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Welcome to our newest member, sharmin
Mud Development and Administration
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Advanced MUD Concepts (26 Viewing)
New directions in RPGs and advanced concepts in MUD development.
by Viriato
08-05-2019 05:08 PM Go to last post
218 3,712
MUD Administration (38 Viewing)
General issues related to MUD administration.
243 3,086
MUD Builders and Areas (34 Viewing)
MUD building, area creation, writing skills and area storyboards.
171 1,579
MUD Coding (21 Viewing)
MUD coding, development and debugging discussion.
395 2,954
Legal Issues (17 Viewing)
MUD and RPG legal issues and discussion.
76 1,572
MUD and RPG Webmasters (13 Viewing)
Graphical / Web-based MUDs and general webmaster discussion.
by marisag
07-13-2021 03:11 AM Go to last post
87 514
MUD Players and General Discussion
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Come in, have a drink! The place to post about anything else MUD related, as long as it doesn't belong in one of the other forums.
12-24-2020 02:58 PM Go to last post
926 14,152
Newbie Help (18 Viewing)
Do you have a general question about anything MUD-related? Post it here and you're likely to get an answer from one of the best.
245 2,018
Roleplaying and related storytelling. This is your chance to be a bard of the realms. Tell us your stories, diaries, journals and adventures.
by IZDemon
01-02-2022 12:13 PM Go to last post
239 2,906
Introduce Yourself (24 Viewing)
New member introductions - tell us a little about yourself.
10-24-2020 08:38 PM Go to last post
302 1,520
MUD Humor (27 Viewing)
You have jokes and humor that is MUD-related? We'd like to hear it, so post away.
02-28-2017 03:25 PM Go to last post
59 734
Forum Games (15 Viewing)
Here's the place to play all those fun forum games, like Continuing Story, the Photo Game, Whats Your Favorite Rotten Fruit, and so forth. Posts made in this forum will *not* appear in the Recent Discussions section.
17 1,809
The Break Room (15 Viewing)
General discussion not MUD related - sports, current events, books, movies all goes here.
by Writer
07-16-2018 03:42 PM Go to last post
63 480
MUD Reviews (13 Viewing)
Reviews and impressions of other MUDs.
05-19-2019 08:36 AM Go to last post
25 89
MUD Promotions and Events
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Both administrators and players can post promotional material about their MUD here.
by Gralnak
05-23-2022 05:31 AM Go to last post
2,171 7,290
Advertising for Staff (20 Viewing)
Administrators looking to hire coders, builders, gods, etc, and people looking to fill those positions may post their requests and resumes here.
by daos
02-05-2022 12:30 AM Go to last post
1,071 2,113
MUD Announcements (23 Viewing)
Having a special event on your MUD or website? Why not tell the world about it.
1,272 3,878
Top Mud Sites News
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Announcements and suggestions specific to TopMudSites.
11-09-2022 10:49 PM Go to last post
44 407
Bugs and Suggestions (40 Viewing)
Please report any bugs you find on Top Mud Sites and post any suggestions you'd like to see implemented.
by markvrk
08-04-2020 03:08 AM Go to last post
150 1,485
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Top Mud Sites Forum Statistics
Top Mud Sites Forum Statistics
Threads: 7,840, Posts: 52,627, Members: 7,635, Active Members: 9
Welcome to our newest member, sharmin

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