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Valg 03-31-2006 04:17 PM

"But Valg, I'm no math major, but that doesn't sound like a very good deal."

See, the thing is... <span style='color:red'></span> is run by gamers, not advertising wizards or accountants.  And as gamers, we put gameplay, balance, and fairness ahead of gimmicks and bribes.  So today, like every other day at Carrion Fields, we're offering 100% XP.  You can earn it at 100% normal rate through warfare, commerce, exploration, observation, skill refinement, quests, roleplay, or however else you like, but you aren't going to see us toss out all that game balance stuff to throw you a freebie.  You're just going to have to get off your virtual butt and earn it, mister.  (Or Ms.  We have a sizable number of female players and staff.)

It's also why we don't sell "perks".  We want achievement to come from your brain, not your wallet.  If you're the Chief Orc in the village, it's because you beat down or out-connived every last one of the competition on a level playing field, not because you wrote us a check.  We're FREE, not "free", or free(*).  Sign on, and you're wearing the same gear as the guy next to you started with, without any of the hassle of a long registration process.  (Just give us a character name, answer a few simple questions, and you're on your way!)

As gamers, we understand that when you sign on, you're with us to play, not watch the MUD equivalent of commercials.  We won't interrupt you to advertise, twist your arm to vote, or try to sell you stuff.  Roleplaying is a priority, and there's nothing worse for roleplaying than some snake-oil salesman shattering your immersion.  It's also why we require it from all characters.  Ever try to roleplay when 80% of the room doesn't care?  It's a waste of your time, and we're inviting you to a place where your effort will be appreciated and rewarded.

This sense of fairness extends to how you'll be treated by the staff as well.  There's no "Super-Diamond-Level Customer Service" with a payment plan and a direct-deposit option.  You operate within the same set of rules as everyone else, and you're just as important as the next guy, all without spending a dime.  People who break the rules don't get 400 chances because we're hoping to milk a few more bucks out of them.  They get shown the door, because we realize that getting rid of one cheater can help us keep more than one honest player.

On another thread, another mud admin asked how we consistently stay near the top of the TMS list without cheating, buying ads, or charging money.  This admin asked how we did it, no doubt trying to discover some "trick" to drag back to a flock of waiting accountants in unappealing, homogenous suits.  Yuck.

There is no trick.  We're not magicians.  We're not showmen.  We're gamers.  A lot of people appreciate a challenging, fair, FREE game, and are willing to click a button to just say "Thanks."

To them, I say "You're welcome!  (But we're still not giving you any free XP.)"

Eppy 03-31-2006 04:22 PM

Interesting post and sales pitch!

What has kept me from trying Carrion Fields is the PK aspect. From what I understand, level-range-restricted PK'ing is part of the game. As a quiet, peace-loving adult, I have no interest whatsoever in PK'ing, and in other MUDs, I will not enter PK zones (knowingly) for any reason. (I also find PK-related games tend to attract more jerks and d00ds than non-PK-related games.)

So I'll use your post as an opportunity to ask you directly: is Carrion Fields worth trying for someone who will not, for any reason, kill another player; and who has no desire to be killed by others while trying to enjoy the rest of the game?

Best regards,

Valg 03-31-2006 05:20 PM

I don't think we'd be a good match for you. (This is sad, because you sound like the kind of reasonable, mature person we target.) All characters (except very low level ones) are "in" the PK system, and can be attacked by other adventurers, within reasonable roleplay constraints. There are no opt-out or mutual-consent systems involved.

That said, we've had a lot of players who de-emphasize the PK side (out of disinterest or ineptitude) in favor of exploration, roleplaying, or other pursuits. Some eventually add a PK facet to their repertoire, and some just get good at playing hard-to-dislike characters who are good at staying alive. So I'd characterize it as more of a "Probably not." than a flat "No.", but it wouldn't do either of us any good if I pretend CF is the bestest game evar for every conceivable player.

Aarn 03-31-2006 05:21 PM

Valg 03-31-2006 05:25 PM

Awesome. For once, I'm the concise one.

Eppy 03-31-2006 05:53 PM

Aarn 03-31-2006 06:04 PM

Eppy 03-31-2006 06:10 PM

heh, heh!

I need to get Soleil to tell me where the ebil bunny rabbits are in Medievia (which I'm currently playing). I have some revenge to enact on them!

Best regards,
ebil bunny rabbit slayer

Crystal 03-31-2006 07:11 PM

I've never played CF, but I've seen you guys around since about 2000 and have never seen CF in negative light. Actually I think an old MUD I played was spawned from some CF people or ex-staff.

You guys seem to have a really great game going, and though I don't play, wish you the best of luck.

Aarn 04-01-2006 10:55 AM

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