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paul1229 07-17-2012 11:32 PM

Return to Mudding
Hello, my name is Paul. Finally after 2 weeks I am validated and able to post. Thought it was a 30 second process, guess not. Anyway, I'm here to introduce myself to the mud community and also hoping to find a mud to call home.
I've played everything from WoW, runescape to D3 to Browser Based MMORPG. Those are all fun and stuff, but my heart still lies with MUD. Still looking through mudconnector/topmud for muds from time to time, but never really wanted to commit. I don't expect a red carpet, but if someone can introduce me to a mud and help me through the first hour (most crucial time frame where players either continue or quit) it will do me a huge favor. I'm not a big fan of HUGE pbase muds (200+) but rather have 20-80 players average is good enough. Anything with 3-6 players here or there, I won't be much interested in. Few other features I would love to have but not really a MUST. Just reference to narrow it down.

Levels - i love leveling, love the grind.

PvP - Not all out pvp though (godwars). Clan, Guilds, Religions, Race, etc. Something with a theme, rp, not just hack and slash muds.

Clans - some type of clans/guilds, etc is always fun. Personalities vary and I feel clans/guilds unite those with similiar personality.

RP - I don't hate rp, kinda prefer it. TBH even now I'm not even sure where I stand. But I do find most good muds require RP. I can do it well, just need to learn/read the theme.

Pbase - Muds can be great, but players make the mud. No way of denying that. A strong pbase with diverse players is always great. No specific number, but anything average 15+ will do. Nothing higher than 100.

Theme - I'm up for just about anything. But medieval theme is still my favorite. Cyber/Space/Starwars is fine as well.

Imms - Lastly, a good strong, dedicated staff is always a plus. Would hate immature, hotheaded imms who build ego rather than muds.

Thanks for reading this post. Hopefully your mud is what I've been looking for. (i need one bad to pass time)

Molly 07-18-2012 02:09 AM

Re: Return to Mudding
Welcome back to the Real World, Paul!

Strangely enough there are quite a few who do the same thing as you, leave the flashy graphics and return to the essentials. And Text Muds sorely need this. As you probably will find, many of them have halved their pbase since you last played. Still, there are many good ones still around.

I wish I could recommend my own mud, but obviously our playerbase is too small for your taste. Even in the "good old days" we rarely peaked over 40 players. Otherwise we should fill all your requirements, 4D is a fun Mud, with lots of different things to do, and our players tend to stay long.

And at least we are still here. We've been around for a very long time by now...

dentin 07-18-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
Hello Paul!

You may want to try Alter Aeon. We've recently been ranging between 40 and 80 players, are level based, have clans, and have a very dedicated and experienced staff. The game style is medieval fantasy and there's a handful of different PvP options. RP is allowed, but we're definitely not an RP mud. We've been open continuously for 17 years.

For new player help, I'd start out using the 'newbie' channel. It's heavily moderated and is invite-only for high levels, so the answers are usually pretty good. The game introduction starts you almost immediately on some simple quests, and you should pick up nearly all the information you need to play the game along the way. I'd recommend you follow the main quest line up to at least level 10, as you'll be able to collect a decent set of equipment and learn a lot of the commands and mechanics along the way.

If you do try us out, definitely check out our custom client - it's got a built in mapper and a few other nifty features that make the game a lot easier to get around in and explore. We've got both Windows and Mac versions, and it's so awesome that nearly all of our sighted players have switched to using it. (Note that aliases are set server side, not in the client. See 'help alias' for details after logging in.)

You can also send me tells or mudmail me in game. If I don't respond quickly, it's best to use the mudmail command to send me a message - gods don't time out, and I'm often called away for work.

See you there!


Alter Aeon MUD

Tristan1992 07-18-2012 01:33 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
What? You escaped and you voluntarily return to mudding? Fool! :)

Threshold 07-18-2012 07:11 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
Paul, welcome back to MUDding! :)

Without being too presumptuous, I think Threshold RPG is perfect for you.

Threshold opened in 1996 and is one of the longest running RP required games on the internet. We have an amazing community and a ton of really interesting content and gameplay. I will go through your post and explain how we fit your preferences.

Our STEA has tons of people who love to do just what you explain. When you get into the game, ask for an escort/helper on the heritage channel (just type something like "heritage is there someone who can help me get acclimated to the game?") and you'll most likely have lots of people willing to help.

The helpfulness of our staff was one of the areas we got really high marks when recently wrote about our game:

Threshold is old school with lots of levels (no level cap) and every level is meaningful and challenging.

Threshold is open PvP but you must have a RP reason behind the PK and there must be RP leading up to the PK. We are not a PK mud, but we have PK as part of RP.

The clan and religion systems on Threshold are extremely robust.

Religions are an incredibly huge part of the game, with the different churches vying for dominance against each other. The religion oriented roleplay is absolutely amazing and has been a cornerstone of the game for over a decade.

I already mentioned RP a few times, and it is definitely the focus of the game.

Threshold's average usage is in the 60-80 range (30-50 in the super off hours, and peak in the 80-120 range when things are bumpin').

Threshold is high fantasy, medieval theme.

I'd like to think we are good and mature. There are three of us full time with a large part time and volunteer staff that work on the game. We are constantly adding new content, running events, etc.

With 16+ years of experience now, I think we have the experience and foundation to do a good job here.

I hope you check out Threshold and enjoy it!

You can play Threshold right in your browser using our flash client:

Or you can download/use your own favorite MUD client:
port: 23

Thanks for reading!

Darren Brimhall 07-18-2012 11:55 PM

Re: Return to Mudding

It does happen, you know.

Darren Brimhall

Markov_AU 07-20-2012 12:00 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
If not for the pbase requirement I'd love to put my MUD out there, but like many we've fallen on hard times player wise :( It's good to see player coming back to mudding though

Darren Brimhall 07-20-2012 12:11 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
Ironclaw On Line is regaining its strength, and has a situration occuring every week to two weeks.

How about giving us a try? It's free for the first thirty days, just to see if it fits you, then its $13 a month.

But our staff is very helpful and the players are all very sociable to each other, which helps to create a confortable playing exsperience for all.

Darren Brimhall

jupiter 05-23-2016 06:58 AM

Re: Return to Mudding
I used to play a mud some years ago called Jellybean Mud which was a lot of fun. It was an adult, funny mud. I can't find it anywhere and was wondering if anyone had the code for it? I would love to run it on my server.

Adroan 05-26-2016 08:40 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
Hey man! I read the first post and knew instantly that Abandoned Realms is right for you! Very newbie friendly, the only Global channel is the Newbie help channel other than that all other interaction is IC. Hope to see you there!

Check us out!

dark acacia 05-26-2016 09:42 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
The first post is nearly four years old.

Adroan 05-26-2016 09:53 PM

Re: Return to Mudding
I do not come around enough apparently!

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