Thread: $ Info, le Poll
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Old 10-13-2002, 01:07 PM   #52
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Truthfulthomas: Ah, but there's a difference between "worthwhile traffic" and just "traffic", t-thomas.

Look at Achaea. They offer incentives to come here. Their pbase is 1/3rd, at best, of a MUDs like Dragonrealms. They manage to keep ahead of DR in votes by the skin of their teeth.

Do you think any players from Achaea will look at other MUDs after voting and getting their bonus for voting? I don't. Thus, it's not "worthwhile traffic". It's just "traffic".

There's a difference. "Worthwhile traffic" does what you described - but, there is also traffic that unethical MUDs generate, traffic that offers none of the benefits you, or others, have outlined.

TG_Hammer: That's why I offered my simple definition of what 'P2P' is. If you accept money for _any_ sort of in-game benefit - whether that benefit is playing the MUD or getting physical bonuses in the game proper - it is a P2P. If you only accept donations, and give nothing in-game in return, you aren't P2P. (Note that I said in-game. Offering t-shirts and such for donators would NOT be P2P under that definition.)

Furthermore, this definition makes it extremely easy to define and deal with P2P and non-P2P MUDs. It creates a VERY firm line between them - something that a MUD would be extremely hard-pressed to create a logical and sensible argument against.

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