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Nardua 05-06-2013 10:29 PM

Seeking a MUD
Hello! I've been a long-time player of Achaea, and I think its time for me to branch out a bit. I'm seeking a MUD with a good to large amount of players that also has a pretty extensive lore as well, as I'm interested in role-playing more seriously. Combat is not so important, but it can be included as well. Thanks, all! :)


rendekar 05-06-2013 11:38 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
you should try roleplay intensive muds;


*extensive crafting
*some of the best roleplayers
*averaging 30-50 players online

the Inquisition: Legacy

*dark atmosphere
*characters increase their skill with roleplay rewards from the staff
*15-25 players online but easy to find them in game...

or maybe a completely different experience like Firanmux

*greco-roman setting
*pregenerated characters for the lazy.
*50-150 players online at any time.

Newworlds 05-07-2013 07:24 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Hello Nardua! If you are seeking good roleplay (enforced) and extenvise lore with or without combat New Worlds Ateraan is likely the place to go. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Very large community of players (Over 100 players constantly).
2. Staff and Guides to assist you in your creation and with plotlines and storyline.
3. Rich roleplay environment with nice history on guilds, races, politics, and religion.
4. Based on a book you can read online for an even more in depth and broad look at the world.
5. Large events to interact with other players.
6. Large variety of guilds and jobs. You can play a merchant or trader that deals nearly entirely in roleplay and creation without having to involve yourself in combat if you don't want to.
7. Commerce, adventure, intrique, politics, singular and group quests.
8. Incridble ships where you can deep sea fish, whale, hunt pirates, battle other player ships, quest, visit islands and other lands.
9. Houses, mansions, and even castles with servants, guards, storage, creatable rooms, and multiple features.
10. Numerous types of pets, guardians, and familiars to accompany you.

I highly suggest you start in the Northern Kingdom where you will be an immigrant and obtain assistance from other players as they tour you and work with you. Just make sure you choose that option.

Good Luck and have fun!

ForgottenMUD 05-07-2013 08:44 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Is it a random book, or one written by you? I checked your website but couldn't find the author name. Also, I got a 404 error for the comic book page.

js_wilson 05-09-2013 07:57 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
I can't even find the link to "The Light of the Path" :confused:

Jazuela 05-09-2013 09:49 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
I didn't see any link to the book, but a google search returned the Light ON the path (not of), by Mabel Collins. The only reference to the Light OF the path came from the Aateran website, with some goofy references to the bible about the path of righteousness.

SnowTroll 05-10-2013 09:29 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
It's a little hard to find. Click on the how to play link, then scroll all the way to the bottom. Then click on the picture of the book.

Jazuela 05-10-2013 07:56 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD

That brings up what appears to be a really REALLY long .txt file, with no pagination at all, paragraphs that lack paragraph spacing so it all runs together with oversized indents. It's not even an e-book. It's just a text file. And what's worse - there's no author mentioned, so there's no way of knowing who wrote the thing.

It doesn't mention who published it, where to find copies of it, or if Newworlds (the TMS member, not the game) wrote the thing himself just so he could claim his game was based on a book?

ForgottenMUD 05-10-2013 08:17 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD

Jazuela 05-10-2013 11:27 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Perhaps you worded it awkwardly but as I'm reading what you posted, it seems that the graphic isn't uncredited. It's incorrectly credited. It IS credited - it's credited to New Worlds Ateraan, and even copyrighted by New Worlds Ateraan, and even given its own title - Jempekian Desert Towne.

So not only is it credited falsely, its actual title was stripped and replaced with something else. If that is the case, I'd like to see that corrected by New Worlds Ateraan. If it isn't the case, perhaps an explanation will clear it up.

ForgottenMUD 05-11-2013 01:11 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD

Orrin 05-11-2013 05:02 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Having read it I can understand why the author would wish to remain anonymous.

SnowTroll 05-11-2013 02:13 PM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Copyrights are pretty serious business. And crediting the author isn't the issue.

Popular misconception about giving credit. It is NOT okay to copy and use an image created or owned by another author, even if you credit the author when you do it, admit to copying the image, and tell people where you got it (except for very rare excepions involving fair use that wouldn't apply to filching existing images and putting them on your own mud's website, for varoius reasons). It is NOT okay to copy and use an image created or owned by another author, even if you don't make any money off of the image. It's even worse for you if you do make money, and/or if you wrongly claim personal authorship of the work, but giving credit to the real author and making strictly non-commercial use of the work doesn't protect you.

If you don't have the copyright owner's permission when you copy their creative work, you're infringing the copyright. If you're caught and someone brings suit, that can potentially be serious money. The reason nobody heavily polices personal websites (like those of hobbyiest mud owners) is because they don't have much money. There's no money in suing somebody who can't pay you. But there are companies out there that use webcrawlers to search the internet and find images being used without permission, that will send you angry letters demanding payment for use of the image, under threat of suit. (They'll also contact your web provider and have your website or various images taken down.) They can win a lawsuit against you, pretty easily, even if you properly credit the author and don't make any money from the image.

Stop stealing from the internet. It's not free to use just because you found it on some website.

Verbannon 05-13-2013 09:58 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
What do you mean by a 'good amount of payers'?

Errigour 05-19-2013 05:11 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
I am gonna make a post about a mud I play port 4000 check it out you can store equipment and mail equipment to other characters you can purcahse houses and clans its got a multi class system and its pretty straight forward.

ShaLeah 05-24-2013 11:02 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
If you want roleplay intensive, try .
Read the docs, it'll help.

Elriic 05-26-2013 05:39 AM

Re: Seeking a MUD
Good morning, I would strongly recommend that you take a peak at .

I've been a player on and off in Dragonrealms since its inception on the GEnie service, through its being available on AOL, and through it's conversion to a purely web based game.

Some of the better features of Dragonrealms:

- Its over 18 years old with huge story arcs which reach back throughout game history and lore as well as constantly evolving stories you can be as much or as little involved in. Including some pretty epic wars over the long years of the game's life.

- A staff of developers and events GameMasters whom are all former players of the game themselves and are highly invested in seeing the game become successful due to their own ties with the player community.

- A completely custom and extremely powerful gaming engine. This isn't based on some software package that's been modified. It was built by the company and is maintained by the company exclusively for their use with a proprietary programming language that gives its developers pretty much unlimited flexibility. If they can think of it, they can develop it.

- Enforced Role Playing. You won't find guys randomly talking about what's on TV in this game. People are encouraged and are motivated to stay in character. And again, the lore is so rich, and heavily developed both by the players and by the staff is not hard to do.

- During prime time, (and this isn't an exaggeration) there are hundreds of players online at once in the game. Checking out DR does not mean you are that lone action figure in the middle of your living room. A good portion of the player base has been playing for over a decade or more. Hell, I'm one of the original players myself.

- A heavily developed crafting system. The beauty of this game in my opinion has always been that the best gear in the game is stuff created by players themselves. Already very complex and powerful forging, engineering, and outfitting societies are available, with alchemy and enchanting societies under development for release this year.

- Ten different classes, Ten different races, again with their own rich lore and language and cultures. The classes are balanced, and the PVE and PVP environments are fantastically well controlled and blended. If you never want to fight another player you don't have to. If you do, there are avenues for you to do so. The GameMaster staff has always taken very serious measures to prevent griefing.

- Huge festivals, big parties, player organized orders, militias, and more!

- Custom developed User interfaces created both by the company (Simutronics) and by players themselves give you the opportunity to make the game feel like whatever you want it to.

There's really so much to experience. If you want to play a text based game, your imagination hasn't atrophied or rotted away yet, or you're new to the whole experience, come visit today!

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