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Old 06-21-2005, 03:01 AM   #37
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Mississippi USA
Posts: 142
Iluvatar is on a distinguished road
I dunno, I'm just an old man who likes to create worlds and MUDs, but don't we provide an environment where anybody can be anyone or anything they really wish to be based on available choices? They do it because it's FUN! They are challenged, they have aspirations, they have MUD lives and way too often real lives insinuates itself into that make-believe world.

If we design our worlds where every woman has the potential to be Joan of Arc or Jackie Kennedy or Xena types and every man has the potential to be Napolean or Conan or Andy Warhol types, it's out of our hands and we can sit back and watch and learn how each settles into a role they choose for themselves. I realize you're doing a RP model Prof, but sheesh, how about enabling the base parameters and just let the players seek their own level regardless of gender. I honestly don't think you can construct ANY positive reinforcement tools for expected gender behavior within RP yet without making wrong assumptions.

Earthmom, you're simply amazing with the rhetoric and I applaud your comments and endorse the non-flame aspects wholeheartedly.

Fern, you busy next Saturday night young lady?
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