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Old 06-14-2004, 01:48 PM   #1
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Wenlin is on a distinguished road
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For those that missed the old one (which is mighty funny and you should look at the older posts here on the MUD Humor forum), the quotefile is a place to post those wacky one-liners, short conversations, descriptions of rooms and creatures, and whatever, except long and drawn out roleplays. Make another thread for that.

I'll start us off, keep adding things!

Gabrielle waves her arms and utters the words 'lemonadus sanitium recallus deddeus'.

Kintara gossips 'Alright just to prove how old I am, and to prove my ignorance; How long ago did they fix the diamond shin guards so that they no longer went on ankles? ;___;'
Daegen gossips 'canada?'

Roric auctions 'a purple Music scroll, start the bidding at 1k'
Cadineal auctions 'I will take it for free, to give to a friend. The art of music should never be bought and sold.'
Roric auctions 'that is why Bards make money off of their performances? and who might your friend be?'
Malisk auctions 'The devil...'
Cadineal auctions 'You pay for the performance, not the song, and anyone who will sing beautiful balads is a friend of mine.'
Roric auctions 'never mind then I will give the scroll to a young bard, I hear she is well at performances'

You ask, 'Any more suggestions for low-level ground\fern monsters?'
Jerrel says, 'Moss.'
You say, 'But that's in the sewers...'
Quiven asks, 'slimes?'
Desdra says to you, 'elephant ear plant'

(After summoning 100 balls of light, and having them destroyed by Treikath)
You ask, 'But what if someone has lost their light?'
Elowyth nods at you in agreement.
You ask, 'And is without money to buy a lantern?'
Treikath exclaims, 'Time to start over..!'
Elowyth exclaims, 'Yay!'

Terloch gossips '*gasp* it's a Wenlin'
You gossip 'Um, yes. It's me.'
Kat gossips 'T, you scare me.'
Terloch gossips 'yeah, I scare myself sometimes too'

Kedoenn says to Ceran, 'I rather lose with my honor intact.'
Ceran says to Kedoenn, 'You losts 3 times... with your honor intact.'

Someone gossips 'How does I MISS a backstab when deys unconcious??'
Torvak gossips 'you trip and fell as you were heading to stab em'
Bortanous gossips 'You're aim was really bad, they shifted in their sleep'
Xasan gossips 'Cause you really drunk'

In elven, Elaesien says 'This place tends to be amusing at times... but this is just a little bit too much for me.'

Someone asks A lukewarm drake, 'So... dun you wish you was a cold drake... 'stead a jus' lukewarmies?'
A lukewarm drake says, 'Of course not! Those stupidheads are weak against those that use fire attacks to their advantage.'
A lukewarm drake exclaims, 'I hate that!'

You tell your house: 'Before you guys get rid of me, I want to arrive at the manor, riding a lukewarm drake and bearing gifts.'
You tell your house: 'My long blonde hair streaming...'
Raven's Warden Ceran tells the house 'Oh geez.'

Ceran exclaims to A street sweeper, 'I's sowwie!'
Ceran cries on a lukewarm drake's shoulder.
A lukewarm drake says to Ceran, 'There there.'
A lukewarm drake says to Ceran, 'It's tough to lose your spouse, but you just have to move on.'
Ceran gasps as he realizes what a lukewarm drake did.
Ceran shrugs helplessly.
Ceran cries on a lukewarm drake's shoulder.

A lukewarm drake says to A street sweeper, 'You could make your life mean something by sacrificing yourself to my ENDLESS HUNGER'
A lukewarm drake says, 'Er, pardon me...'
Ceran says to A street sweeper, 'He makes a good points, y'knows...'

Drylock asks, 'Also, where may I find a healer?'
A lukewarm drake says to Drylock, 'I'm a healer.'
A lukewarm drake says to Drylock, 'You're dead. I'm sorry. I'll tell your loved ones the bad news.'
Drylock says, '...'

A street sweeper collapses in a dead faint.
Ceran says to A street sweeper, 'Yous awful dramatics today.'
Aviere says, 'I don't think he's suffered enough.'

A lukewarm drake asks Aviere, 'How would you describe me, when you look upon me?'
Ceran says to A lukewarm drake, 'A mere putrid pile of cold drake entrails.'
Aviere says to A lukewarm drake, 'A useless lizard.'
Wenlin is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 06-17-2004, 07:47 AM   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: belfast, UK
Posts: 505
Shao_Long is on a distinguished road
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(sorry if those seem a little rude or something... we playerkillers are mean people =( also i don't know why, but the word h-e-l-l is widely used in the following logs, but it was replaced with ****'s :p )

Talking about names...

You say 'Tinildur.'
Tinildur says 'very homoerotic'
You seem to be in an agreeable mood.
You say 'At least you have the guts to admit it..'

Poromenos openly traffics:  selling lev2 half-orc thief with crappy stast
Poromenos openly traffics:  male
Poromenos openly traffics:  called Gheyseks

You are now ignoring Gheyseks.
You no longer ignore Gheyseks.

You openly traffic:  haha it exists
(it got deleted a few minutes after, though)

Daskwhore: Nivek, please help me out here. I can't find my corpse.

Nivek: Ok ok I will give you a hint....

Nivek: Its somewhere in the Realms

Artem: rename him to daskbitch, and then silence him if he tries to avtalk, since it would be profane

Someone: If it's profane, why are you saying it?

Trembyl: He wishes to be spanked.

Trembyl arrives from a puff of smoke.

Trembyl spanks you playfully.  OUCH!

Trembyl disappears in a cloud of swirling colors.

Someone: Trembyl spanks Artem playfully.

Trembyl: I refuse to admit anything just happened.

Artem: yes i agree, trembyl

Trembyl: Someone is making things up.

(daskwhore wasn't original name, of course.. guy got pcrenamed by some imm with a rather ... delicate sense of humour)


Vhadriku wars 'i care, really'

You war 'i do, too'

Vhadriku wars 'at least i'm getting a high-school education'

You war 'wow'

You war 'go brad! you are my hero now'

Vhadriku wars 'thanks'

Vhadriku wars 'i'm glad i can help'

You war 'my dog would beat your dog up tho'

Stradi wars 'how are you gonna use your high school education?'

You war 'he'll be a godly CODER on rod!'

Vhadriku wars 'no, i actually have a life, and can stop rod, to get a high-school education'

Stradi wars 'then stop it?'

Stradi wars 'who can't?'

You war 'rofl brad'

You war 'are you really THAT dumb?:('

Vhadriku wars 'no, because i play here for fun, after i do school'

You war 'you care why I play here?'

Faceripper wars 'I care'

You war 'harhar'

You war 'Thanks, Ripper'



Amante says 'you have the money to go to an internet cafe, that means you can't be a moron in real life'

Amante says 'so take the real life you and bring him to realms'

You say 'oh i sit here for free'

You say 'so nyah'

Amante wonders 'so you're saying that you're a wad in real life too?'

You chortle gleefuly.



The guardian of the games yells 'Ganzou has entered the arena!'

Ganzou says 'where is he'

You say ':p'

You say 'he is scared'

Ganzou says ':<'

Shaolong: lutemanii

Lutemaneii: Shaolong

Shaolong: you have challenged me to an arena battle

Shaolong: why i do not see you here, then ?

Lutemaneii: Whoops, I totally frogot

Lutemaneii: I went to the wrong arena

Shaolong: come here and get what you deserve now, lutemaneii

Lutemaneii: I don't want to!

Shaolong: be careful with your words next time, heathen

Lutemaneii: I know how this ends

Lutemaneii: I'll fight you if you don't wield any weapons

Shaolong: ok

You stop using Abhorrence, the lance of Dread.
You stop using Carnage, the scythe of Dread.

Shaolong: You stop using Abhorrence, the lance of Dread. You stop using Carnage, the scythe of Dread.

Lutemaneii: Coming

You say 'he never said anything about you, huh :p'

Ganzou says ':<'

The guardian of the games yells 'Lutemaneii has entered the arena!'

:Shao: 1234/1412 -851 491 HY S . ???  
You yell 'Help!  I am being attacked by Lutemaneii!'
Lutemaneii's pierce rips you!

:Shao: 1160/1412 S   * Lutemaneii = slightly scratched *  
Lutemaneii's pierce rips you!
You wound Lutemaneii!
You wound Lutemaneii!

:Shao: 1084/1412 S   * Lutemaneii = few bruises *  q heal satchel
You take a heal potion from a satchel of dark demon flesh.
You quaff a heal potion.
A warm feeling fills your body.

:Shao: 1184/1412 S || * Lutemaneii = few bruises *  q heal satchel

Lutemaneii's gouge brushes you.
You can't see a thing!

:Shao: 1158/1412 S | * Someone = you're blind! *  gouge
You do not have that item.

:Shao: 1158/1412 S   * Someone = you're blind! *  
Your gouge misses Lutemaneii.

:Shao: 1158/1412 S || * Someone = you're blind! *  
Someone yells 'Help!  I am being attacked by Ganzou!'
Someone's pierce hacks someone!
Someone's blast decimates someone!
Someone's pierce mauls someone!

:Shao: 1158/1412 S | * Someone = you're blind! *  
Someone's circle _demolishes_ you!
Someone's blast decimates someone!
Someone's pierce lacerates you!
You hit someone!
You jar someone!

:Shao: 824/1412 S | * Someone = you're blind! *  
Someone's circle MUTILATES someone!
Someone fades into existence.
Someone's blast _devastates_ someone!
Someone is DEAD!!
Someone is zapped by something.
Someone is zapped by something.
Someone is zapped by something.
Someone is zapped by something.
( HONOUR ):  Ganzou defeats Lutemaneii in honourable combat in Forested Strongholds.
Someone catches his guts in his hands as they pour through his fatal wound!
Someone yells 'Lutemaneii has fallen to the ground!'

:Shao: 824/1412 -851 490 Y S . ???  snick
You snicker softly.

Lutemaneii: HEY

Genge: Caps are fun.

Lutemaneii: That was not part of the bargain!

Shaolong: you never said anything about Ganzou's weapons, have you?

You giggle.

You openly traffic:  0v3rcl0ck yu0r BR3AKFA5T!!!11!!  M4D3 W/ a shiatload of SUG4R!!!11!  R0X0R OMG!!111  OATMeAL IS TEH SUX!!!111  EAT L33T!!11

You openly traffic:  Contact me for details.

Raiden openly traffics:  haha

The gods have barred your voice from channels!
The immortals are not pleased with your actions.
You shall remain silenced for 5 days.

... Few days later

You openly traffic:  0v3rcl0ck yu0r BR3AKFA5T!!!11!!  M4D3 W/ a shiatload of SUG4R!!!11!  R0X0R OMG!!111  OATMeAL IS TEH SUX!!!111  EAT L33T!!11

You openly traffic:  send tells for details.

Someone tells you '!'

Romani openly traffics:  Ick.. lets not do that again

Tarqal openly traffics: oatmeal does not suck!

Darshanin openly traffics:  Tade, don't be a dork

You openly traffic:  how can i be not-dork if i am called one 100 times a day?


Yoqh: i am invincible now, yesterday i definitely wasnt :<

Kerstin: pools......

Moonbeam: keep back peddling

Yoqh: however

Yoqh: i want to say "ha ha ha"

Someone has restored you.
Someone's backstab **** SMITES **** you!
..Everything begins to fade to black.

Yoqh: oh

Asaff says 'haha'

Yoqh: #### i knew i shouldnt remove my invincibility

Asaff: (50) Yoqh         defeated by (62)  Kali ... Forested Strongholds

LVL  Character                LVL  Character
(50) Asaff        defeated by (50) (Unclanned) Fatemyl ... New Darkhaven
(50) Farres       defeated by (50) (Surreptus) Eltecia ... The Umbrageous Ruins
(50) Asaff        defeated by (50) (Surreptus) Eltecia ... New Darkhaven
(50) Kededribaen  defeated by (50) (Surreptus) Ubasolak ... The Umbrageous Ruins
(50) Yoqh         defeated by (50) (Surreptus) Ubasolak ... The Umbrageous Ruins
(50) Yoqh         defeated by (62)  Kali ... Forested Strongholds

Someone: So, let me guess, NOW your invicibility starts?

Yoqh: i had it removed :<

Yoqh: for repairs and stuff
Lord Murak

You war 'MURAK'

Tarqal wars 'die'

You war 'Never.'

Tarqal wars 'lest I slap you with a tuna'

You war 'DO NOT be MEAN to newbiES'

Tarqal wars 'rot in ####!'

You war 'dieididiieiiede'

You war 'BASTARD'

Tarqal wars 'thank you'

Tarqal wars 'I never knew my father'

You war 'Lawyer DOG'

You war 'Meathead!'

Tarqal wars 'not really'

You war 'Yes really!'

You war 'Your "brain" is gelatin!'

Tarqal wars 'actually swiss cheese from all the meth I've snorted'


Tarqal wars 'and I'm missing part of the cartalige in my nose'

Tarqal wars 'do you know what it's like to see the world die?'

You war 'No but I want to'


Tarqal wars 'trust me you don't, it sucks.  To watch everything that matters shrivel up and blow away with the dust'

You war 'hmm'

You war 'what matters'


Salan wars 'can you stop shouting Murak'

Tarqal wars 'silence newb'

You war 'I am Murak, I am your GOD'

Tarqal wars 'do you know about the coming of the symbiotic equinox?'

You war 'Yes Tarqal'

Tarqal wars 'Tell me, what frequency are the men in the black hats broadcasting on'

You war 'Die Pigdogs'

Crysta wars 'you should be violent and fight this out'

You war 'I am your GOD don't you understand yet?'

Salan wars 'if you are a god why are you lvl 2'

You war 'Because I am GODLY'

Tarqal wars 'god moves in mysterious ways'

Tarqal wars 'heathen'


Mike: The gods have restored your voice.

Excane: Sweetness.

Futhark: have mercy

Rialian: mikey! getting in trouble again

Mike: always

Mike: uh

Mike: sykan is fat

Sykan: i ate to many mcnublets

Mike: Hello WORLD!

Mike: ?

Rialian: keri! ^^

Kerianne: hiyas

Mike: how r u

Knivel: lo

Mike: I'M A WHORE!!!1

Mike: er xchan

Kerianne: lol

Sykan: hmm

Dolerhyde: we all know that mike

Sykan: keep it to guild please

Catrynia: hehee

Lehi: #### HIM PLEASE!!

Mike: hey stfu :(

Rialian: lol dole

Mike: i meant to say that to uh, sykan

Mike: but sykan's a whore

Lehi: so is his mom.

Sykan: mike you ho

Ilsensine: Keep the whoring to tells please

Mike: k

Mike: sykan gets around

Mike: he's actually a grrl

Sykan: he is mike from the block.........and makes his way around it

Mike: i saw her picture

Mike: sykan is a grrl like avril lavigne

Dolerhyde: she wasn't good looking though

Kate: Ooo la la

Sykan: mike has boobs like pamela =(

Mike: she's okay

Mike: that's why she plays a male char

Sycoraxe: he seduced me, and took my ps2

Mike: cuz she's a lesbian

Sycoraxe: i mean she

Lehi: for a crack whore...

Mike: ya sykan is a crackwhore

Sykan: yum.......

Shadrack: enough now

You disappear into the void.

To escape Limbo, type a command or say "return" ...

Mike: lol

Mike: #### me plz

Sycoraxe: hey man watch the lang

Shaolong: mike is here?

Mike: hurr

Sycoraxe: to save the day

Mike: and i got my voice back

Shaolong: i hear you

Dolerhyde: his eyes must be blurry again from CS

Lehi: for a little while...

Mike: ya

Mike: and there were hax0rs

Mike: and i didn't have admin

Dolerhyde: the nerve of some people

Shaolong: hey miek dont brag, i just won x4 a row in warc3

Sycoraxe: he didnt brag u r

Shaolong: err die mr. lee

Sycoraxe: :)

Mike: die uh

Shaolong: k? thx

Mike: wtf is ur name?

Sycoraxe: artimus

Shaolong: it is HIDDEN

Mike: artimus (inserthomosexuallastnamehurr)

Shaolong: lies

Sykan: arty!?!?

Shaolong: lies

Shaolong: pigz

Sykan: lehi has something important to say

Sykan: with you all

Mike: i'll say it for him

Sycoraxe: lehi is the catalyst

Mike: he wants you all to know that he enjoys goats
Sycoraxe: who hates goa now

Mike: i <3 goa

Shaolong: i <3 goa now

Sycoraxe: bc of how we r represnting

Shaolong: i must level Mudak

Mike: lolz0r

Dolerhyde: we all <3 GoA

Mike: lord mudak

Shaolong: yes

Shaolong: brother of Lord Murak

Mike: oh

Mike: what class/race/sex?

Shaolong: uh nfc what race, malez0r AUG

Shaolong: its like steyr

Shaolong: aug

Mike: roflz0r

Mike: steyr pwnz

Sycoraxe: my steyer autoed

Mike: aw sux0r

Sycoraxe: omg so did deagle

Sykan: shao, create an auggie?

Shaolong: i have one

Sycoraxe: marc paid me 10m for level 2 deagle:p

Mike: well its called nighthawk now :(

Sykan: join, be cool

Shaolong: nod

Shaolong: level mudak 4 me, syk

Sykan: no

Shaolong: frown, whats min level 4 u:<

Mike: like 15

Shaolong: omfg

Mike: b lvl 15 nub

Mike: and we heart u

Shaolong: i cant level

Mike: omg

Mike: sykan is rubbing

Shaolong: what what what?

Shaolong: omg

Sykan: omg

Mike: Sykan starts to rub a strange sticky white fluffy substance on you...

Dabo openly traffics:  Raffling characters. Check bio for details.

Mike: its sticky

Sykan: mike got a facial

Mike: i'm 50cent

Mike: i got "shot" in the face

Mike: wherr r le rpers 2day
Mike: i feel like rping

Dolerhyde: u shoulda seen us rp in lounge last night mike

Mike: now that i got "shot" in the face

Daneloxe: Orc smash u

Mike: well i was not on last nite

Dolerhyde: we found the stupidest most dense person in RoD last night

Dolerhyde: and its not shao!

Shaolong: stfu

Shaolong: k?

Shaolong: thx

PK fags

You war 'lets pk fags=('

The gods have barred your voice from channels!
The immortals are not pleased with your actions.
You shall remain silenced for 1 hour.

Shaolong: i was silenced on my deadly:(

Mike: har har

Shaolong: for saying the f word,

Shaolong: (the one that ends in g)

Shaolong: (which jordan uses 10 times a minute)

Mike: har har

Mike: favoratismsimsm

Faceripper: But you are heinous and irritating, Shaolong.

Mike: pwnt

Thalasian: I can silence you on Shao just for fun too, for a week if you like

Shaolong: I bet you can

You tell Mike 'imagine'

You tell Mike 'i said, 'lets pk fags=(''

Mike tells you 'do it!'

You tell Mike 'and he silenced me=('

You tell Mike 'i did!'

You tell Mike 'on freaking war;('

Mike tells you 'i'll do it'

Mike tells you 'over avchat'

You tell Mike ':p'

Mike tells you 'watchz0rz'

You tell Mike 'ok:P'

Mike: lets pk fag0z

Futhark: indeed

Shaolong: yes, let us

Thalasian: For the love of..

You tell Mike 'did it work?:p'

That player is silenced. They will receive your message, but can not respond.
You tell Mike 'hilarious'

That player is silenced. They will receive your message, but can not respond.
You tell Mike 'oh'

That player is silenced. They will receive your message, but can not respond.
You tell Mike 'hilarious indeed'

That player is silenced. They will receive your message, but can not respond.
You tell Mike 'i make a log now'

several days later...

Mike: OMG LOL!!

Mike: shaolong

Shaolong: yes?

Mike: i can't belive you logged that time

Shaolong: which time?

Mike: when i said "lets pk fagz0rz"

Mike: over avchat

Shaolong: oh

<1447/1447hp -145An S 494/500wgt> -- New Darkhaven --   av smile
Shaolong: smile

who imm

-----------------------------------[ IMMORTALS ]------------------------------

:)              Conran. (Ascendere) [Head of Code Council]
Demi Goddess    Darshanin Vancour. (Dragonslayer) [Head of Quest Council]
2 players.

Shaolong: why you can't believe it?

Mike: bcuz i got silenced 4 it

Shaolong: nod, so?

Mike: LOL?!?!?!?!

Shaolong: yes

Shaolong: this is the funniest part about it

Mike: rgr

Mike: apparently some imms aren't fag0rz

Mike: and they aren't offended

Shaolong: should i add these last lines to that log?

Mike: sure


Morbol wars 'We roleplayed at the Lounge once'

You war 'excordis hq is good for rp'

Morbol wars 'Hail Sir Nashlin, how dost thou fare on this fine morrow?!?!'

Nashlin wars 'goddamit, wartalk!!!!!!'

Nashlin wars 'fuq vous, i like butts and i cant deny!'

Nashlin wars 'ooc'

You war 'ooc: who do you rp for, morbol?'

Morbol wars 'ooc good job'

You war 'ooc: i am robo-zombie'

Morbol wars 'ooc I rp for the uh, giths'

Morbol wars 'ooc or whatever race Morbol is'

Nashlin wars 'rp session is over'

Nashlin wars 'has ended'

You war 'no way'

Nashlin wars 'i'm terrible at this'

Melinko wars 'I WANT TO RP'

Morbol wars 'It's okay'

You war '*Robo-Zombie-X-ecutioner walks in, and says: I am Terminator four, fall to your knees or I shall terminate you*'

Morbol wars 'Keep trying'

Nashlin wars 'guys, i dont think i can do it'

Morbol wars 'I believe in you'

You war 'hey stop spamming, just do like i do'

Nashlin wars 'OK morbol, i will give it the bets shot that i can!!'

Melinko wars 'hi'

Melinko wars 'pkc members'

Morbol wars 'Oh yeah, robozombie!'

You war 'yes'

You war 'I shall terminate if you do not fall to your knees.'


Morbol wars 'which means your ass is grass, yo'

Nashlin wars 'I am Princess Nashlina, Warrior Amazonnesss of the High Seas over at your local McDonald's'

You war 'O-M-G, - the Robo Zombie says, - Alert, I am under attack. *A squad of heavy bombers kicks in, and drops a megabomb on Morbol*'

Morbol wars 'huzzah'

Morbol wars 'stfu robozombie, ur days are over!!!! lol'

Nashlin wars 'from now on, to address me you must my complete title'

Morbol wars 'I will call you Honeypot'

You war 'Princess Nashlina, Warrior Amazonnesss of the High Seas over at your local McDonald's, - says Robo Zombie, - fall to your f'ing knees or I shall break your head into pieces!'

You war 'ooc: btw morbol, what did you do with the megabomb'

Morbol wars '*delivers a totally XTREME punch to Robozombie's roxor chip*'

Morbol wars 'it missed'

Nashlin wars 'oh'

Nashlin wars 'down, forward, punch'

You war 'oh ok. *Grabs Morbol's hand with his XTERINATORZ mk 7-2DA45H, and breaks his bones*'

Nashlin wars '?'

You war 'yes, i've made a fatality'

You war '(ooc)'

Nashlin wars 'what the ####'

Nashlin wars 'i thought we were rping'

Morbol wars 'forward, down, forward, punch'

Morbol wars 'DRAGON PUNCHJ'

You war 'ooc - hold down for 3 seconds, kick'

Morbol wars 'You totally got your ass rocked'

Nashlin wars 'he has his ass cocked'

Morbol wars 'by my karate moves'

Melinko wars 'IC kicks you in the nads'

You war 'no, i did that flying bycickle kick thing, you are dead'

Nashlin wars 'double penetration'

Morbol wars 'back back forward kick'

Morbol wars 'I did that flying move thing'

Nashlin wars 'this is too intense!!!!!!!'


You war 'IC: activates mega-zombie power devastator shield, which breaks you into tiny bloody pieces'

Morbol wars 'that totally sucks and everyone always gets you killed'

Mumra wars 'Easy on the language there.'


Stradi wars 'oh sorry didnt notice an imm was on'

Nashlin wars 'mumra was waiting this whole to say that'

Morbol wars 'I always notice'

You war 'ooc: melinko, you are broken into tiny bloody pieces'

You war 'you cant chop anything'

Morbol wars 'ooc: penis and all'

Melinko wars 'on'

Nashlin wars 'what is this'

Melinko wars 'oh even'

Morbol wars 'but I have come back in xtreme spirit form'

Nashlin wars 'softcore gay erotica?'

Morbol wars 'There is no softcore gay erotica as far as I'm concerned'

Morbol wars 'it's rough, fast, and oily'

You war 'ooc: ok in the room we now have: ROBO ZOMBIE, and Morbol's spirit, and also a lot of bloody pieces'

Tarqal wars 'with bdsm thrown in!'

Tarqal wars 'or whatever'

You war 'there should be no porn, there might be minors here!'

Morbol wars 'I do the super freeze move'

Melinko: which is?

Tarqal wars 'are you like SUB ZERO?'

Morbol wars 'then I pick up a leg and smash you with it'

Morbol wars 'I'm like Smoke'

Tarqal wars 'ahh'

Nashlin wars 'you smoke da man meat'
Morbol wars 'zinged'

You war 'one of Robo-Zombies limb's falls of, and explodes, killing the Morbol's Spirit'

Morbol wars 'I am a spirit'

Melinko wars 'thats nothing compared to the way the sage of the mountain used to be'

Morbol wars 'explosions are like a tickle'

You war 'you are dead spirit now'

You war 'it was a robo zombie power explosion'

Melinko wars 'xchan?'

Nashlin wars 'this is terrible'

Morbol wars 'but I have the power of Jesus'

You war 'so what'

Tarqal wars 'oh no!'

Tarqal wars '#### christians'

Morbol wars 'so like'

You war 'jesus was crucified anyway'

Nashlin wars 'Jesus has no authority here!!'

Morbol wars 'I have made wine'

Tarqal wars 'can you clothe the ugly?'

You war 'i have that talisman from dh, i can create wine any time'

Morbol wars '*JESUS runs along the water, and when robozombie chases him he drowns*'

Morbol wars 'winner = Jesus'

You war 'no, i cant drown'

Morbol wars 'your wires and crap get wet'

Morbol wars 'and you die'

You war 'i am robo zombie, i am invincible'

Morbol wars 'game over'

You war 'no'

You war 'i am made of plastic'

Nashlin wars 'Continue?'

You war 'i cant die'

Nashlin wars 'this is dumb'

Morbol wars 'you must contribute Amazoness Nashlina'

You war 'agr morb'
Nashlin wars 'this rp thing has gone far longer than it should have'

Morbol wars 'I could do it for months'

Stradi wars 'make brad rp'

You war 'hey do you not enjoy it?'

You war 'yes, why brad isnt rping'

You war 'robo zombie got out of the water and smashed false-jesus-morbol on his face, what now'
Morbol wars 'I ask my dad to come'

Morbol wars 'and he rocks your face off'

You war 'hey i am robo zombie, i have no face, you failed'

Tarqal wars 'skull-buggery?'

Melinko wars 'robo zombie rusts and can't move'

You war 'mel, i am made of plastic'

Morbol wars 'indeed, and his wires and crap short out'

You war 'i cant rust'

Morbol wars 'oh you are one of those useless plastic robots'

Morbol wars 'so I just push you over and you die'

You war 'i am very useful'

You war 'i can make you die'

Tarqal wars 'use a crack pipe lighter (mini torch) and melt him'

Morbol wars 'useful like a fat person'

You war 'besides, i have just called air support and earth was blown into bits by antimatter bombs'

You war 'so you have all died, only i live because i am a robo zombie'

Melinko wars 'bye fags'

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Old 07-21-2004, 03:29 PM   #3
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Old 07-23-2004, 08:07 PM   #4
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Old 08-14-2004, 05:10 PM   #5
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You say 'who are all these people'
Ghost says 'sluts and hoes'
Ghost says 'its a party'

Carnage has lost his link.
Ghost says 'lets have our way with his unconscious body?'
You say 'eee:('
You say 'what is that way of yours'
You say 'that you perform with unconsious bodies of males'
Ghost says 'face painting?'

Lateralus clantalks 'I hate paladins'
Lateralus clantalks 'they feel fat to me :p'

Carnage wars 'he thinks he is somehow elite by doing the unordinary'
Carnage wars 'but it just makes me think you are stupid =p'
Wuton wars 'I think he is somehow gay'
You war 'i think you should die'

Carnage wars 'F*CKING EEL'
You war 'did it EEET you :p'
Carnage wars 'no it just killed me'
Carnage wars 'and swam away'
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Old 09-12-2004, 03:23 AM   #6
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