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Violette 04-25-2008 09:31 PM

A poll about your play habits
It would be interesting to know what type of player is considered more "normal"... The type who has only one favorite mud, the type who has a few, or the one who can't settle on any one (like me...)

Milawe 04-25-2008 09:45 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Ah, good idea. :) I'm interested to see the results as well.

prof1515 04-27-2008 12:48 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
No option for "I had a favorite (or two) and would try out others but don't play anything anymore". *grin*

Milawe 04-27-2008 12:57 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
I just answered how it used to be when I had time to play as much as I wanted to. :)

incognito9 04-27-2008 08:08 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
I tend to stick to only one because:

Finding a new mud that I'll like is something of a pain.

Finding time to play more than one at a time is impossible.

I kind of like my character. He's pretty well developed at this point.

kizzikat 05-20-2008 06:33 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Hmm... no option for "I'm was loyal to only one MUD which I called my MUD Home, but no longer play, and am looking for something new". :D Well, I have played the same mud for years now, about 8 years or so, got a long way, make a lot of friends, you know the deal. Woke up one day not wanting to play. Didn't play any MUD for ages - but I miss them too much for that. Hence, back here at Top Mud Sites cruising for somewhere else to be faithful too.

Guess I'm a serial monogamist who prefers long term relationships with my MUD, heh, so I picked number 1 becaue that's closest to how I play.

Zenn 05-20-2008 09:41 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits

I actively play two MUDs, a MUSH every now and then, and run my own on the side ;)

Disillusionist 05-20-2008 03:24 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Good poll.
I find one and stick with it, for good or ill, heh.
I don't even play multi-characters very often, prefering to spend most of my playing time with my main, and dabbling with my alts. I have switched an alt to a main, though, to play some catchup on levels & skills, depending on the needs of the environment.

I'm lucky enough to have a great deal of time and ambition for a single-minded approach to RP, which takes up an inordinate amount of time. I'm hoping it skips a generation with my son. :D

Mabus 06-03-2008 04:59 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
No option for "I code (or admin, etc.), and once you get to see "the man behind the curtain" it is harder to play any MUD without wondering how to make it better. So instead I spend all my time working on a game, and helping others in the community when I can."?

Alright, I admit that would have been a long option.


Fizban 06-05-2008 10:25 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits

Damn, so I'm not the only one who found muds immensely less enjoyable to 'play' after coding on them?

Disillusionist 06-05-2008 11:46 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Probably worthy of its own thread, but MUDs can be less enjoyable if you've contributed to them on a number of levels. If you've painted rooms, and know the limitations of the template, puzzles can be less challenging. If you're a tester and know the math of the combat system, etc, etc, etc.

A trick to fool yourself into perhaps enjoying a challenge?
Build the worst character you possibly can, with your coding knowledge. Then play that character until you're eighty years old.

ScourgeX 06-05-2008 06:42 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
I don't have this problem because I have lousy memory :D

Anyway, I tend to play only one mud at a time because I always have way more characters than I know what to do with and there is always "I still want to do such-and-such with so-and-so".

Sergeytov 06-06-2008 09:24 AM

Re: A poll about your play habits
I'm working on the development end right now, and one of my favorite 'challenges' yet is to try and break the system and see how one could create really broken builds.

...naturally, the next part is plugging holes.

I'm a 'couple MU*s' type, myself, though.

Zeta Thompson 06-06-2008 05:06 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Well, I admit it I have a MUD home. But I do play other MUDS and even the occasional *gasp* MMO. I'm curious as well how this will come out. It does seem that MUDS have fewer core players, but I honestly never know now when I log into my favorite MUD if there will there be 2 people on or 30.

Fizban 09-03-2008 11:28 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Odd, just me or is something wrong with the dates displayed on the posts? The recent threads and the listing when in the forum before clicking on the topic said Zeta posted today. Her post shows as being posted three months ago though.

chaosprime 09-05-2008 10:12 PM

Re: A poll about your play habits
Probably the thread updates as 'touched' when somebody votes, but Zeta shows up as the last poster because, well, she is.

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