Thread: possession
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Old 07-18-2002, 11:14 AM   #6
Neranz Laverani
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The States
Posts: 116
Neranz Laverani is on a distinguished road
Read the scenario again.

First, pretend there is some check placed on the damage a possessed person can take, to prevent vengeful, petty people from ruining the game for everyone.

Possible things that someone could implement:
Possessed people cannot die
or possessed people do not loose experience when they die

Person A wants a hard to get piece of equipment
Because possessed people are offered some protection, Person A talks Person B, his friend, into killing him.
Person A then possesses Person Bs live body (prearranged).
Person A then uses Person B's body to get the equipment because there is less risk now.  

If possessed people are granted any kind of protection, friends will find a way to use it to cheat. You can rule's lawyer me over the words and my example if you like. My point, however, is still valid.

Also if possessed people are not granted any kind of protection, then some possessors (IC or not) will first remove all of the possessed's  equipment, junk it, and get the body killed.  It does not take long at all to do that, so short times are irrelevant.  People are usually upset when they are pkilled.  You are offering the chance for immediate, essentially free vengence.  Even in IC games, not everyone will be able to resist that urge.  They will just make up a story that matches their self-gratification.

You are giving too much power to someone who was determined to be weaker in the first place.  Someone who was weak enough to be killed, shouldn't be rewarded with the chance to destroy their killer without working for it.  It reduces the need for cunning. You are saying that this would force people to think about pk rather than relying on armor, etc. I am saying that they already do think about it.

Neranz Laverani, Seeker of Knowledge
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