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Milawe 10-27-2009 12:05 AM

News on Primordiax
Hi, all!

Several of you have expressed interest in the new game that we are about to release. You may follow us on Facebook on our fan page:

We try to keep the most up-to-date news on there.

For those of you interested in the lore, please feel free to browse around on our wiki, . Our webpage is still under construction, but we're already showcasing some of our extremely talented writers and artists.

Thanks again for the interest!

Milawe 10-29-2009 01:20 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
I hope it's okay to bump this.

We've got some more art up that I wanted to share!

Newworlds 10-30-2009 01:32 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
Thanks for the updates. I know alot of players are interested in them.

Milawe 11-12-2009 12:11 AM

Re: News on Primordiax

Newworlds 11-13-2009 02:46 AM

Re: News on Primordiax
Beautiful Jewelry! Thank you for showing us. That is simply fantastic and I applaud you folks building Primordiax having such a feature to support the game. Hell, I might even buy some of those pieces. Kudos to you!

MudMann 11-13-2009 03:57 AM

Re: News on Primordiax
Very good idea for drawing in income and helping businesses at the same time.. selling items that can be crafted.... brilliant!

I assume you are going to be selling cured animal skins as well ;-P

Homer 11-13-2009 09:19 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
I must say I am very intrigued.. Hopefully the game is not released, however, until all functions and mechanics are properly worked out. Though it seems like a lot of thought has gone behind it, which should put the majority of those with such worries at ease.

Question: How long has this game been under active development?


Milawe 11-14-2009 04:38 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
Ah, well, we don't actually make anything off the jewelry. She's allowing me to use the pictures, and I felt like it would be fair to link to her shop in return. Maybe we'll try to strike a deal later in the future, but for now, just teaming up with a friend. :)

That could get smelly!

Milawe 11-14-2009 04:43 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
We'd love for you to try it out. We've had extensive design and recodes of several systems. Basically, we're not afraid to recode and redesign if need be, but hopefully, we're past all that now.

The game has been in active development for 3 years, but it's been in conceptual development for 7. I admit that we had Kitchen Sink syndrome for quite a while, but we buckled down and got past that. We developed the game from the driver up, so we had to start with the very basics. The good news is that none of the systems were developed independently. We went for a full world experience rather than different developers developing different parts of the game. The lore is consistent throughout the whole experience. In one of our early Betas, we recruited lore fanatics to test out the lore so that we could find the weak points and adapt. Hopefully, we worked out most of the inconsistencies.

We have our game opening goals as well as the next six months mapped out. Primordiax is designed with a full game-plan, but we're also flexible enough to add things like real life jewelry. :) Good opportunities present themselves in many ways.

Homer 11-14-2009 05:55 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
Thank you for the detailed and thorough response. It's always very intriguing for me to hear of the more fundamental aspects of developing and maintaining a World; though I have in fact heard of the perhaps proceeding reputation associated with Frogdice and those behind it.

I am not quite ready to get in to Muds at the moment (fear of the addicition, honestly.. I've been there), but I will surely be keeping my eye out for Primordiax and maybe even take a step in to the realm in a time not too distant.

Until then, the very best of luck!


Milawe 11-16-2009 10:16 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
After serveral mails and PMs, I just realized that we didn't have a features list anywhere, so no one really knows what kind of game this is. So, I made up a small features list and changed the website (which is now just about done!). We did not attempt to design a game that would appeal to everyone, but we're hoping that there will be features that appeal to a lot of people!

ShadowsDawn 11-17-2009 09:11 AM

Re: News on Primordiax
GAH! Stop teasing and open the doors already!! Oh wait.. yeah keep teasing, it's doing its' job alright :P Can't wait to be able to see it in action.

Homer 11-17-2009 11:20 AM

Re: News on Primordiax
Out of curiosity, what do you mean by millions of rooms? Is this to say that we should be expecting at least a Million different room descriptions?

KaVir 11-17-2009 01:59 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
It's not really feasible to hand-write millions of individual room descriptions; most likely they're using a wilderness/overland system for the majority of their rooms. In the early 90s such systems usually recycled a small number of static descriptions, or even had no descriptions at all (instead relying solely on ASCII maps for navigation), and they got something of a bad rep. But towards the late 90s there was a push towards dynamically generated descriptions, and over the last decade the quality of such descriptions has improved quite a lot.

I don't know what approach they've used, but as a modern mud I imagine it would have some pretty intricate system for generating descriptions, and of course they could mix in hand-written descriptions for cities and such.

Milawe 11-17-2009 08:22 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
Each room is described, but they may not be unique or they may be generated using our unique dynamic description system. All of it, however, is hand-written as even our dynamic room description was built by two people writing every single sentence using very specific rules in order to have something cohesive and and the results do not LOOK generated. It's very writing intensive but worth it in the end, I think.

Milawe 01-19-2010 06:37 PM

Re: News on Primordiax
I wanted to remind everyone that there is only two more weeks left in the Open Beta special for character portraits. We are offering a 20% discount for anyone who orders during Open Beta in order to relieve the stress on our artists after we open.

Thanks for all the support and making this a very fun testing process!

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