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Old 11-25-2004, 02:40 AM   #56
Posts: n/a
Look I've already explained how short-sighted and misguided I was.  I didn't realize how much I could benefit from this marketing opportunity.  You are preaching to the holy choir now.

Wow.  I didn't realize we could go in and actually touch them.  I thought they were sick.  This is great news and brings up another excellent marketing opportunity.  Maybe you thought of it, maybe not.  I am glad you are finally talking about the kids, because there's another great way to exploit them.  Hear me out.  Can we get get pictures of them with my mud's T-shirts on them?  Invite in the AP, UPI, Reuters.  That would be a HUGE two-fer.  Free newspaper advertising!!!  Just like what I thought this thread was about until you brought up this charity thing, which at first admittedly didn't make any sense to me.  But I see the light now!  

Oh no I was telling a little white lie, just like you are.  You see like you I do care about public opinion, otherwise it would serve no purpose at all in posting, and being a "good public mud citizen" would be a waste of time.  You simply cannot BE a role model without letting people know about it.  I mean how will anyone know just how great we are if we didn't shove it in their pathetic faces and do a lot of self promotion, prancing, preening, and crowing about it.  It's our burden as elite moral leaders of the communtity to do this without shame and unabashedly.... in order to goad, pressure, and shame the lesser more immoral members of the mud community into being better citizens just like us.  :-)

You can see the Bill Gates story touched my soul. No sense requoting it as I don't want to get choked up.

Oh and hey.. *nudge nudge*  Psst... More hits, more money, more players, more fun.  

I'm thinking Africa may have a lot of opportunity for charitable business explotiation.   Can we ship in some starving children with distended bellies and get pics of them playing our muds for food.
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