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Old 12-04-2003, 07:01 AM   #1
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Elara is on a distinguished road
An up and coming enforced role-play MUD is seeking players for certain starting positions.  Please note that while GL’s and co-GL’s are needed, other roles crucial to the smooth functioning of the guild are also available and applications for those are encouraged.  Due to a tendency of certain types of roles to be popular and highly sought, it is possible that an opening mentioned here may no longer be available at the time of inquiry.  The administration also reserves the right to give a role to the one best suited for it, which means placement is not guaranteed, but a reply is.  Open slots at the time of this writing are, listed by guild:

CHURCH OF VARGOS (main religion of the main kingdom, state-supported religion)
       Cardinal: GL position in charge of clergy.  male character.
       Priest: clergy, may hold Mass and preach to the public

CIVIL ORDINANCE (legal body.  both judges/magistrates and city guard/police)
       Chancellor: GL position in charge of Magistracy (judges)
       Provost: keeper of the prison
       Magistrate: magistracy.  a common judge.
       Captain: city guard.  Captain of the Guard.  a commander.  

HUNTERS (common army, mercenaries, bodyguards, vampire hunters)
       Lieutenant General: co-GL rank, in charge of handling discipline within the ranks
       Corporal: in charge of training recruits.

MYSTINNES (magic-using religion, mildly persecuted and cannot practice within cities)
       Grand Druid: co-GL rank.
       Flamen: high priest, devoted to specific Mystic (force), in charge of a temple

Guild leaders and co-GL’s must be able to:
1.log on five days per week for a total of 8 hrs per week MINIMUM as their GL character.  time as other characters is not counted.
2.keep records of all guildings, promotions, demotions, and deguildings to be sent to the guild policy immortals
3.plan and host guild events at least once per real-life month
4.act as player testers prior to opening
5.participate in RP

Non-GL start positions must be able to:
1.log on 5 days per week
2.act as player testers prior to opening
3.participate in RP

Anyone interested and able to meet these requirements, please answer the following questions in an e-mail sent to to be contacted with specific details regarding open slots.

4.E-mail/ICQ/AIM/Other Contact Info
5.What is your reason for applying for an opening position?
6.Which of the above positions appeals to you the most?
7.Please detail your Mudding experience.  (How long have you been Mudding, names of specific MUDs you have played at, etc)
8.Please detail your experience RPing.  (live action/SCA, face to face RPG’s, other roleplaying MUDs).  Please include the characters or types of characters you have played, and any guilds they were involved in.
9.Please detail any experience you have as a Guild Leader.
10.Please explain your reasoning for leaving any of the above positions or characters.
11.Please rate your role-playing ability on a scale of 1-10.  Be honest.
12.What is your most available time to come on the MUD for an interview?  Please give times in EST.
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Old 12-04-2003, 11:31 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Terloch is on a distinguished road
Putting the exact same post on two forums and reversing the words in the header is just plain annoying, please refrain from this in the future. You aren't looking for players, you are looking for staff, there's absolutely no need for multiple posts for this.
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Old 12-04-2003, 06:44 PM   #3
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Sereina is on a distinguished road
That's right, Terloch, it's also unnecessary, given that everyone always reads on at least five plus forums, yes?
If she wanted your opinion for posting, she would have asked. There is no logical reason for you to even offer your opinion.
In the wise words of some man or other... Shut up.
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Old 12-04-2003, 07:32 PM   #4
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Terloch is on a distinguished road
Right, and I'm a Board Moderator, thus I do have a "logical reason to comment", and this is someone who has two posts, both of the duplicates, so they obviously haven't posted here before and don't know the "right way to post things" on here.  So please, before you start telling me what to do and what to say and post, you can shut up yourself.
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Old 12-04-2003, 07:41 PM   #5
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Geras is on a distinguished road
Terloch, she is looking for both players and staff... look at the title eh. It belongs in both forums individually at least, and personally I only read the advertising for players board, not the staff board, and I'm sure there are people who do the reverse.
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Old 12-04-2003, 09:55 PM   #6
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WarHound is on a distinguished road
*takes off his pants* Aaaaawwww yeaaaaaaaaah!


With six slots on the 'Most Recent Discussions' section on the main TMS page, 2 posts of the exact same content will spam someone elses topic off the page that much faster. It's just courteous to wait awhile before posting that second ad.

I know I don't surf the forums here religiously, and I know many others do not either. But, I do look over the most recent discussions at least once a day.

So, everyone shut up, for it is I who is correct.

Eat a peach.
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Old 12-05-2003, 03:30 AM   #7
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Geras is on a distinguished road
Wouldn't waiting just be bumping your own post and just as bad?
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Old 12-05-2003, 01:12 PM   #8
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Terloch is on a distinguished road
It's not a general call for players, it's a call for players to fill staff positions, and it's a direct copy of the same thing that was on the Advert for Staff board.

If it was two different posts asking for two different things for the same mud, I would have had no issue and wouldn't have said a #### thing, but it's not...

- Terl
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Old 12-05-2003, 02:42 PM   #9
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Amnon is on a distinguished road
I agree with Terl. This post is obviously directed to people already playing the game, or people willing to come play the game to fill the needed position.

The game is clearly stated as 'Up and coming', and from the look of the post, it doesn't look like the game is even open for players and therefore has no reason to post on this board.

Just makes sense that a MUD that's looking for staff, even if it's player-staff, should post at the staffing board. And since the game is not even open, well... that makes the choice even more obvious.
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Old 12-06-2003, 05:00 AM   #10
Join Date: Aug 2003
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Geras is on a distinguished road
example: looking for someone to play a run-of-the-mill-priest.

that's a player. They're looking for players and staff. Since when are you not allowed to mention both in the same post?
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Old 12-06-2003, 01:22 PM   #11
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Terloch is on a distinguished road
I honestly don't give a rat's ass if a mud has two posts in the little recents posts box. The problem I have is when you take the EXACT same text from one forum, and paste it into another one, flip the wording around on the title of the post slightly, and pawn it off as being for two different things.

The two posts in question are for the exact same thing, in two different forums, and therefor not necessary.
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