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Opie 06-14-2010 06:24 PM

RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Hi all!

The reason behind this topic was to possibly find someone/anyone who used to play this/these MUDs. I say this because they pretty much shared the same code and areas. If anyone remembers these MUDs and would probably like to see it back, let me know as I was given permission by the old head admin to run it. (I use to be part of the original staff years ago.)

I'll refresh your minds: It ran circle 2 with no colors pretty much. Very basic looks but a huge world with areas from fantasy such as Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, to "modern" areas like X-Men, MTV, Mortal Kombat. It had dual classing. Max level was around 50. Also an open arena. Back in the day it average about 80 people online at all times. Multiplay was allowed.

I do hope there are old schoolers who remember this. I do miss those days!


Opie 07-03-2010 07:09 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
I'll take this as a no. :(

Myrlyn 07-03-2010 09:58 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Depends on what RoI stands for. I helped staff a mud named Realms of Imagination a long time ago. It had started out as a Mud called Reality Bites and I believe just before I left and the mud changed hands, the name changed again, but to what I can't recall. Either that or Reality Bites came after RoI - not too sure, been about 20 years.

Opie 07-04-2010 03:36 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
RoI does indeed stand for Realms of Imagination! :)

The MUD grew quite a bit after that. There are hundreds of zones after the years it was online.

I have the MUD up at port 3333

I have not made it public yet. This is actually the first time I share the address and port with anyone since I put it online and also did some bug fixing.


Myrlyn 07-04-2010 11:02 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
I just logged in and it actually looks like you guys may still have a couple of areas I built so long ago. I'm pretty sure about the first, but can't get to the second - currently - to verify that. Always wondered what happened to all my hard work.

Opie 07-04-2010 11:13 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Work is there if you want to play in it or even do some more polishing. Or if you want a copy I can always send you the world files. PM me or email me heritsun (at)

Myrlyn 07-04-2010 11:54 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Ok, having verified that this IS the RoI I was on 20 years ago, I'm going to do a massive shout out to characters that I played with 20 years ago. If you recognize your name here, check it out for some massive walk through memory lane:

Shifty, Shiva, BigH, WraithChild (sometimes called WaterCloset), Ryno, Raul, Poppy, Dyrewulf.

and, if you didn't recognize your name, you can still check it out. It may not have the flair of current muds, but at the time, it was different even with the stock areas being part of it. And for anyone I didn't shout out to that played 20 years ago - sorry, but it HAS been 20 years. I'm surprised I remembered all the names I did.

Hemlokk 07-17-2010 11:06 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Wow. Was just poking around and stumbled on this. It took me waaaay back. I played on that mud and all of its incarnations. Had a ton of characters but the one that you might remember is Booof! Yes, THAT Booof! Played for ages and ended up a CIMP. Built a few zones like Addams Family, Wizard of Oz, and Blade Runner and tweaked a ton of others. I recall a few others like Sheol, Homer, and Zooropa. We had a blast back then, didn't we? Someone mentioned that they have the world files. I would LOVE to get a copy of those. Be a blast to stand it up on my home network and run through it with my son. Unless it is up live somewhere - the link mentioned didn't seem to respond. Anyways, hope you read this and respond.

Opie 07-18-2010 03:59 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
MUD is indeed up and will always be up. I might start working on development on it if we get a few players. If not, it will stay up for old-time's sake so oldies like ourselves can show it to the new generation. ;)

And I surely remember you Booof. Good to see you around!

If port 3333 doesn't work, try the ip: port 3333


Myrlyn 07-18-2010 10:17 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
I do seem to remember a Booof... and Sheol... and Homer (definately remember Homer, I remember having conversations with him just couldn't remember his character name at the time). Also, there was a coder at one time named Freebie.

Gru 07-21-2010 12:02 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
I used to play this mud. Not only that, but I actually created 2 of the zones in the mud. I used to go by the name Gru and I created the Bazar and the Skavenblight zone. Freebie coded all of the special code for the Bazar, but I actually wrote the code for Skavenblight. Anyway, I did log into the mud and see that both of my zones are still there. It would be great to meet some of the poeple that I used to play with. I am very happy that this mud is still around in some form or another.


Opie 07-21-2010 03:59 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Hey, Gru!

Glad to hear from another old-schooler. The MUD will be up. I have no plans of taking it down in any way. I will most likely continue development on it and also do some proper advertisement for it. Not sure how the MUD will go well in today's day, as it does "look simple" compared to all the other MUDs out there. But then again, it's the MUD world and how classes work that should captivate players anyway, but...

Hope we can find more players from back in the day!

Myrlyn 07-21-2010 11:51 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
A few more names as I walked through my area and ran across them as it seems they helped me build. ;) Techie and Terabyte.

Opie 10-05-2010 03:54 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
It's been amazing to see some old-timers playing. Really happy to see this.

Seems some have had issues logging on, please try the IP instead:

Port: 3333


Newworlds 10-05-2010 02:24 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
This can sometimes happen during name server propagation updates. It should pass in a few days. If it doesn't, contact your game server administration or your IP provider (like network solutions, etc.).

Opie 10-06-2010 02:19 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Thanks for the reply, Newworlds.

I am the game server administrator. :) The domain has been available on the server and has had a few years already to propagand. :)

I shouldn't of used "some" on my previous post, I only received 2 reports of people not being able to use the domain to connect. Exaggerated a bit!

Thank you once again for your help, Newworlds!

Newworlds 10-06-2010 01:10 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
You're welcome. I'm guessing everything should be fine then.:)

Teddy 10-12-2010 03:48 PM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Hey everyone, trying to get all our old players back. Several recent developements, we have a facebook fan page, and an email address specifically for the mud () and we are locating old players right and left. People who have shown their face include BigH, Sheol, Surlakin, Jahana, Thor, Shiva, and we've heard from Fezzik, Maddie, and Octavia...Still looking for many many more. If anyone has any information about how we can get in touch with them, please either give them the email above, or send them to the game ( port 3333, you will most likely have to download a client such as telnet or wintin to get in) or have them contact us on facebook. We are looking to have a virtual reunion in the new few weeks, and we are writing a brief history of the mud and could use all imput. Thanks, and have a great day!

hangao814 06-28-2016 01:16 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
I think I am too late to this posting party. My friends and I used to play Alternate Illusions religiously. We actually helped create some of the zones back then. Zeus loading his Thunderbolt, buying Fox Mulder handguns off auction, Goofy screaming "you're the fiend that attacked me" and dropping 30k gold all still makes me laugh today.

My first character was named Bilbo, it was actually when the book was popular. I cannot remember all the alt names now... but definitely shout out to Meara / Sophie for helping me all the time back then. I remember when we were playing, BigH was SysOp and he was kind of a douche... lol... 20 years, is a long time to still remember the avatar names.

Anyway, it is very cool to see you guys reminisce on here about the old days. I actually logged into the MUD and there was no one on. I sent an E-mail to the roi address, let's keep in touch + best of luck!

Opie 06-28-2016 06:04 AM

Re: RoI/Alternate Illusions/Ashes to Ashes
Hey there!

I received your email, I'll be replying to you through there in more detail.

Good to see people still searching for old memories. That is what having these MUDs up to me are, these days. Memories. So when you want to log on and just remember the old days, you do. Even if it's just for a few minutes.

We actually had BigH active for a short time. The admins tend to login in and out from time to time. I understand it can be hard to get motivated to work on something when there's really no one interested in playing again. And those who do show interest, play for a short time than leave. It's totally understandable!

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