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Old 12-26-2003, 11:52 PM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 5
Elara is on a distinguished road
An upcoming RP Enforced MUD is seeking players for various starting roles to help facilitate the smooth functioning of its guilds upon its opening, which is tentatively slated for the coming Spring. We ask for them now so that they may be properly trained and have the time to become familiar with the MUD and its background, this enabling them to realistically play characters who would necessarily be well versed in the history and politics of the world setting.

Those marked as guild leader (GL) roles would require:
- logging on 1 hr/weekday plus some to make 8 hrs/week
- ability to keep all decisions and actions in character
- planning/hosting a guild event once per RL month
- acting as player testers
- participating in RP as possible when others are on
- keep record of all guilding, promotion, demotion, and deguilding

Non-GL roles would require:
- logging on each weekday
- ability to remain in character
- acting as player testers
- participating in RP as possible when others are on


King (Nobility GL). Ruler of Vargos, the main kingdom of the MUD setting. Head of the Church. Due to the powerful nature of the character, applicants for this role will be carefully screened.

Captain of the Guard (Civil Ordinance, non-GL rank) Civil Ordinance is the lawmaking, law forming, and law enforcing body of the kingdom. The captain of the guard serves as one of their officers on the law enforcement end.

Provost (Civil Ordinance, non-GL rank). Civil Ordinance is the lawmaking, law forming, and law enforcing body of the kingdom. The provost has magisterial (judge) privileges and is in charge of the prison.

Hunter General (Hunters GL). head of the common/mercenary army. The Hunters include these mercenaries, vampire hunters who fight the undead, bodyguards for hire, and, it is rumored, bounty hunters.

Flamen (Mystinnes, non-GL rank) The Mystinnes are a magic-using religion. In this setting, it is legal to be a member of this religion, but not legal to practice or perform magic within populated areas. The flamen is a high priest of this religion, devoted to a specific aspect of it.

Those interested and able to meet the requirements, please e-mail with the following:

4.E-mail/ICQ/AIM/Other Contact Info
5.What is your reason for applying for an opening position?
6.Which of the above positions appeals to you the most?
7.Please detail your Mudding experience. (How long have you been Mudding, names of specific MUDs you have played at, etc)
8.Please detail your experience RPing. (live action/SCA, face to face RPG’s, other roleplaying MUDs). Please include the characters or types of characters you have played, and any guilds they were involved in.
9.Please detail any experience you have as a Guild Leader.
10.Please detail any experience you have as an IMM or admin at a MUD.
11.Please explain your reasoning for leaving any of the above positions or characters.
12.Please rate your role-playing ability on a scale of 1-10. Be honest.
13.What is your most available time to come on the MUD for an interview? Please give times in EST.
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Old 12-27-2003, 05:59 PM   #2
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Name: Dan
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Delerak is on a distinguished road
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Still looking eh?
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