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Old 03-02-2006, 03:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 35
Brawndel is on a distinguished road
Hey guys! I have been working on creating a mud of my own for a while now... but I have to say that it gets old after a while. My reasoning for creating a mud stems from the fact that I can find no worthy muds to play. I take breaks off from coding etc when I can, and I would like a mud to fill my break time. I have been playing muds for around 10 years, and have triedmany many over the years! I find a decided flaw in all muds which I have come across, and I would appreciate your help in finding a world that I can call home for a while!

First of all, Roleplaying is ok, but I'm not the best at it, and there for I make mistakes. On a lot of muds I've played, I have been "told off" for going slightly out of char on accident. Now I can understand that people would like to stay (ic), and I don't mean to ruin it for them, but strict, harsh, roleplaying rules seem not to be so fun when they are enforced to a point that pushes people away.
Secondly, what attracts me most to a mud is a rich flavour of combat. I have been playing CarrionFields for a while... and though I think that the added skills added to different classes make for a fun environment, the combat is dull. You wound an orc with your chop, An orc misses you with his pierce, etc etc. Going in turn based round to round combat... which you can innitiate and walk away to grab a drink while waiting for your kill. I have also been playing GodWars2 for a while now, and while the combat is expertly coded, combat is the only thing that it has! No quests, no rp, just combat and pk... which gets old after a while.
Anyway, I guess what I am looking for is a mud with a rich world, deep combat, not so much relying on the rp to make things fun... but having enough other things on the mud to attract people.
I thank you in advance for your assistance!

Thank you kindly
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Old 03-02-2006, 03:52 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Aarn is on a distinguished road
Sorry Carrion Fields hasn't been floating your boat, so to speak!  If mandatory roleplaying isn't your bag, you're probably right to check around for others.  Although you might be surprised how quickly you learn how to roleplay well when you give it a bit of time - ofcourse first you have to want to.

Oh, and starting a fight and walking away from the computer is a good way to die over and over again on CF.  I might suggest that you've barely scratched the surface of PK on CF if that's your impression of it so far.

Anyway, good luck finding something if you do decide CF isn't for you - there are a lot of MUDs out there that I'm sure have more lax roleplay policies and a combat system more to your liking.  Not every MUD is for everyone!
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Old 03-02-2006, 09:24 PM   #3
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A'ight, well... Well... I'm probably not the best person to be trying to help you find a MU*, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Roleplaying... Thats what a MU* is all about, isn't it? However, it seems obvious to me that people can't exist in a strict roleplay environment all the time, when you just want to get out, and complain about your computer lagging or something. That where Akanbar is good, though it's got a somewhat small player base, it's much bigger then it was a year ago, and no ones going to jump on you for going ooc occasionally. Friendly players, and helpful Imms will help you along the way, and are free for a chat IC or OOC anytime should you feel like it.

Once again, this is where Akanbar stands out from what I see. Most MU* have a basic combat system, hit "KILL MOB" then just sit and watch as you slowly stab or wound the mob automatically without even having to do anything, asides the minor heal spell here or there. Akanbar however has a totally different combat format, which is easy to understand and use, as well as tatically and stratigaclly challenging. Rather then just hitting a single "KILL" command, each and every attack must be inputted by the player, but of course, there's so many different attacks that you can use. so if you get bored just swinging your sword at the roc, walk up to it, and knee it in the groin instead.

While I've never tried GodWars 2, I can assure you that Akanbar is not lacking in quests or RP in any way. We've several automatic quests, which reset quite often so everyone has chances to do them, and Imms who give out quests as wlel occasioanlly, to make sure no one gets bored. Fancy a game of CTF for some higher skills, or trying to answer a quiz for gold, it's all there.

Akanbar seems to me what you need, Rich world which is being updated constantly by our Imms, deep combat system, and plenty of RP oppurtunities and quests to help you along as well. There's always someone willing to help out, so come along, and give us a try, I'm sure you'll like it
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Old 03-02-2006, 11:08 PM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2003
Home MUD: GateWay MUD
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Earthmother is on a distinguished road
HEY! Omgosh! Come Try GateWay!

Ok, so, some guilds are kinda scant in the 'deep combat' department, so.. try for a spellcaster or a spell/melee combo guild. (For advanced mudders, I recommend DW's for pure spells and Vikings for melee mental concentration.)

Our quests are hardcoded, and they repop as they repop... most respawns on GW are under an hour, because we are basically Hack and Slash.

Role play is optional: if you want to be in character... go for it! If you stick to your guns, we accomodate that. If you prefer to phase in and out of RP, we're all about that. (We love our global channels.)

As for a rich world: we've got it. Allegedly around 20k rooms worth of both riches and death. GateWay is about EXPLORATION. It's not just about leveling. In fact, it is really very *little* about leveling, because... leveling comes pretty automatically.

We're different than most MU*s out there. At first, some people find us limiting, because your character is given skills by the guild you choose, rather than being fully customizable. Make no mistake, however; the world itself is the game. Your character becomes a part of a long tradition once you guild up, and start fulfilling your destiny.

You can drop in anytime, and so long as you've liquidated your assets before logout, you will be just as you left yourself. You will always log in to the GateWay room, and you will have to equip every day. This is a GOOD thing, because that's where your leveling comes in. And, at first, there is a) plenty of equipment in Contar's Newbie Chest, b) plenty of eq to kill for in the numerous Newbie areas, and c) players who are willing to show off by equipping you for a session or two.

I heartily invite you to check it out, if you are looking for a different mudding experience. It *will* be different than what you are used to... but it's a great diversion with a long history and a place for you.
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Old 03-02-2006, 11:52 PM   #5
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 35
Brawndel is on a distinguished road
Hey guys! First of all... I would like to apologize Aarn. I deffinetly did not intend on bad-mouthing carrionfields in any way. I find it to be an immersive game... with a lot of percs! I just don't find that it fit's my playing style. I have also never gotten into pk on CF, I have only exped on mobs... which maybe be in part my problem.
Also, Akanbar and Gateway sound like excellent games, and I will try them both out tonight! Thank you for the quick responses, and I'll give you all an update tomorrow night.
Thanks for your help
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