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Old 02-21-2006, 02:43 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2006
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DarkOzma is on a distinguished road
I've been viewing these forums for a while now, never really had the urge to post. I mainly enjoyed reading what you guys talk about and so on. But...I had to register just to say this "Does Soleil ever shut up?". Dude she is like a broken record....she is so far up Medievia's ass that she is blind. It annoys me to see her post over and over and over about Medievia and how great that stupid MUD is.

Drop it...get over yourself...find something new to talk about. Don't get me wrong...these forums are cool and fun to read but Soleil ruins them by never shutting up. Hey Soleil...have you ever heard of something called sunlight or a life? Come on...try real hard to remember what those are....Medievia is not the best...its not your life and you need to shut up.

Read this again...SHUT UP....ok I will say it again because you are probably too stupid to understand it...SHUT UP! Now let that sink in and repeat it to yourself a few times...maybe more than a few times...but you get the point. SHUT UP Soleil....I swear you are annoying as hell.

And I know Soleil will make some long post trying to quote every little sentence and trying to make me look like a fool...whatever waste your time....go ahead, I encourage it. I will just sit back and laugh as you waste your time quoting and whining about me because I said something that should have been said a long time ago about Soleil.

I bet Soleil will complain to the admin of this site and get this post removed or get me banned...whatever....not my problem. Go cry to someone else Soleil....what a loser.
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Old 02-21-2006, 05:43 PM   #22
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Old 02-21-2006, 06:00 PM   #23
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DarkOzma is on a distinguished road
More like director of annoying everyone and brown nosing? I am done...enjoy responding to my post....because you have nothing better to do than annoy everyone on every forum you post on.
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Old 02-21-2006, 06:11 PM   #24
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mixologee is on a distinguished road
uh yea someone needs to get laid
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Old 02-21-2006, 06:16 PM   #25
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DarkOzma is on a distinguished road
Got laid last night....but I am guessing you assume that I am some fat pimple faced nerd, correct? Actually I am far from that, I am just bored waiting for my girlfriend to get off work. I bet since I said that, you idiots will assume that I don't have a job and I sit home everyday. Tsk tsk....what's next? Ha you will probably assume that I am a girl on PMS or some arab looking to blow up this stupid country. Come on....what else? Yeah I am in a bad mood....I am almost always in a bad mood. And I thought it would be fun to pick on Soleil...because what is she going to do to me...nothing at all. Because none of you can do anything, the Admins can ban me, but that doesn't hurt my in real life. So....yup....I don't care and its just online....none of you can do anything. So do yourself a favor and shut up? Yea...I said it...shut up...shut shut up. And yes I am being some what immature...but who cares? Does what happen on this forum or online matter at all in real life...nope...not ONE bit....nothing matters online.
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Old 02-21-2006, 06:17 PM   #26
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Yeah, that's true.  There're a lot of people here that can wear on people's nerves.

You've got to take every forum member in short doses, if you spend too much time listening to them you'll find you can hate most everybody on here.  Matt for instance.  He's an alright guy.  Sure, he can be annoying at times, but as long as you don't talk about "pay-4-perks" or that you don't like IRE, then he's not bad.

Same goes with Medievia, I may not agree with the whole code theft, but I that doesn't mean I nitpick every single thing Soleil does.  I mean, sure, she can be nauseating at times because she never admits faults, but we're all a little like that.

I don't want to appear biased, so I'll use myself as an example as well.  I tend to make sweeping generalizations and I rarely give up an argument, even if I know little to nothing about it.  This means I can be a frustrating person to deal with, but that's why you don't talk to me all the time.  Just do it in moderation.

I could go on for hours about each of the forum members, you get to know flaws about each one over the course of these debates.  But that's why these forums are so interesting.
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:53 PM   #27
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mudnutx is on a distinguished road
I have little time for Medievia or their shady past.

But I don't see any need for people to attack Soleil personally. She has done quite a thorough job of describing the clanships and has responded at length to questions.

I have never played Medievia 5 so I have never been on one of their clanships. But I can say that the MUD I am building for is yet to open; yet we have ships already deveoped to a basic degree. If Medievia has been open for approx 15 years then its "achievements" have to be put into some perspective; if they went beyond a console game and had a click-on mouse element to their ships I might be impressed. Otherwise, I have seen enough of thses ships before in SWR, assault 3.0 etc.
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