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Old 04-09-2006, 04:38 AM   #24
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 8
sparky is on a distinguished road
The secret of Atlas

The secret of atlas is totally free, it laways has been and i will see to it that it always is free. Its more improtant to me to provide a good safe environment for mudders of all ages to gather in, than try and make a few easy bucks. Our player ages range from 8 to 50 years old.

Our special items are earned thru contests such as token hunts, and dm guided quests/games.

Once players reach full remort status, they are then offered special item tweaks based on how many times they continue to remort throught extra lives. So it does kind of put our full remort players in a class of their own with each one having his/her own unique strengths, and it gives them the necessary motivation to continue playing.

We are very stable, and have been around for a long time, and are constantly working on expanding and opening new areas daily.

*Sparky pats his staff on the back for their outstanding efforts over the years*
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