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parrotslave 11-13-2004 10:06 PM

I'm looking for a different mud to try.

I've tried a few and found I can't stand the ones that make you eat, drink and sleep. It is just too tedious.

I also would like to find one where PK is optional, you aren't forced into it unless you want to.

It would be nice if there are other things to do than just hack and slash, also.

Any suggestions?

Brody 11-13-2004 10:28 PM

John 11-15-2004 01:38 AM

I'd recommend .

It doesn't make you eat, sleep (unless you want to be healed without magic or items IIRC) or drink.

PK is optional.

And there are various quests for you to complete.

J.D.Ward 11-23-2004 01:29 PM


GrumpyOldLady 11-26-2004 04:45 PM


Its been around for quite a long time and has the aspects that you listed, like optional PK, not needing to eat, sleep or drink (tho you will get messages saying you are hungry or thirsty, it doesn't affect your character), along with a player base that has includes some folks that have been playing for YEARS and are always glad to help out a new player.

Btw, if you drink alcohol ingame, your character CAN get drunk: be prepared for falling down, uncontrollable vomiting, passing out and badly slurred speech. Excessive drinking has occasionally led to unfortunate death from alcohol poisoning, so drink responsibly.

The Grumpy San

Ogma 11-26-2004 08:17 PM

This is accurate if you say that you can perform PK or not perform PK, but last time I was there, once you got over level 6, you could be PK'd at any time by anyone strong enough to do so. And there were a number of people who PK'd folks just for the #### of it.

shadowfyr 11-27-2004 03:57 PM

You can try Ages of Despair.

PK is opt in, though a few areas are free for alls, but clearly marked. Food and drink exist, but are optional. They provide some limited healing, but otherwise have no real effect on the game. There is an RP society you can join, though getting people to RP is sometimes an issue and there are quests you can run through. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of hack and slash to it, though we are pushing to add more options for things you can do besides that. Sometimes it is an uphill battle though...

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