Thread: Why so bitter?
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Old 01-22-2003, 07:26 AM   #23
Orion Elder
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 346
Orion Elder is on a distinguished road
Melissa, this is the answer to your problem about it being a community. He's out to benefit only himself, and by and large many of the other P2P MUD operators behave similarly. Can't have a community when so many of them are vultures, like Threshold, willing to pick off the weakest of the pack in an effort to get a step ahead.

Actually, I was making an observance. If I were attempting to insult you, I'd likely be banned from the boards as soon as Synozeer caught sight of my posts. I generally keep my temper in check, though. Sorry to disappoint you.

Let's see... underhanded business practice, willingness to step on those below you to gain any advantage you can... yeah. You have the perfect corporate appearance. You behave like slime, and are proud to do so. Your intelligence has little to do with it.

Good for them... what, though, does them charging the monthly fee in advance have to do with anything? I know I didn't mention it. Furthemore, I understand that there are costs quite well. But, in all honesty I really don't care. I am the general public, remember? To me, and many people I know, paying for a software then paying for the right to use that software online is a waste of money. If they provide a self-hosting capability within the game, so that you don't have to pay to play online, then I would understand. They very well may do that. I don't know. I've never played the game, and I don't plan on playing it.

I need no such thing. I can go out and make any suggestions I like. You may not like them, but you're one of the soulless minions that is corporate evil. #### DARKSEID TO ####! Sorry, inside joke.

Just to clarify to you... success is not always intentional. It can often come as a nice side effect or out of sheer dumb luck (anti-biotics, anyone?). So, your belief that only intelligence and good planning can result in success... well, it's simply not true. Occasionally some people really are just in the right place... or they're slimeballs willing to kick their grandmother down the stairs. Your underhanded attempts to hide from people that your game is free until they actually go to the trouble of logging in fits into the latter category in my opinion.

If you really want to know, a few of my clients are MUD related. I have done the work for them for free, continuously. So, we've established that i have worked for some people entirely for free (and I still do).

However, I find your habit of twisting statements to be somewhat annoying. Nowhere did I say anyone should be expected to work for free. I said if they play off the cost as 'just a piddly' amount they should be expected to work for free. The costs for what I do are not piddly, and I make it clear up front that it can be expensive. I don't know many businesses who tell their clients in advance "this can be hard on your pockets." So, if you were trying to test my moral fortitude about what I was saying... well, you didn't do a very good job of it.

First of all, I will point out that the number of free MUDs as far as I know greatly outnumbers the number of pay MUDs. Now, I will address your statement. You already have an extremely large amount of people playing P2P games, based on your statement. So, why is it that you need to take a listing from a free MUD, again? Oh yeah, I forgot. You're successful because you're willing to do what it takes. Good job. Can't wait to see which option you choose when someone gives you the option to murder a puppy in cold blood for a hundred thousand dollars. I get the feeling poor little Rover will have a short lifespan, though I could be wrong.


Yet you still feel the need to take those few players 'we' have available. Now, as I have previously stated... I do not particularly like P2P MUDs advertising using the ranking listing, but I can tolerate it. What I dislike is the P2P MUDs who hide or are not clear about they fact that they do take payments. If you find it so necessary to not make it clear on your listing here that you take payments, one must wonder why exactly that is. The most obvious conclusion is that you know without a doubt that you will lose incoming traffic. So you willingly choose to be deceitful about it.

It is widely free. We're talking options of places to play. Not players. There IS a difference here. Though, I guess I shouldn't expect someone who is self-proclaimedly successful to care about the distinction between a human and a game..

You just called everyone who does not want to play a P2P MUD, even those of use who run MUDs, the equivalent of a software pirate.

The personal PC could be considered a 'widely pay' field. So, I guess in your eyes the free-software movement is evil. Do you support Palladium, the TCPA, and the Fritz Chip, too? Are you a backer of the RIAA? Nevermind, don't answer that. I think I already know the answer.

It's not my God. You and your belief that anyone who does not like the P2P is a software pirate accounts for that statement.

No. You pay for advertising, you get advertising. You make note you're a P2P MUD, that you take payments in your ranking listing and the info page for your MUD, you're listed if you don't list it in your ranking list and the info listing, you get banned outright permanently (after a warning, maybe). That's what I would propose. If it's absurd to expect people to be upfront and honest about costs, then I suppose I'm just being absurd.

I'm sorry. Where exactly did I say that if you pay for advertising that you shouldn't get it? Please, point that out to me. I said you shouldn't take up space on the ranking listing, and that is only if you do not list in your info and ranking entry that you're a P2P MUD.

You really are this out of it, aren't you? At first I thought it was an act to bait me... but if it's an act, and you've been setting traps, you really have managed to fool me. But, I get the feeling it's not.

I'm done with this. You've made inane arguments, insulted the MUD community almost as a whole, attacked beliefs you assumed I had with no backing what-so-ever, and you still expect yourself to be taken seriously. That simply proves to me that you're far beyond the bounds of reality that most of us have to live in on a daily basis. Enjoy your dream world where everyone is rich and tosses money at you like it's on fire. The rest of us will be living in the real world... feel free to join us sometime.

Edit: I got so tired of responding to Threshold's drivel that I forgot about the bulk of his last statements.
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