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Old 04-22-2002, 11:53 PM   #28
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 31
Steiner is on a distinguished road
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I'm glad you understand what I meant AT, with the "gay" remark, I was being sarcastic in my explanation. Like I said, I'll try and be as sensitive as possible on the issue.

You're right, I have put a lot of thought into this... and more will come. You're also both right in the fact that for the most part this WILL be order driven. What it all boils down to, is a MUD like this, or any realism-based MUD is going to attract only a certain "elite" type player that specializes in history or the art of war.

The truth is, I had first considered above all creating a MUD based on the age of sails. Pirates, British, Spanish, even the fledgling Americans.. ect. This was a very feasable idea, since you could incorporate buying and selling ect. Point is ladies and gentlemen, I don't want something easy. I want something "revolutionary!" lol. I want people that never considered playing text games until they found out they could fight in an online war in many different field of battle, all interactive with other players. I want the players to come and say, "Wow this is completely different than anything I've ever tried in a MUD."

Most importantly I want something people will go away remembering and saying, "What a great game that was. Remember that time we were both shot down over enemy territory.."

By the way people, if you like my idea... contact me at Smokejumperjon on AIM and gimme your ideas, code snippets, tutorials, documented information, body parts, non-used condoms, and really anything else that can help me get this freak show on the road.
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