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Old 04-22-2006, 07:52 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 50
Rhuarc is on a distinguished road
Tarmon Gaidon is a Wheel of Time based MUD that prides itself in being an environment that matches the world of Robert Jordan as closely as possible.

We have two announcements to make.

1: In July, we will be holding our fourth annual blademaster competition. This is a competition to determine who the best swordsman is on Tarmon and it is open to all blademasters, regardless of affiliation (although a valid RP reason must be found for attendance). While this is a blademaster tournament, the actual tournament itself is just a small part of the event. The event itself is open to all players, and prizes and quests mark each day of the three day event.

Prizes have not yet been announced, but previous prizes (for the tournament winner) have included your own player house, a significant amount of quest points (which you can spend as you see fit), a personalized Heron Marked blade, and more.

2: Our ten year anniversary. Tarmon Gaidon went public in November of 1996, so this november we are planning a big event & party. The details are still being worked out, and we are still taking recommendations and ideas.

So, if you have never played Tarmon Gaidon, now is the time to give us a try. These next few months are going to be exciting and full of questing and role play.

Stop by and have a look around, we are newbie friendly and look forward to seeing new faces.

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