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Old 10-12-2003, 11:49 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Posts: 27
Noximist is on a distinguished road
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Hallo! I've not posted an ad in a while, so I thought I'd test the waters again. I have a tendency to write novellas in this little box, but plan to keep this one short. Famous last words?

I'm writing on behalf of A Dark Portal, a roleplay-based MUD that has been in development for over five years now. As you might gather from that statement, we're experienced, well-established (though not yet open), and not going anywhere. The MUD uses the ROM codebase, but essentially everything has been rewritten to create a detailed, vivid set of systems - our trades setup alone is worth dropping by to see, I like to think, to say nothing of the multiple forms of magic and the intricate (yet easy to use) combat system. For an overview of what makes our code impressive, please check our features list here: (or, if you're running Mozilla/Opera/etc., here: ).

To go along with this, we're also using an all-original world - it's rather big (over 6000 completed rooms to date, though not all areas are linked at the moment), and is home to seven playable races, each of which has its own lovingly-crafted culture and background. I'm desperately in love with what's done so far, but we're in need of more, as many of our beloved staff members have gotten caught up in that horror known as Life lately - so I'm turning to you, dear reader!

If you're the type whose imagination loves to run wild, I'd love to speak to you. We do have high standards for areas (rampant typos, three-line descs, etc. are not part of this world), and the world of the MUD must be considered when designing zones (Smurfs make Baby Noxi cry), but we make up for these things by offering some of the best building tools anywhere. Basically, if you can conceive of it, you can build it - we have detailed room/mob/obj programs, room/mob description scripting (so your descs can change based on time of day, weather, who's looking, or whatever you want), and even C++ softcoding if you enjoy dabbling in that sort of thing. None of these features are required... but they do come in handy.

Of course, we're willing to teach you to use all of these happy things, so long as you won't vanish immediately afterwords. It's only right!

Still interested? Do stop by! If you'd like to read up on the cultures/histories/etc. first, the website's available at (the PHP is currently broken, for which I apologize - we've just moved to a new server, and are still getting set up). The MUD itself is here: 7005

Hope to see you soon! I'll bribe you with cookies.

-- Noximist; half of the coding team, 1/8 of the building team, and about 100% of the interpretive dance team.
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