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random 01-26-2006 03:28 PM

gth 01-26-2006 03:59 PM

Amaranthe 01-26-2006 05:42 PM

Chayesh 01-27-2006 12:38 AM

Shadowmaster 01-27-2006 03:10 PM

I hate to 'slam' Forsaken Lands, but I've played both of these MUD's, and the truth is FL is on life support, if not dying. CF is a far superior MUD in almost every aspect, and in fact FL is a derivative of the CF codebase.

CF has more players, more skills, more races, more customization, more and better areas (and I built some of FL's best, so I am not blowing smoke up your ass here), more and better players, more involved and restrained immstaff, better all around RP, and better forums as well. Frankly the only thing better about FL that I can tell to a prospective player is that there is less bull****/mindless lowbie/mid-rank pk. Of course, having not played on FL in some time, this may have changed.

I know this sounds like an ad for CF but the truth is CF is a far superior MUD on almost every level. Just to drive the knife in a little deeper, the irony of Chayesh being an IMP on FL should be a sign enough for prospective players to leave this MUD alone. I'd avoid FL and come check out CF. Oh and by the way, I am in no way affiliated with CF's staff, and in fact am probably not very well thought of by them.

Good gaming!

Chayesh 01-27-2006 04:53 PM Guess I must have missed the "irony". I couldn't see past the flame.

If someone feels CF is a better MUD, great. I want people to play someplace they enjoy. If people prefer FL, great. We welcome them. But I don't see how comments such as yours, Shadowmaster, help random choose a MUD since you've gone to the trouble to muddy the waters with claims of a personal nature and insult someone who doesn't even know who you are.

Bottom line, random, find a place that you enjoy playing. Carrion Fields IS a good MUD, and from what I hear of late, very well run. Aabahran (FL) is also a great MUD and very well run, and yes, as I mentioned, smaller playerbase-wise. I'm sure if you go on either MUD's forum, you find players who say they came there from the other for XYZ reasons. And you'll find some that play them both because they offer different things.

Find where you feel comfortable playing is my advice and make it your home.

Valg 01-27-2006 05:12 PM

I'd like to re-emphasize that Shadowmaster is not affiliated with Carrion Fields in any fashion, and certainly doesn't speak for our staff. I'd appreciate if he wouldn't plug our game if that's the only way he can conduct himself.

Amaranthe (above) already commented on this thread on behalf of our staff.

You keep on keepin' on, Aabahran.

P.S. There's really no such thing as "the CF codebase". We were ROM 2.3 in 1994 or so, and while we've obviously done a ton with it, we're still a derivative of it, and we've never released our code for public distribution. We're our own special snowflake!

Shadowmaster 01-27-2006 05:29 PM

" Guess I must have missed the "irony". I couldn't see past the flame. "

There was no flame except about you as an IMP. The MUD characteristics I posted as a comparison between the two MUD's.

"But I don't see how comments such as yours, Shadowmaster, help random choose a MUD since you've gone to the trouble to muddy the waters with claims of a personal nature and insult someone who doesn't even know who you are."

Comments comparing two MUDs to someone considering both are not allowed here? I've played both MUD's, therefore I am qualified to offer advice comparing the two. In retrospect, the personal attack might muddy the waters, but it still is my opinion. I don't think Forsaken Lands is a particularly well-run MUD and I felt obligated to let the original poster know this.

"Find where you feel comfortable playing is my advice and make it your home."

This is very true. I hope the original poster can see past my comparison and make the choice for themselves, but if they just wanted to hear someone elses opinions, I gave them.

Shadowmaster 01-27-2006 05:35 PM

Comparing two nearly identical game-mechanics-wise MUD's is not allowed? ::BOGGLE::

So the CF code was not taken by Virgil and the crew at Abandoned Realms, and then stolen from them by Wulfgar/Crypticant to become FL? Am I missing some huge aspect of this story? The answer, I believe, is no.

Again, FL does have some good things. But if you are comparing the two in_my_opinion is easy. One is superior, one is inferior. Thats just my two cents, though.  I could have sworn opinions were still allowed when recommending a MUD.

Best of luck to all parties involved, and Chayesh you know exactly who I am, but it does seem you conduct yourself better these days then I do, at least from a forum persona perspective!

bassy 01-28-2006 11:39 AM

Fishy 01-29-2006 07:23 AM

Welcome to the mud community random, where there is always someone who will turn a post into a flame.

There are quite a lot of muds that fit your description but unfortunately non of them have replied to your post. (I generally don't look for this kind of mud so I can't at the moment think of one I'd recommend.)

But to recap this was one of your wishes:
-multiclassing, if possible no level-cap, or at least you can get uberpowerful (I had this urge after playing some video games...)

Could someone please help him out, a mud that features ALL of his requirements?

ps. I'm not slamming your posts about FL and CF. In fact you might be among the closest there is... but surely there must be ONE multi-classing no level-cap/leveless mud with atleast 20-30 players online during peak times?

Anitra 01-29-2006 10:05 AM

Fishy @ Jan. 29 2006,08:23
Sure there is, probably more than one too.

I didn't want to plug it, since I am not Staff there, but one of the Muds I play, 4Dimensions, should fit all the requirements. It's not levelless, but it's got a neat remort and multiclass system, and as far as I know even the oldtime players still keep getting stronger each time they remort.

It's also 100% free, and both RP and PK is optional, something that I particularly cherish myself.
And it has the biggest original and most interesting world I've seen in any mud so far. And the best introductory zone too. Plus a rather handy MAP command and some good maps both on line and on their website.
The adress is  Port 6000

Davairus 01-29-2006 10:08 AM

Here's some reasons to play AR instead of other MUDs.

Got a good one? I'd love to hear it and add it to my file. *grins evilly* Yeah, this was a joke post I guess. Good luck finding yourself a home.

random 01-30-2006 02:58 PM

Thanks everyone, I'll try those. I've tried Discword MUD for a few days, and it looked interesting, but the server is so laggy and crash-prone :/

Rathik 01-30-2006 07:19 PM

I don't whether you have tried yet, but it does meet most of your criteria. It does have a level cap, but it's definitely an uber powerful level cap if you reach it. And it has closer to 500 players than 20.

Drealoth 01-30-2006 08:07 PM

Aardwolf can be fun - really great community. My one complaint about it is that, as far as I can tell, not a ton of grouping goes on, although I haven't superheroed on it yet (my char's around level 100 - level cap is 201, but you can remort like 15 times or so, each time getting more powerful and picking up a new character class (in addition to your old ones)). So far though the game is a lot of grind, and I can't say I'm a fan of the whole inconsistant world thing - there are Star Wars zones, there are Wild West zones, there are Medieval zones and everything in between.

AVATAR mud is in a similar vein to Aardwolf, although set in an entirely medieval (albeit not so serious at times) setting. 50 mortal levels, 999 hero levels, 999 lord levels and 999 legend levels. When you reach lord, you're given the choice to remort into races and classes not available on creation. Lots of grind, but what makes it fun is that groups can get absolutely massive - at lord, groups of 20 people are common (and the only way to do a lot of areas). In the hero levels, most groups consist of 5 - 10 people. Lots of fun, very friendly people, about 100 people on usually. Another great thing is that they have these events called HOGathons (HOG meaning Hand of God) during which you type 'hog' and your hit and damage roll are increased by huge amounts, allowing you to solo even the most difficult mobiles. Now, the fun part is that it doesn't do anything about your armour...

I'd also recommend checking out Shattered Kingdoms. They have the best use of colour that I've ever seen on a mud, and the game is a ton of fun. The game uses as few numbers as possible, although the actual numbers are pretty easy to figure out for the most part. Unrestricted playerkilling sounds cool, and for the most part it's fine because it's a roleplaying MUD, however every so often you end up with some jerk who decides that it'd be fun to kill a level 10 character with his level 40 guy (level cap in the game is 50) for no reason. The other problem is that there are six starting kingdoms, which tends to spread out the player base. 30 people online, divided by six kingdoms becomes 5 people per kingdom, and chances are they aren't near enough your level to group with you, so it can get pretty lonely sometimes. That said, the mechanics are great and it's definitely worth checking out for a few hours at least.

Dubthach 02-13-2006 01:39 PM

You should definitely try Aardwolf. No offense to the guy who hasn't SH'd yet, but he's seen very very little of the game as a one class character.

At least a year ago, the mechanics were that there were 7 classes, which you could remort through. Once you had all 7, you had all those spells and skills. Then you could tier 9 times to increase your power you'd be looking at closer to 63 remorts, not 15. When you are a higher tier than another player, you have a large advantage...which seems to be what you are asking for.

There are great sites that have maps for Aardwolf, as well as incredibly detailed speedwalks to get almost anywhere quickly.

The_Disciple 02-13-2006 03:32 PM

Is grindtastic a word? Ouch.

Still, I have to agree that this sounds like a close match for what the OP is looking for.

InsertCleverNameHere 02-13-2006 11:49 PM

Drealoth 02-14-2006 03:19 AM

Woah, totally didn't realize you could tier that many times.

But yeah, lots of grind. Not really my thing. The OP would probably like it though.

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