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The Vorpal Tribble 05-02-2002 01:31 PM

I'm sure whether you are elf, giant, lonely vampire, or a spectral demon of the 6th dimensional plane you are looking for that special someone. Here you can post a description of yourself and some personal info and maybe find the creature of your dreams. Good luck and may fortune favor you!

The Vorpal Tribble 05-02-2002 02:14 PM

Male feline/human magically genetically engineered hybrid with a great dark grey, windblown mane and giant, abnormally large nocturnal eyes. Am short with gymnasts build and extremely long, dark, dark grey fur. Prefer windy, forest lake coasts to live.
Journier, explorer, professional loner.
I wish to seek out no one. Leave me be!

melopene 05-02-2002 03:13 PM

Slender, breathtaking, immortal elf seeks same to assist her in smiting, yelling at, and unleashing the power of the eggplant upon puny, utterly annoying mortals, and coddling the non-annoying ones. Meet me at my secret lair, deep within the fluffy tunnels of death.


bhamv 05-02-2002 03:38 PM

Pure Necromancer of the White Material Planes, posesses great power and magical strength, as well as a large number of gold coins. Unspeakably ugly though, due to the fact that the Charisma statistic was neglected during character development; but also posesses the power to enshroud himself with the appearance of another - want me to look like King Arthur, just say so!. Seeks female of any race, must have GSOH. Must also not mind the constant odor of corpses.

Xanferious 05-02-2002 07:08 PM

just click on my profile to see what i look like.

Seth 05-02-2002 07:24 PM

One 18 y/o computer techie = taken.

TheDemonMaster 05-02-2002 07:27 PM

Unknown Immortal male seeks female of same race to unleash fury on idiot coders whom have ruined the first code. Also seek in this woman a sense of insanity as we travel down the ugly path into the firey pits of normality. *Penguins Need Not Apply*

Koryon 05-02-2002 07:56 PM

Lonely traveller of both time and space looking to take a young lass to be where he has been.

Alastair 05-03-2002 11:35 AM

Grashtshzk search woman troll. Grashtshzk like eat dem elf-ona-stick. Grashtshzk like hit humans. Humans hurt. Grashtshzk happy.
Grashtshzk dun like dem fire.
Grashtshzk wanna hit humans with woman troll and make dem many little trolls.

Mia 05-03-2002 04:01 PM

Kyandra 05-03-2002 08:34 PM

Ah, so that is what the creature had for dinner last night. I wondered why he had indigestion

Seth 05-03-2002 08:43 PM

melopene 05-03-2002 10:59 PM

Seth 05-04-2002 09:41 AM

Melly, I demand you stop that song and forget about it. The time I saw the flash movie with that song is the day when I gave up all hope on "online humor", because it is Unfunny with a capital U.

The Vorpal Tribble 05-04-2002 12:44 PM

Brianna 05-07-2002 10:29 PM

Deliciously evil immortal elf strong in the ways of the dark magic seeks companion race unimportant. Must be willing to give soul and pamper me after a long session of torturing the hapless adventurers in the land. Can you capture this evil sorceress?

Eternal 01-06-2003 10:11 PM

One-eyed, balding templar seeks human female for brief, intimate encounters, physical mutations okay, half-breeds will be summarily fed to the halflings.

Warning: You will be executed on the spot should you happen to speak any of the things Lord Templar Hard Nose shouts in tatlum during his frantic lovemaking.

CSmith_Fan 01-06-2003 11:20 PM

Santrilla 01-07-2003 05:26 AM

Adelai 01-07-2003 10:27 AM

27 y/o female human bard seeks male of sturdy constitution and daring spirit to accompany her on journeys through the realms in hopefully long-term relationship. Must be expert at rescue and not afraid to brave sprung traps and new races. Should enjoy traveling off the beaten path, and possibly into some random orc encampment or down a dark and crumbling mine for absolutely no good reason. Must be flexible. The reserved and the weak-of-heart need not apply.

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