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Old 11-29-2003, 03:32 PM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Kissimee, Florida
Posts: 3
raenac is on a distinguished road
We are still in the beginning stages which gives you plenty of chances to show what you can do.  Easy going team which has stable core group of immortals.  Not familiar with building but would like a chance to learn, come aboard, we are more than happy to teach.  
 Requirements for possible builders:
 Can dedicate at least a few hours a week to building.
 Good grammar a definite plus.
 Knowledgeable on the series, “Wheel of Time”, by Robert Jordan definite plus
 DISCLOSURE: Those builders who apply that do not already know the basics of the WoT world will be assigned generic areas until they learn more about the mud’s theme. (ex. Roads, forests, plains, etc)
 If you are interested please email  with (3) sample room descriptions (must be at least 4 lines long) and (2) sample mob descriptions (must be at least 4 lines long).
 HINT: A room/mob description should never force feelings or actions upon a player. Nor should a room/mob description “speak” directly to a player (ex. The usage of the term “you”).
 An example of a room description can be found below:
 Room Title: At the edge of Quarry Road and Emond’s Field
 Room Description:
 The hard packed dirt that make up the streets in Emond’s Field begins to give way to The Quarry Road just past the well maintained, green hedge that marks the edge of this village. The gaps between the houses on the side of the road become more noticeable, their thatched roofs standing much lower than even the lowest branch of any of the trees that grow between the houses. Occasionally, a small shed or sheep’s pen can be glimpsed from the road.
 An example of a mob description can be found below:
 Mob Short Description: a drunken laborer
 Mob Long Description: A slovenly looking man waves his hand frantically trying to get the serving maid’s attention.
 Mob Description:
 The expression upon this man’s face clearly shows that he is more than a bit irritated. His dark beady eyes are glossy and blood shot, though that is not surprising considering the table before him holds empty mugs that were once filled to the brim with ale. While one rough, callused hand tries to wave down the serving maid, the other sits atop the table clenched into a fist.
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