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Saire 08-15-2010 11:29 PM

I want to tell you about the MUD New Worlds Ateraan. This is an exceptional MUD and I'm inviting all roleplayers to experience the awesomeness that is NW-A! It is hard to tell you exactly why this MUD stands apart, with exact reasons, but once you play it for yourself I am sure you will see!

This is truly a MUD you can take pride in, and in your RP too! It is so easy to get caught up in the RP there for hours and not even realize it. Even when just starting out! In fact the way that NW-A is set up your are BOUND get into the RP quickly whether you were expecting to or not. Even just standing in the tavern there is usually a lot of interesting things going on in there, merchants giving out food to test, bar brawls, mages turning people into toads and the like... And all of that feels PERSONAL in New Worlds. Even if you don't know the people doing it, somehow, you feel a part of it just being there. I do not know how it is different from other MUDs where I have stood in the middle of town surrounded by strangers and felt that I would never belong there. Where as, in New Worlds, it is completely different.

Tonight there was a huge RP event for the Duke's birthday. All were invited and all had their place in the events. From the non-guilded yet to the veterans of their guilds. Whether it be story telling, mingling in the crowds or protecting the Duke and Duchess with their lives! It was an RP event of historic perception within the game and one that I will remember for a long time that I took part in.

So if you want exceptional RP that will keep you hooked for hours on end... Come to NW-A and leave the world behind!

port: 4002

As a side note: If you're starting in the North there is always a high need of merchants! :)

Newworlds 08-18-2010 02:41 AM

Events on New Worlds Ateraan can be incredible, true enough!

ShadowsDawn 08-18-2010 05:53 AM


Pffft! Down with the Merchants! Come to the South and play with the Traders, where you get to stab people for a living... might even get to kill 'em too if you try hard enough.

Long live the Trader Guild!

Newworlds 08-19-2010 02:06 PM

LOL. This type of rivalry is the norm in NWA and I encourage those who like global, national, guild, religious, and personal conflict to come to the game and see what you have read about.

Ateraan 08-25-2010 05:12 PM

As a staff member at New Worlds Ateraan I can not only promise you good roleplay but also quality service from the staff members. ;)

Octopus 08-25-2010 06:42 PM

Way to bump.

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