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Old 10-30-2009, 12:06 AM   #1
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Please Help Find!

I used to play a game known as Darkness Falls: The Crusade, preceded by Darkness Falls. DF was on AOL Xtreme games and Gamestorm; DFC was on the Mythic site along with Magestorm, Splatterball, and a few others.
This game incorporated several elements that put it above other text games and I'd like to find something as similar as possible.

1) It had a nice GUI; it was smooth, had health/fatigue/mana bars, a compass, idol indicators (explained shortly), and for certain portions a drawn-out map with a little red dot that moved and represented your character.
The lay out was as such:

[Tamia Local]
You are standing in front of a vine covered tower, dark stones
and blah blah blah blah, more description than I can remember here.

Obvious Exits: West, North, South, and Up.
You see Rashka, Tept, Solmyr, and Pestilenc standing here.

There is a pile of coins, a bronzed dagger, and a lustrous mithril golden dragon's
head spine on the ground.

Also there is Kosen, Blizz, Cuda's Corpse, and Mosch.

It was very easy to ditinguish what in a room was of which importance to you. You weren't prompted at every command what your health was, you could check it by typing "health" or "heal" for short, or simply look at your less-accurate health bar.

2) It was a race-class-guild system, depending on the realm chosen. For example, in Evil realm if I chose to be a vampire I was designating myself as a damage dealing class. The guild that I chose dictated the method of damage; I could join the Blood Coven and thereafter learn spells such as teleportation, lifedraining, etc. and use weapons such as staffs that had a spell attached to do more damage. Likewise, I could instead join the Nightstalkers guild and learn to hide often and use the drain ability as my primary attack, an ability that did a massive amount of damage but left the player vulnerable.

3) There was player-killing allowed and encouraged. It was realm vs. realm, as DAoC is based on it I'm sure you can imagine. There were Good, Evil, and Chaos. We would get together a massive amount of people and hop on a boat over to the other realm (typical boat ride ~10 minutes) where we could kill members of the other realm, taking their good gear if they hadn't gotten to change into "invasion gear" yet, or taking invasion gear if that's all they had on and we wanted it. It added an element of risk that made it interesting.

Furthermore, each realm had 3 idols: strength, knowledge, power. Each level you got a set amount of training points based on your stats (you rolled for your stats at the beginning of the game, we would sit and click the reroll button for hours on end for weeks to get the perfect stats before someone built an autoroller). These points could be divided as the player wanted among skills, and the skills would then translate into a percent. Toward the end my imp had around 300% Backstab ability. A strength idol would add 10% to all melee combat skills (backstab, berzerk, etc.) while the power idol would add 10% to all casting abilities (direct, tap) and some power to your total mana. Knowledge would add 10% exp gain. At a realm's peak, they would control all 3 idols from each realm, giving them 3 strength, 3 power, 3 knowledge, or +30% melee, +30% magic, +30% exp. Defense of these idols was fanatic.
That last also sums up the training system, which was nice. You'd go to train and a window would pop up with your skills; you'd click the one you want, click train, and it would train -- no wasting 5 minutes of real life time watching a spam of the same "lessons" being taught like in Achaea, for example.

4) Gear: there were common items that could drop off of whatever and would be of appropriate level to drop off of that mob/NPC; there were better items that would drop more rarely, and there were rare items that people would spend hours, sometimes days, hunting the same areas looking for. There were also invasion/special event items that only dropped once in the entire history of the game and if they were sold or glitched out they were gone for good, so the supply was everdepleting and the value of them ever increasing. These items were typically better than anything that would drop normally.

The items could have elemental sigils on them (weapon with cold sigil example, this is cold 4 and would add an extra 40 damage: Cold radiates from the iron bronze dagger.You attack the beggar with your dagger and hit for 47 damage! or without: You attack the beggar with your dagger and hit for 9 damage!) (armor with cold sigil *protection* on it would, with cold 4, protect from 40 damage: A cone of cold blasts from Tept's hands as you are struck for 138 damage! there would be a message of some sort indicating that the armor had protected y ou some from cold; otherwise this would have been a whopping 178 damage spell). In this way the items actually meant something, they were more than aesthetic. Also, they could come in different qualities, i.e. mithril would hit for more and was more durable (didn't have to go to smith and repair as often) than was steel or even alloy. There were enchantments that would make the item more accurate as well; shining < glowing < lustrous < brilliant, something along these lines. So you could get a lustrous mithril golden dragons head spine with earth4 sigil that hit like a truck (my fav weapon on my imp =D )The better the metal the rarer the item, same with sigil; for high sigils like lustrous one usually had to find a plain (no enchantment, only metal) version of the item and have it enchanted by a fellow player who played a class that could enchant.
Items could also have spells...i.e. For example, because it's been a while this is completely inaccurate in precise description but fits the point, I had armor that increased my agility by 8%, and on my Coven vampire I had a staff with earth 4 and a spell attached. It was like this:
You put on the lustrous mithril studded Draconian leathers.
You look more agile.
An earthquake shudders from the lustrous mithril staff of solid sand!
You smash the earth giant with your staff and hit for 127 damage!
A sandstorm shoots forth from the staff, enveloping your target!
You hit for 223 damage!

(Most classes wouldn't use these because you need melee ability and the direct ability, usually abilities that are not both held by a single class except the hybrids like Coven vampires).
As one may imagine, landing a boat in a foreign realm and catching someone in their hunting gear was exciting because if you managed to land the kill there was a huge payoff -- you still had to manage to make it back on the boat with the loot though!

5) Combat: it was not complex, it was not simple. It didn't involve lengthy combinations of kick punch garrote tackle etc. that takes 5 minutes as in, again, Achaea, but it was more than the Vagabond's Quest basic attack and see who does the most damage. There was no delay in the screen while moving so one could "run" as fast as they typed, which added evasion and chasing as a personal ability rather than character ability as they were based on your typing skill. Your attack commands were:
For melee, depending on class -- drain, berzerk, melee, attack, lunge, thrust, smash/crush, backstab (had to be hidden), pummel; I think that was it. Certain classes had certain attacks, all classes could use basic attack, lunge, thrust, smash/crush.

For spell: cast. All classes who were casters could cast, but had different spells. They also had the direct ability, which allowed the spell the chance to hit and included a damage modifier so the higher the skill the more damage/more likely to hit. Certain classes, the "pure" casters oriented toward damage, could tap. This meant if a spell cost 50 mana (spell cost = level of spell) the player could choose to allocate more of their mana to multiply the damage. i.e. Pain.V, a level 50 spell, would hit for let's say 150 damage. The average mana bar at level 50 was let's say 600 mana. The player taps 250 before casting, thus the total spell costs 300 mana and does 400 damage. Overtapping (tapping beyond mana available) led to damaging oneself.

Thus commands were simple but strategy was diverse.
Also, one could have let's say 300 total health and get hit for 450 but not die. One had to be first 0d (reach 0 hp) and then be hit again before they would die. This helped make the 0ing classes acceptable but not OP (such as Tapers and Backstabbers).

6) It was fast paced, I could type my way through 60 rooms in under 20 seconds pretty easily. There were many areas in each realm and a fourth realm designated as a high level PVE area where all could go and one could easily be ransacked by a group of people wandering around from another realm when stumbled upon.

7) PVP awards: When killing a player one was awarded "Realm Points", the amount based on level difference. At certain intervals one would gain a new "Realm Title" which would add a certain % on to all skills permanently.

8) PVP Punishments: If you died you could be resurrected. If you were not resurrected in a certain amount of time you "released" which means your soul is brought to a resurrection area, y our body brought there, your items left behind where you died. This process would cost you 2 points of constitution (which could be regained by "cure constitution" at a hospital, the price increasing with level and amount of con to be cured, could not be cured in increments) and if you were killed by an NPC it would cost you a certain % of your experience to next level. If you hit 5 con you started losing % from skills, and at 0 con were nearly useless until it was cured. Also, you could lose your valuable items!
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Old 10-30-2009, 12:07 AM   #2
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Re: Please Help Find!

9) Roleplay was NOT stressed, but if I found a carbon copy of this game where I had to pucker up and pretend that I was a 2.5foot tall imp from an unknown realm of existence jumping out of the shadows to backstab a troll for his entire health bar I'd still be willing to pay 10x what I paid for DFC per month.

10) Things operated on a timer; average attack timer was 2 seconds, base, and then added to by type of weapon being used or type of action being done (reloading a catapult took 9 seconds on the timer). This was based on agility; higher agility = faster timer. It could also be slowed by being stunned ("You attack Kosen and hit for 132 damage!Kosen is momentarily stunned!Kosen begins to bleed!"!). The "bleeds" as it were in WoW terminology were pretty simple; no memorizing the 4 uses of each of 34 different herbs to play. You had bleed, which took damage and fatigue; you had poison, which did damage, and you had disease, which took fatigue. At 0 fatigue you could not move from one room to another, but had to wait for your fatigue to climb back up. Amount needed to go from room to room depended on how much of your encumberance limit was taken, based on your strength.

11) Stats were pretty simple: Strength, con, agility, dexterity, intel, wisodm. Strength was melee attacks and encumberance, con was resistance to the 3 afflictions and also hitting 5 or lower was very very bad, agility decided timer, dexterity affected things like backstab and direct, intelligence affected direct and learning, wisdom affected learning and item prices at stores. When I say learning I mean spells; each level one got the chance to train the Research ability if they were a caster, then don some gear with +research spells (+intel, +research, +wisdom, no 2 could stack but different spells with similar effects could) and research from a spell list of their choice to gain a certain amount of levels in the list (You learn Afflictions to the 34th level.) or fail research and have to wait until the next level to try again.
Honestly, I could describe this game for hours more; the stats are not inclusive, combat not comprehensive, and I haven't even touched on the skills such as climb, jump, hide, sneak, swim, lockpick, etc., or how they are relevant as far as needing to be trained goes. I have not played this game since before it was shut down in 2006 by Mythic because they wanted to concentrate on DAoC instead, thus turning out an incredibly loyal and still breathing fanbase and I could still go on that much. I could detail how to navigate nearly every area of the two realms with which I'm most familiar, and about half of the third realm, maybe a bit more. I can still in my mind on my goblin go down to the shop, buy the items needed, and create a barrage of catapults to sit and wait at the docks for the ship to come in from Evil or Good. It's ridiculous how addicting it was and how badly we want it back.
Anywho....Any idea of a game similar to this out there? I would happily pay for something like it. Oh, and the GUI had to be downloaded, the game could not be played from alternate GUI or browser. And scripting was not allowed; macros were. for example, on my imp F1 was "hide&" (meant I hit F1 and he would hide, I didnt have to hit enter b/c the & symbol was there), F2 was "backstab " (space afterward let me insert name), and F3 was "attack&" (because it would automatically attack the last thing I hit, so I'd hide, backstab cuda, attack&, and if my backstab passed it would 0 him, the attack would kill).
Here's kind of an idea of what it might look like from oh let's say my ogre's perspective:

[City of Darikor]
You are standing in front of a large smoking temple.
Obvious exits: east, west, in.
You see Kothas here.
There is a bronze dagger, a small pile of silver coins, and a red bandanna on the ground.

Health: 370/390 Fatigue: 400/400
Mana: 170/530
tap 300
You tap your inner reserves for an extra 300 power points.
Tept just came in.
(hit F2 which was "Cast boulder.ii ")
cast boulder.ii tep
You cast a spell!
A massive boulder forms at the hands of Sandmann and rolls toward Tept!
You tapped your inner reserves for an extra 300 power points.
You do not have enough power!
You take 300 damage.You take 300 fatigue.
You hit Tept for 578 damage!
Tept is momentarily stunned!
Tept starts to bleed!
You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
You must wait 2 seconds to cast a spell!
You must wait 1 seconds to cast a spell!
Tep is no longer here!
[City of Darikor]
You are east of a large smoking temple.
Obvious exits: south, and west.
Also there is Tept.
F2 tep
You cast a spell!
A massive boulder forms at the hands of Sandmann and rolls toward Tept!
You hit for 178 damage!
Tept just died!
He dropped all of his items and money!
You gain 58 Realm Points!
You have gained a new Rank in your Realm!
Your new Rank is: Overseer.
You do a little jig.

In the game you didn't see your own command pop up, once you hit enter it just went through. I type it out as an example, a plea to any who can help, and I get excited just seeing Tept die and me get RPs again, lol. Seriously, I've been searching for something comparable for years, even before it shut down...If you know of something...hook a brutha up.


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Old 10-30-2009, 12:08 AM   #3
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Re: Please Help Find!

Sorry for the long message, and post 1 is supposed to be the reply to post 2, but that's the gist of it. Again, sorry for the length

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Old 10-30-2009, 12:09 AM   #4
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Re: Please Help Find!

nvm i've just never seen a board that grows upward before. my b.
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Old 10-30-2009, 01:50 AM   #5
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Re: Please Help Find!

No worries SteveO, it is a default setting for those logged in. Guests get it the other way around, so your all good.

Not sure I know what game you refer, but you might try God Wars, Archae, or Materia Magica. There are others that have similar features, but those are good starts.
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Old 10-30-2009, 08:51 AM   #6
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As long as you don't mind paying, it sounds like any of the Simutronics games will suite you perfectly. They even have mithril weapons But vultite and imflass are better than mithril, and there's enchanted stuff and wizards and RP isn't enforced though it claims you're required to be IC. It's got a huge community, multiplaying is not only allowed, but it's encouraged and the code reinforces it. Once you get into the game and decide you want to stick around, you can even go to one of the sales sites and buy a ready-made character, so you don't have to do the gruelling research to maximize a character from scratch (unless you'd prefer to do that, in which case stick with what you've got).

Basic is around $15 per month, there's premium and platinum that are more. They have special events that cost extra (discounted if you have the premium or platinum plans), but they also have "included in your plan" events for no extra cost. Like, big huge merchant events where you can get your "pair of black pants" altered to be a "eerily glowing pair of silver spidersilk-trimmed black trousers" or whatever else. And enchanters who will bless your normal, usually unblessable vultite blade so that now it can be used to kill undead. Other merchants who have nutty RP tools for sale, like a "halfling in a box" that squeaks whenever you push the button on your backpack. I'm making that up but it's just an example so you get an idea of the types of things you can sometimes find at these merchants.
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Old 11-01-2009, 01:24 AM   #7
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Re: Please Help Find!

Please stop by and try Primordiax when we release. Two of the game's designers are AVID Dark Age of Camelot fans, so obviously, we are inspired by the games we love. I WISH that I had had the chance to play Darkness Falls when it was out. Not only is that an awesome name for a game, it also was one of my favorite areas in DAoC.

Primordiax's combat system is based on weapon speed. We're not released yet, but I think you might find a lot of game design that echoes that of DAoC, which was inspired by Darkness Falls. Either way, it's nice to find another fan of Mythic's older games here.

You can find out more at the following:

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM or email me!
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Old 11-01-2009, 11:46 PM   #8
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Re: Please Help Find!

I've just looked over Primordiax and it looks interesting; how far from completion is it? The variation in casters seems slightly limited, but I am tired and haven't read as much as I intend to. In DFC your Elementalist would be referred to as a Wizard, exclusive to Good realm or the Realm of Niord. Evil's pure caster class/race was the Bael Elf Necromancer, Bael Elfs were necromancers who could join either The Fallen Sect, a healer guild with guild-specific spells and spell-lists, or the damage-based guild of which I do not remember the name; these could tap and had some devastating spells. In Chaos the casters were ogres and they hosted powerful fire and earth spells. I look forward to its release and I hope to try it!

As far as the Simutronics games go I pulled up the site the other day before I headed out for the weekend and I'm going to head there after this post before bed. Based on my post, any suggestions for which game would be best? I'm hoping to find some kind of a pre-pay trial program but I'll find out soon.

Thanks much and cheers, I hope I find what I'm looking for in these gems on knowledge!


p.s. I intend to keep checking here and updating on my findings, so any of you DFC players out there can see comparisons, and also so I can see if any more suggestions are made as well.
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Old 11-02-2009, 10:47 AM   #9
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Either Gemstone or Dragonrealms. GS has a bigger player base and I believe a bigger game world. Both have huge game worlds, however, so it's not likely that would be a deciding factor.
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Old 11-02-2009, 09:05 PM   #10
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Re: Please Help Find!

I'd give you the standard answer that a good game is never done, but we're actually opening our doors very, very soon.

The professions are extremely basic. They only create a framework for your character. Character customization comes from where you want to apply your training. The skill trees are open, so you can start with an Elementalist profession but happily train up your melee combat skills or your lock picking skills based on where you want to put your points. You can actually even take your hobby points and spend them on cooking (crafting), mercantilism (crafting) or healing (support). Professions simply give you a starting point and some basic powers.

Mythic created some of the best nuking classes in all the games that I have tried and played. I absolutely love so many of their nukers. (I really hated some of them, too, while they were melting my avatar's face.) Nuking for us works with casting time and specialization with different combat styles for partying or soloing. It's a basic system that is easy to learn but challenging to master. We'd love feedback in this area, of course.

Gemstone IV is their flagship game, but one of our devs has friends working on Dragonrealms. They say that DR is more RP oriented. Either way, the Simu guys make a pretty cohesive and fun game. I'm not really into the balance style combat, so I haven't explored very far.

Good luck and have a safe trip. I might find you to pick your brain about DFC. I really regret missing out on that mud considering how much I loved DAoC.

Last edited by Milawe : 11-02-2009 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Miscounted the number of Gemstone incarnations.
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Old 11-03-2009, 09:03 PM   #11
Dakhno Ivanovich
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Re: Please Help Find!

Yeah, Darkness Falls was pretty hot. The game I've settled into, pretty much since I stopped wanting to pay to mud, is somewhat comparable, minus some of the slick prompt options and whatnot. However, the game I play now has a LOT more creation options, much deeper customization... even though its more of a standard mud. Plus more roleplay, which is a plus.

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Old 11-14-2009, 05:46 AM   #12
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Re: Please Help Find!

SteveO i saw your post and got excited im in the same exact situation you are what was your toons name by the way i was Gorto anyways i would like to speak with you if you get a chance
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Old 11-14-2009, 05:34 PM   #13
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Re: Please Help Find!

Was Darkness Falls as PvP/RvR oriented as Dark Age of Camelot?
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Old 11-14-2009, 11:32 PM   #14
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Re: Please Help Find!

Yes, and there was alot of realm pride in darkness falls the crusade.

For example, once every month (I think) there would be votes held per race/guild and the people who was voted in was given a realm-wide chat command called Plan. It was used for times during invasions and defense.

There was idols just like daoc, pvp could happen almost anywhere in any realm. Actually everywhere but the sanctuarys (ress spots) for each realm.

So if you was out hunting in your best gear that no longer drops. Your doing so at a huge risk dfc, involved full loot pvp.

4 ships roamed the world of dfc. A player simply bought a ticket and could take a ship to a enemies realm. The last ship sailed towards a land called Kaid, realms controlled it on a schedule, maybe a week or two cannot remember. It was a high lvl land with items that would bind to your character.

To the guy that made this thread im sorry friend but Cyra will be your only hope. There are plenty of muds out there but most of them seem very dull in comparison to dfc. But I will list a few that I enjoyed playing as a former dfc player.

Batmud is ok, I cannot stand the combat system, how long it takes to heal is frustraiting (in dfc you just drink a bucket of blood to regain health if you was evil that is) Batmud does has a very nice mud client, nice map. But if your looking for dfc type combat you will find this one very lackluster.

Sharune is a good vs evil mud that has a similiar mud client as batmud. But again the combat system is in no comparison to dfc. Has a loot system kinda like wow, you could camp the same boss for a day and still not find that rare item your looking for.

Someone please give me back my attack timer and take away this silly autoattack stuff

Edit: Links

Last edited by warkeolien : 11-14-2009 at 11:46 PM.
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Old 11-15-2009, 12:01 PM   #15
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Re: Please Help Find!

Thanks, Warkeolien. I kinda wish I hadn't asked now. I loved DAoC so much I had to quit playing it. (Well, okay, and Trials of Atlantis made it way to EQ-ish.) DFC sounds like it was a lot of fun, and I never got to play it!

Strangely, the only thing I didn't really enjoy about DAoC was the lack of white hitting. (I had a new baby while I was playing, so I'd have sudden AFKs a lot. Then I'd come back dead!) Ultimately, I ended up playing a healer, and it didn't really matter whether or not I had a white hit since I didn't ever hit anything.

Did PvP happen between members of the same realm?
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Old 11-15-2009, 01:24 PM   #16
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Re: Please Help Find!

No, there was no dueling system. But there might have been times when a gamemaster would initiate a arena type area for best of guild competitions but I cannot confirm this type of event, although I have heard about it through rumors.

Combat in dfc involved a timer, usally 3seconds, truely depended on your agility. You choose every attack you wish to utilize.

Some races/guilds had some very unqiue abilities that I have yet see a mud go to such a extreme as dfc did.

I would like to list a few and how they were used in Dfc.

Breath-Lizardman Race only skill- syntax "breath warkeolien" This was a very devistating skill once you got high enough trains into it. Had its own attack timer.

Melee- Skeleton Race only skill (i think)- syntax "melee rat child" It gave the ability to swing both your weapons at two different targets located in the same room as yourself

Shapeshift- Werewolf Race only skill- syntax "shape" Every 5 or 10 levels as a werewolf you would gain a new wolf form, which overwrote your previous one. If you was the leader of the wolf pack, you could create your very own wolf name. Wolf form had superior defense and medicore dmg, but you was listed as neutral to all mobs. So you could roam anywhere freely without aggro.

If you have ever enjoyed soloing in a pvp game like, aoc, darkfall, warhammer,wow etc. Im sorry that you missed out on darkness falls the crusade. Nothing like invading a enemy realm and killing a person with uber leet gear that no longer drops. It just felt so more real and exciting in a mud, maybe its just me.

Milawe if you enjoyed playing a healer, and needed to go afk and such. You could sit in your realms sanctuary and heal players health and fatigue for great experience points. If you enjoyed being a semi-god pve character that could go afk with tons of mobs hitting you, could have played a zombie. They could only die by magic and regenerated health/fatigue very fast.

I could go on and on for days about dfc, but unfortantly it only upsets my stomach
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Old 11-15-2009, 01:39 PM   #17
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Re: Please Help Find!

Heres a couple of combat logs I found. Pvp in dfc was very very fast paced and gave a unqiue rush. This log is 2 kobold backstabbers vs a werewolf i think.

You fail to find any tracks from your target in this room.

<10:28:22> Hitormiss was disguised as an ancient dragon-man ! Hitormiss is uncovered!
Hitormiss backstabs you with his knife!
The Backstab is Unsuccessful! You turn and defend!
You are hit for 73 damage.

<10:28:22> You are momentarily stunned!
You start to bleed!

<10:28:22> Hitormiss attacks Ziorus with a poisoned weapon!
You are poisoned!

You must wait 3 seconds to move.

<10:28:23> Symbolz was just killed by Twig!

You don't see rk here!

<10:28:25> Hitormiss goes, 'Woo Hoo!'

You must wait 1 seconds to move.

<10:28:26> Samanoske was disguised as an ancient dragon-man ! Samanoske is uncovered!
Samanoske backstabs you with his axe!
The Backstab is Successful! Your shields are bypassed!
You are hit for 620 damage.
You are almost dead!

<10:28:26> You are momentarily stunned!
Samanoske's axe emits a shower of sparks into Ziorus!
You look slower.

You must wait 2 seconds to move.

You must wait 2 seconds to move.

<10:28:27> You lose track of Hitormiss!
Samanoske lunges you with his axe!
You shapeshift back to your normal self.
Ziorus was just killed by Samanoske!

Here is what it looked like when you looked at someone while there dead :-)

You see Amarice, the Female Monk Imperatrix of Kilan.
She is a Kilanese.
She is a Cardinal in the Army of Niord.
She is Currently Holding:
She is Currently Wearing:
 robes of inner peace
The mark of enlightenment
 bronzed leg bracers
A crystal eye
 glowing crimson feathered Avian boots
A white silk keikogi
A sacred gloves of the divine
She is Carrying:
A small gold signet ring
A brown habit
A chipped bejeweled chalice
A bloody raven's eye
A ivory snake bone
The blackened staff of mortal's bane
A shining gnarled redwood staff
A bloody manticore claw
A bloody manticore claw
 bronze-scaled dragon claws
A mithril bone white kissing blade
A potion of omnipotence
A feral veil of iridescent blue flames
 bright reaper scale leggings
The blackened staff of mortal's bane
She is dead!
She is lying down.
She is surrounded by a magical sheen!
She looks very blurry!
She is fronted by a glowing shield!
She has darkened eyes!
She looks extremely vital!
She looks more skillful in martial arts.
She looks agile.
She looks smarter.
She looks more skillful in evading.
She looks protected versus certain elements.
She looks protected versus certain elements.
She is surrounded by a circle of light!
She looks blessed.
She looks like a Holy Warrior!
She looks more skillful in perceiving.
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Old 11-21-2009, 12:01 PM   #18
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Re: Please Help Find!

I was Crucify, and it is very good to see you again Ziorus!

Well, to be specific, I was Sandmann primarily when I played Chaos, though I had an orc named Time, a lizard named Magni, a gnoll, and my goblin named Gollum (one of the ones around pre-bombs who helped, unfortunately, to get bombs banned by using them in Kaid with Sentinel).

In Evil I was Crucify, half of Satireii, and I had a few other toons...Andreas the Nosferatu, Matchello the Coven Vamp, and some others, as well as an upcoming sin/revenant combo that I never got to fnish because the game was cut short.

Yes, I know that Cyra will be my only real comparison and I hope it's all we wish for. At the same rate from much of what I've seen it will not be what we, or at least I, want. They're looking to add in many of the complexities of the popular MUDs out now (I'd play them if I wanted those features) and trying to make it very WOWesque. They are not implementing tap, taking out the nuking classes (half of the fun of DFC was that the nuking classes made it so fast paced, a facet which Mythic has perpetuated in DAoC to make it the most successful PVP out there as I understand it). They want to add in a way to make it so that you can't get 0d and just run off, which is retarded and provided many nights of shaky-handed adrenaline rush fun for me while I was playing (nothing like having an inventory of l337 gear or an idol and getting 0'd to start ya freaking out on your keyboard). The things that really mad you give a damn about the game....the loot and idols being two that seem to be persistant in Cyra....are not going to be present. If this new system is implemented in Cyra for blocking or 'engaging' as I believe they call it, then one may as well log off if they're in UG in good gear and find out there's an invader. There won't be testing the odds to get to the bank. At the same rate, there won't be late night solo or 2-3 person invasions with the nuking classes gone. No imp to randomly hop off a boat and set the whole realm abuzz, no wizard to jump off and tele and make you wonder, "How far away from me is he, how much fat and mana does he have, and should I be changing, logging, or hunting him?"

It seems like it will be a fun, stand-alone game for those who get tired of Achaea, Aetolia, Dungeon Age, actually, anything with a medi-eval or fantasy set theme that is a MUD. At the very least I think it'd be better to go with as close to a carbon copy of DFC as possible and then build from there, but starting on the other end of the field just leaves me not wanting to read the Cyra boards as every post leaves me with a deeper realization that unless I become significantly wealthy I will never again feel exhileration from a game such as I did from DFC.

And I would be happy to speak to any and all DFC players, my AIM (though I'm rarely on) is ZeroKelvin1134 and if you contact me on there somehow I'll give you info to Facebook me.

And Gorto, I remember the name...just can't remember what you were. But the name is definitely there. If I say revenant I know I'm thinking of Gator, if I say troll I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of the guy from Mortal Kombat with 4 arms, so I can't quite place ya haha
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Old 11-21-2009, 12:15 PM   #19
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Re: Please Help Find!

While I'm thinking about it and on here, I'm wondering how many of you may be bankers, lawyers, people with persuasive talents, etc.

The small remainder of the DFC community has for years been shooting down ideas to try to get DFC to be released to us or to be started again as a Mythic project....I haven't had the resources to come out with any ideas, but we have had a couple of people who have thrown out ideas indicating that they may have such resources.

Any ideas for the best ways to go about doing something like that? For persuading a company to let go of something that they once made money off of but are now doing nothing more than holding so no one else can get it?
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Old 11-21-2009, 01:24 PM   #20
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Re: Please Help Find!

Regarding your first post, you could give 4242 a try.

It has fast paced good vs evil group based pk and might be closest to what you're looking for.
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