal means. While DareMUD grows these rooms with surely disappear but the triggers, and mobs that were created within the, will remain in one for or another.
I had a few friends that were assisting me in the building of DareMUD before the deleting of the 28 zones that I spoke of before. All of them have either desided that Building was not for them, taken a break from MUDs, or have lost their internet connection due to one reason or another.
I am always looking for more Builder, or even just people to stop in and give me a few pointers/ideas. If anyone is interested in joining the DareMUD Imm staff, or just wants to learn more about DareMUD, please send me an email at , and I will reply to you at my earliest convenience.
All DareMUD Imms will be given one zone to do with as they please, 1 zone = 100 rooms, 100 objects, 100 mobs, 100 shops, and 100 triggers. I do not require a minimum weekly login. I do not place time requirements on assigned tasks. I only ask that you don't just disappear and offer your input and advise.

There is something for just about everyone at DareMUD.

DareMUD is a MUD based in the medieval times, sorry no guns, plasma swords, or other things not period. 4 classes, Magic User, Cleric, Warrior and Thief. Clans will be added sometime within the next year or so once a player base is established.

Find up on facebook: DareMUD
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