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Zalmo 05-20-2002 11:22 PM

Bloodlines is a Rom 2.4 mud currently under development. Our opening date is set for September 2002. We are still in search of Staff Members to fill up various positions. This is your chance to join and help us out. To apply for a position, please E-mail the respective Department head, or meet them on the Mud. The address is Bloodlines.Betterbox.Net port 7700 The various departments and position requirements are listed as follows:

Building Dept. (Temporary Head Builder)

Head Builder- Must be able to log 3 hours of time on the Mud each day. Experience is preferred. Hires and dismisses Builders. Must be able to review work of other builders as well as complete their own 5 rooms per day.

Builders- Bloodlines is looking for builders to further extend its already completely original world. Builders must be dedicated, that is the only requirement. Experienced builders would be greatly appreciated. No experience is required however. Training will be provided for all builders that need it. Builders are required to build 5 rooms per day.

Theme Dept.
Uliel E-mail:

Questers- Bloodlines is looking for questers that can log on every day for at least an hour. Dedication is required. Everything else we provide training for. Questers write, rehearse, and run quests.

Writers- Bloodlines is looking for talented people to act as writers for the Mud. Dedication and strive for creativity if required. Writers write histories, stories, myths, and other IC cultural aspects of the Mud, to add to the already complex Theme of Bloodlines.

Guild Dept.
Alazlam E-mail:
Assistant Guild Immortal- Must log on for 3 hours a day. Is responsible for enforcing Guild Policy and dealing with other Guild related issues. Must be responsible.

Guild Leaders- There are six guilds on Bloodlines. Mortal Guild Leaders, who apply and are accepted, will run them. Again, this is a mortal position. Guild Leaders are the BETA testers for Bloodlines until we open to the public. A certain level of experience at roleplay is required. In addition, you must be responsible, and able to act mature. This is an enforced RP mud, remember that as the Guilds on Bloodlines are IC, and keep in line with the Theme. These guilds are not the “PK clans” of some Muds, but rather IC organizations such as nobility and religious groups.

Policy Dept.
Khosh E-mail:

Denizen- Denizens are mortal newbie helpers. They act as BETA testers for the mud. Upon opening, they will also act as minor policy enforcers, and helpers to the staff.

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