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Old 06-17-2002, 10:06 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 17
Ostoles is on a distinguished road
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Was wondering how many people are interested in an actualy position on a mud.  And if they are, they can take a look at my mud. heh.
Age of Prophecy is a highly fantasy-based game with role-playing that is
enforced. We are running on Rom 2.4b6, highly modified. Some notable
features that deviate from stock Rom are: an enhanced fighting system based
off of character anatomy, an advanced clan system allowing on the fly
creation and editing, enhanced weather system with player interaction,
a fully featured mining system, and advanced player creation. We have
over 225 spells and over 10,000 rooms.

If you are interested in helping in the development of Age of Prophecy into
the next generation of mud gaming please stop by and see us. Below are the
positions open and their descriptions, specific requirments, how to apply,
and the things to include in your application.

-Building using an enhanced version of OLC 1.81. Many additions make
building easy on Age of Prophecy. Code support is great in that if you
request something added to OLC it will usually be done within a day or two.
Your areas must also be written with a sense of RP. Also, no experience is
required as we will train those who require it. All we ask is that you be
willing to learn.
 How to apply: Connect to Age of Prophecy and write a note to immortal.
               Aim: Ostoles
               ICQ: 86937973

 What to inclue: Mudding experience.
                 Building experience.
                 Why you want to help.
                 Why you should be chosen.
                 Three sample descriptions that are of your own creation.

-Programing using the C program language. We have a wide range of features
currently and would like to add more. So with the combined efforts we can
create one of the best muds around. We do ask that you have some experience
and willing to devote time to your work. All programers are given their own
accounts on the system (p250, 196m of ram, 8 gigs of space) for as long as
they contribute to the development team.
 How to apply: Connect to Age of Prophecy and write a note to immortal.
               Aim: Ostoles
               ICQ: 86937973

 What to inclue: Mudding experience.
                 Coding experience.
                 Why you want to help.
                 Why you should be chosen.
                 Some sort of sample code that you have made.

-Anything that you think we might need and have missed here. We are always
open to new ideas so it would not hurt to talk to us about them.
 How to apply: Connect to Age of Prophecy and write a note to immortal.
               Aim: Ostoles
               ICQ: 86937973

 What to inclue: Mudding experience.
                 Proposed position
                 Why you want to help.
                 Why you should be chosen.
                 Description of the position and an example of how you would do it.
Port: 7000
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