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Old 04-06-2006, 02:39 PM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 10
Kaltez is on a distinguished road
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Okay, first off I'd like to say that I have years of experience with building.  I have built and played for many MUDs and I am currently looking for another place to build on.  I have gotten tired of the owner of my previous MUD never being around.  I have spent a little less than one year on being an Enforcer.  Wasn't liked much when I did that, but what enforcer is?

Right now, I only want to build for an EoD or GodWars because I have always liked the full PK action.  My main hope for joining as a staff member is to help get rid of all the stock areas and completely remake new areas that are fun.  As well as making areas more and more challenging with small mini-quests that are fun for the players when there isn't anyone online to kill.  I also want to help remake the equipment.  Not so much as clas equipment of like rune/crystal/chaos/royal stuff.  As well as artifacts.  But, of course, that is just an idea if you *do* want to change them.

I would also be interested in helping out with helpfiles that need to be added.  I have tried them once but was unable to really learn the simple commands due to that MUD going down.  Other places I have built on had a specific person who did those alone.  It was always tough to try and learn how to do something as a mortal when there wasn't a helpfile for it.

Anyhows, please, if you're looking for a builder or enforcer or any sort of help really, feel free to email me or reply to this post.  I check it about every other day, sometimes every 2 days.  Depends on my rl job for the week.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Kaltez17 for AIM
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