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Old 11-06-2003, 06:56 PM   #1
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What we are looking for are programmers proficient in the C language. Those who can write code from scratch, as well as feel comfortable walking their way through ROM based code. We apologize, but we look to create alot of origional code, and those with experience only in installing snippets will most likely not have the experience needed to aid us in the manner that we need.

While we cannot give too much information about our game, know that it is an original concept, very RP-enforced and extremely player friendly.

Send any and all questions my way and we can speak on a more personal level.

I await your inquieries.

Sojourn to the truth.
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Old 11-06-2003, 08:39 PM   #2
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Very mysterious! Ohhhh..heh
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Old 11-12-2003, 11:44 AM   #3
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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha.

*gasps for air*


Seriously, it doesn't work like that. It just doesn't.

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Old 11-13-2003, 01:03 PM   #4
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Unfortunately, I beg to differ.

The style I use does not work for many of you because, and no offense when I say this, you have a self-centered or inferior state of mind, you can choose which you think is more true.

I have already gleaned impressive amounts of talent from my post, and I am extremely satisfied with the outcome. If you all, and by "you all" I mean those that scoff, do not approve, perhaps its because you are unworthy of the offer.

A thought.

Until then,

Sojourn to the truth.
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Old 11-13-2003, 02:00 PM   #5
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I think it's more the arrogant attitude which people find amusing. Certainly, you're unlikely to attract any of the better coders with your advert - the only thing people can deduce from your post is that you're running yet another ROM mud. Adverts like yours are a dime a dozen.
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Old 11-13-2003, 04:47 PM   #6
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Nah, I think Sojourn has a point. I would venture to say 85% of the posts I have seen on the various mudsites are, in some amount, a flame in nature. Kids (or immature adults) who have nothing better to do than to flame someone who is honestly just trying to find some quality staff. There is *nothing* wrong with having high standards. There is equally nothing wrong with wanting to avoid wasting your time with the "riff raff" that come in when they see your advert. He is trying to wade through the crap and seek out truly talented people. So...I think it's less arrogance and more low tolerance for twinks. This advert is *not* like many of the others out there...most of them will take whatever they can get. He is setting a standard and sticking to it. I say kudos to him. Anyway, just my 2 cents.

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Old 11-13-2003, 04:58 PM   #7
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By insulting everyone who doesn't apply?

Then he's doing it the wrong way. There are thousands of muds out there, the majority of which are looking for coders, and the majority of so-called "coders" hardly qualify as such. That means that the "good" coders can choose from hundreds of possible muds to work for (assuming they're not creating their own already).

So if you post "We're look for coders for our ROM mud and we're not going to tell you anything about it!", the only people applying will be the "riff raff" - those who will apply for anything that might give them the chance to have an imm.

If you want to get the attention of good coders, you need to show them something that'll attract their interest.
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Old 11-13-2003, 09:04 PM   #8
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Old 11-13-2003, 11:54 PM   #9
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Old 11-17-2003, 10:26 AM   #10
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Old 11-17-2003, 11:32 AM   #11
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Unfortunately, the massive quantity of lousy snippetmonkeys and stock worthless MUDs has created a situation of mutual distrust.  In a hypothetical world where a truly gifted person were looking for a coder, and didn't already have their mud fully operational with a large playerbase, then their cries for coders would yield naught, as all the good coders would be forced to assume the MUD in question was just another stock.  At the same time, however, a very good coder who refuses to work for such a stock MUD, is **** out of luck unless they closely befriend an owner of a quality MUD.

It is the same with exceptionally good builders.  An exceptionally good builder refuses to work at a MUD if it can't readily prove itself to be worthy, but any MUD which readily proves itself worthy refuses to take on a builder who can't...

We all pay dearly for the bloody antics of the snippetmonkeys, the stock junkies and the "builders" who throw a few rooms together and then sit around abusing their magic immy powers

For a good coder, the only real solution is to create their own MUD.  But most good coders are busy people in RL.  I yearn very deeply to be able to just casually code somewhere, augmenting and perfecting an already finished world, but now that Aethar's closed down and my schedule makes creating a MUD from scratch impossible, there is no way.
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Old 11-17-2003, 12:50 PM   #12
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I do my own coding on my own MUD, so I don't have a lot of experience being a coder for another...

That being said, I kept a MUD up for a couple of years a while ago (coded with a lot of feeling, but not a lot of knowledge or skill at the time) and contracted a lot of different admin staffs to help me out.

For a lot of reasons, things didn't work out and I'm in the development process once again. But I will probably never hire another coder based on posting on a MUD site or anywhere else. I know a few people who I trust with my code, and those are the ones I keep around for advice or help.

One of the previous posters mentioned a mutual distrust between owners and coders; I've noticed this. Generally it happens with people who have no idea what they're doing and truly are snippet-monkeys, but if an IMP is so exacting and controlling, and has little knowledge of code or reasons why completely rewriting the combat infrastructure of a MUD might take more than a couple of hours, the anger and frustration can extend beyond the simple "really stupid 13-year-old patchmonkey" relationship.

To address what I think is the bigger point, and has been stressed rather strongly: you come off as an arrogant ass. If I met you in real life, I'd probably slap you repeatedly. And I pray (with my idiotic Christian beliefs) to God for mercy on the unwitting souls who try to work with you.

Maybe I'm wrong. Possibly you can be just as agreeable as the next MUD admin (*cough*) but you have so far demonstrated nothing that would infer this.

So as to being simple-minded and inferior...sure. Why not. But my head isn't stuck "in the clouds" of methane somewhere inside the nether regions of your ass either.

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Old 11-17-2003, 05:53 PM   #13
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Old 11-19-2003, 11:08 AM   #14
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I cannot believe this is turning into an actual conversational thread, but whatever, I mean entertainment is entertainment.

The truth of the matter is that I received some *wonderful* people, and I've had to turn away quite a few. Whether or not YOU found the post interesting, informative, worthy of your time, or whatever the case may be, we've attracted the attention of some unbelievable talent.

In truth we had to turn most away because too many cooks spoil the soup.

Unlike most MUDs, we now have a team of coders, that all work in sync with one another and I'm currently interviewing two more. All from this post. We ensure they custom code, give them test projects, and finally introduce them to our spread.

Now if you feel I was insulting everyone, well you are wrong in your interpretation. If you notice, I wrote the following:

Notice the "those that scoff". I'm sure you missed that, meaning its not everyone that doesn't apply, but those that saw it fit to comment negative. Please pay attention.

Also -

Again, notice no application of blame. It was a choice given.

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Old 11-19-2003, 01:11 PM   #15
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Perhaps your definition of "unbelievable" is different to mine, but as I said before you will not attract any of the really "good" coders with your advert. But as you're just running another ROM mud anyway, you should be okay with inferior coders.
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Old 11-19-2003, 02:40 PM   #16
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On Nov 6 you advertise for a team. Less than two weeks later you're already talking about the project like it's an established success story and all of the people who questioned your ad have been conclusively proven wrong.

I'm going to have to vote with KaVir et al on this one.

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Old 11-22-2003, 01:15 AM   #17
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Heck, even I'm agreeing with KaVir, and everyone knows that that's a lesser sign of the apocalypse. :-)

Truth be told, there are fewer and fewer amazing coders out there, and those that exist tend to be silent for years at a time, before they churn out something stunning and amazing, mind boggling, etc... I'm guessing, though it is exactly that, a guess, that the economy is partially to blame, since keeping your resume up with recent tech, massive projects, and renewed education is becoming more and more important.

Either that or all but the core of the uber coders are moving towards other arenas, for other reasons... *le sigh*
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