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Myrlyn 10-24-2014 05:32 PM

4Dimensions Haunted House
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } In the 1800's, Solorn Del'Vante was hung for kidnapping and torturing children, though nothing could be proven without a doubt. The villagers knew in their heart that the madman that lived in the Del'Vante estate, the man that lost his mind after his wife was murdered in that same house, was the culprit, so they took their torches and pitchforks, made a noose and hung Solorn from the wrought iron cemetery gate that surrounded his family's private lots. The villagers kept watch, keeping the police – and anyone suggesting Solorn could have been innocent – away from the body until they were quite sure he was dead. They then cut him down and disposed of the body – though no one really knows how or where. All anyone knows is he is not buried in his family cemetery.

Rumors have persisted throughout time that the house is haunted, and probably not just by Solorn Del'Vante as it was rumored to be haunted long before he laid claim to the estate. Off and on the estate is sold and someone tries to live in it, but usually within months, the person either leaves or is found dead.

You will find it's mostly mundane during the day, but at night, the nightmares come out to play.

*Please note, there has been a special item that has been added to this zone that can only be gotten this year. It is useful for ALL classes. Also, this is only put in around Halloween, so it is a temporary zone*

Molly 10-25-2014 02:30 AM

Re: 4Dimensions Haunted House
And in case someone who is not one of our regular players wants to visit this gruesome haunted house, the address is 6000

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