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Ginger 03-28-2013 10:09 AM

Looking for a Mud to Play
Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking here for some years off and on and having been mudding for a long time. I went to graphical games like WoW, Star Wars etc but now find myself back at text based as that is where I find the most satisfying rp.

I am looking for a mud that is active during European time.

I have enjoyed Threshold and New Worlds, but have usually either had to wake up really early or stay up really late to get rp and that just does not cut it anymore for me anymore. I play Aardwolf which is filled with people but I can't see any rp at all.

So... any ideas for me that meets between the spectrums of rp and hack and slash that have players in Euro time and IMMs awake at the time.


Tristan1992 03-28-2013 03:34 PM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
MUME maybe? In Switzerland. RP would be Tolkien based as the MUD is.

Ginger 03-29-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Thank you for the information.

I was looking for something different, not hobbit related. I like how Threshold and New Worlds are set up as well as Aardwolf, rp with hackem slashem.

Sometimes I want to rp and other times I just want to kill things and quest.

Thanks again.

Ginger 03-31-2013 02:49 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Just wanted to add that I found this mud called Lensmoor. I never really heard of it before but it seems interesting. It has remorting like Aardwolf which is interesting to me. There is some rp, which I like and there seems to be questing and crafting which I never really did in a text based mud. Though there are not many folks in my time zone, but the people there who are in my timezone do not seem to be afking which was an issue for me in some of the other games.

So I am giving it a try. So far so good. :p

Lorana 03-31-2013 07:09 PM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Hey Ginger, we're not officially open yet, but End of Time might fit your bill. We're Final Fantasy based and do have European players. I can't guarantee an imm will be on and we don't have a huge playerbase right now because we are still in beta, but I do see our European players online when I am quite often! We are RP-encouraged, but there's plenty of leveling to be done with mob kills.

Ginger 04-01-2013 04:22 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Thank Lorana,

I will check it out. I guess I do not need Imms awake :) Just something to do and imms who are accessible and involved in the game not that I have ever had to talk to an imm in my whole gaming life except 1 or 2 times. I almost do not know why I put that. :)

Thank you.

Newworlds 04-01-2013 11:00 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Hi Ginger,

Glad you enjoy New Worlds Ateraan. There is a MUD out of Finland that might have a larger playerbase during your hours that you could also play. It is called BatMud. It's sort of like Aardwulf in the hack and slash genre, but I believe (not possitive) it has some roleplay elements too. Large playerbase like NWA anyways.

Ginger 04-01-2013 12:37 PM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Thank you New Worlds,

I use to play BatMud a long time ago. I do not remember any rp. But I will check it out again.

Verbannon 04-02-2013 12:17 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
For gameplay it sounds like Shadowgate is close to what you want for times, its hard to say. Most of the imms seem to be European or Australian. And a number of the players. But here are only two peaks, only one hits around like Noon GMT, non-peak the player base is only like at the moment between six and ten people on at a time.

dark acacia 04-02-2013 03:06 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
A caveat concerning Shadowgate: one prominent player told me that the game's RP culture could be described as an "arms race." Max level helps protect you from PvP, and also allows you to party since there are strict rules concerning party levels, which means a lot of early- to mid-game soloing.

Verbannon 04-02-2013 08:59 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
PK protection is now a strict as party levels so you are free to spend as much time at low to mid levels just RPing as you want. Though Arms Race is possibly a good way to describe some of it. Some players do view newbies as nothing more then a resource to be used in attaining their own goals. But nothing is perfect.

Ginger 04-02-2013 10:25 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Thank you both for the information.

Izlord 04-02-2013 10:34 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Eternity's Trials

Newworlds 04-03-2013 11:07 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
You're welcome! Let me know if they have RP. I could have sworn they did when I was there, but maybe I'm thinking of another MUD.

dark acacia 04-04-2013 12:10 PM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
BatMUD wasn't RP enforced or encouraged, but there might have been little groups on and off who roleplayed on their own.

Newworlds 04-08-2013 11:51 AM

Re: Looking for a Mud to Play
Thanks for the update. I think it was a community that did that then.

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