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Avalikia 10-07-2010 04:30 PM

Hey everyone! Call me Avalikia. Before I start lurking and perhaps posting once in a blue moon as the mood strikes I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm the creator/headwiz of a MUCK called Hidden Nirvana, and I must admit that I signed up mostly just to list it here. But! I do plan on occasionally poking my head in here if only to see what's going on, even if I don't say much. Not that I'm a hermit, you understand, but because I only have so much time on my hands and while browsing takes time, it takes a lot less time than actually attempting to contribute something - though like I said, I may do so every so often. ;)

About Me:
I'm 27 and live in Utah. While I've tried hack and slash style MUDs before, they're just not my cup of tea, but I've been roleplaying in MOOs, MUCKs, and MUSHs (not to mention forums) off and on for 11 years now. At the moment I'm in three different non-anthro wildlife mucks, one of which where I am the headwizard.

About my MUCK:
Hidden Nirvana is a talking-animal style roleplaying MUCK based around the wildlife of India. It's almost four weeks old, if you start counting when we had our soft opening last month, but we already have a small but active playerbase - we usually get 15-20 characters on all afternoon/evening/late night US times. We're still polishing descs and code, but thanks to the enthusiasm of the players we've hit the ground running when it comes to creating plotlines, backgrounds, and other such foundational aspects of the MUCK. In fact, I encourage the players to come up with their own ideas (so long as they stay within the theme and the rules) rather than trying to enforce my own opinion of what we should do onto everything. And the result is something that isn't half bad if I do say so myself.

Newworlds 10-08-2010 01:35 AM

Re: Greetings
Welcome Avalikia!

Great to have you here. I'm sure your muck will be successful in this environment. Enjoy reading and posting!

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