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Brody 04-22-2006 10:01 AM

Ever developed a character on a game, only to have that game undergo a crucial thematic shift that means re-visioning your existing character or starting over with an entirely new character? How did you cope with that drastic a change?

Brody 05-04-2006 02:45 PM

Hmm. one adjusted to theme resets? Ya just moved on? Didn't faze you?

Sombalance 05-04-2006 05:06 PM

Ok, I'll bite.

Theme is more of a concern when I am looking for a new mud. If I'm going to spend a week or so getting the feel for a game, then it needs to have a theme that captures my attention. That normally means well developed, but not to the point where you need an encylopedia to keep up with the in game/world events.

Once I'm actually playing a game, it is the interaction with the other people on the game that keeps my interest, both IC and OOC.

There are two types of theme changes that I've encountered. One that is a slight shift from the existing theme which can be roleplayed into the game and is just another part of developing the character. The other is an sudden end to one them (a historic/fantasy setting) to a completely different one (a space station). In that case, adpating the existing character wasn't an option - everyone started new.

In both cases players that tended to group/rp together tried to work together to make the change go easier.

I prefer RP heavy games to have some changes in the theme. War's end or start. Main NPCs move on. Injustices are righted. With the Players having some degree of influence (indirect) over the events.

For example: If the humans and the orcs are at war, and you have 5 times the number of orc players then it might be time to let the orcs win, enslave the humans and have them holed up in isolated areas in resistance to the orcs. Or there is no victor, only an uneasy peace with a move more to diplomacy than combat. Or the two races are forced to join together to deal with another problem - like invaders from mars with ray guns.

The alternative is a game that grows stagnant. I would much prefer change.


prof1515 05-05-2006 06:36 AM

If I was to look at the two reasons for theme change given above, I'd have to say that my reaction to the two would be completely opposite.

In the latter example, events within the game's setting prompt a "change in theme".  This is something that a good setting should encompass.  Things change, including life itself.  Our own world is dynamic, with events and the repercussions of those events constantly shaping and reshaping the world we live in.  A well-designed MUD world will be no different.  If a war begins, it should change the nature of society.  If a plague strikes, it should change the way in which people behave.  And it need not be negative events that cause such change.  Prosperity can bring about just as sweeping of changes.

Now, in the case of the former example, a shift of theme that seems more motivated by OOC than IC events, I would likely quit the game.  With me, there's a reasonable expectation that a game's designers have enough foresight not to require massive changes in their world in order to accomodate such changes in said world's events.  That is to say, if they're competant, they'll have considered creating a diverse environment that won't require they start over from scratch when events take them in any direction.

Now, if they've switched themes for even more OOC reasons, say from a medieval theme to a Star Wars theme, that's more than enough reason to never go near anything they work on again.  They should start a new game altogether if they're going to do that.

That's my take on it.


Brody 06-14-2006 07:38 PM

Bumped for more responses.

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