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Old 09-17-2004, 02:17 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 140
Amnon is on a distinguished road
That's right, and though there are no green aliens on ASSAULT: High Tech War yet, they just dropped a shipload of their technology on the innocent players of the game, unlocking a 9th technology tree!

To those who don't yet know, ASSAULT: High Tech War is a Real-time Strategy, 100% PK Mud (So 100% PK that there aren't even mobs), set in the world we are likely to make for ourselves in the next decades - a dead one.

Your goal? Creating your military base, then filling your arsenal with enough weapons to make sure nobody wants to come near you, while you blast your way through anyone who forgets to call you 'master'. War technologies range from simple guns and bombs, to nuclear weapons, computer hacking, vehicles (aircrafts, tanks, mechs, spaceships), siege weapons, psychic warfare, superweapons, and a lot more.

The game features:

* 130 Building types, split into (now) 9 technology trees, letting each player specialize in whatever specific method of combat they prefer.

* A true skill-based system. The newest player can, in theory, beat the most experienced player, if that newbie has an extremely high learning curve and great skill. Skill and Knowledge are power, power-leveling is not.

* Dozens of attack methods; hacking, bombs, aerial dogfights or bombing, superweapons, special-effect weaponry, spying, diseases (Like the deadly SARS!), sneaking... All part of normal gameplay.

* An Ascii-map world with millions of rooms, underground areas with changing terrain, environmental effects such as cold/heat and blizzards. Terrain effects much of the base efficiency, beginning with what type of defenses you can make to how fast you can escape the base or chase an attacker.

* Minigames, staff-run games and missions.

* MXP, MSP and MCCP support and usage. Right-clicking on a building on the map will display information if your client supports MXP. Hear the sound of your pistol firing, or the sound of an empty clip, if you have MSP. Play the game at over 90% compression rate using MCCP!

* An always changing and very original code.


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