Thread: Bragvertising
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Old 09-20-2002, 09:57 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Well, that's also true with some Star Wars MUDs that are RP enforced. I ventured into one, picked a twi'lek (because the Official Character Guide [Revised]" mentioned that there were some..) and was told that twi'lek cant be Jedi that a noghri would be a better choice. (btw..noghri are lizard type but not Bossk he was a different race.). That would be akin to being human in a Tolkien MUD and being told Ranger isnt an available class.
But yea, there should be some regulation per advertisement that covers the "We're voted #1 in the world!" claims as well as also what their listings it's PK rampant but the listings say it's Restricted.
Speaking of listings, there should also be more different descriptive taglines about the Theme, etc. Take "Fantasy" for it "Conan" type fantasy or "Army of Darkness" fantasy or even "Dragonriders of Pern" type fantasy? Funny how some say RP Enforced and they're fantasy and you spend hours making, leveling, and equipping say, a half-ogre berserker, in a medevil setting, only to get mowed down by a halfling with a vulcan mini-gun and cyber-implants. Sure the listing said Fantasy but if nothing was said about futuristic items, etc, then the player sometimes feels like it was a waste of their time. Same goes for "Newbie Friendly" especially when your Newbie Status goes away at level 2 and Whoops! You picked up that canteen and it just raised you to level 2. Oh well.
Now mind you, not all MUDs do this, but still, there are some out there that just plain ruin a person's time when looking for "that great MUD" if they havent found it already. Just because some MUD has a 500+ playerbase (like Aardwolf which is just a MUD that could be stuck into a catagory called Twink's Fest IMO) doesnt mean it's good. There should be other considerations. Informative webpages, easy to understand help files (if any), etc. Just because 20 people kept voting every 5 minutes for 3 days straight, doesnt make a MUD good or the Best.
Anyhoo..I'm off to play around in the MUD I hang out in where though it isnt listed here, or even ranked anywhere in some MUD mag, imo, it's still a great MUD to be in.
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