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Archbaron 11-17-2008 10:45 PM

Go Ahead, Recruit Me

I'm a long term MUDder, and I've mostly been involved in those of the RPing variety. I've played just about all the big ones you could name: Armageddon, SoI, Harshlands, Aetolia, Accursed Lands, etc.

However, no matter how hard I try, I can never seem to find a place that I can truly find my home. Either they're too underpopulated, unoriginal, simple (or sometimes too complex), or just unappealing.

So, what I need now is for someone to point me toward their favorite MUD, any MUD, role-playing or not. I've sifted through the lists and still haven't found a home. Go ahead and tell me which one is your home, and why.

Thanks for reading and I hope you try and persuade me!

prof1515 11-18-2008 05:48 AM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
It would help if you gave us a set of criteria you're looking for (or looking to avoid) in a game. What interests you in a game? What features do you look for? What features turn you off faster than the sight of a naked 90-year old man? Without details as to your likes and dislikes, the best I can do is point to the search engine and say, "Good luck" cause anything else would just be a shot in the dark. We could continue naming games until we'd gone through the entire list without necessarily coming even close to what you seek.

Take care,


Archbaron 11-18-2008 08:09 AM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
What I'm looking for is just for people to tell me their home MUD. Obviously, if a MUD is someone's home, it is good. At least to them.

Elrond 11-18-2008 01:36 PM

Home In A Hobbit Hole
I empathize--I've been in your position before. As a veteran MUDder of too many games to list here, I had retired from the medium for the same reasons you mentioned. least until I was recommended to The Two Towers MUD ( It's not as forcibly RP Intensive as SoI, but draws heavily on Tolkien's works to create a feasible world with room for players to make their marks. I was attracted to the fact that the learning curve isn't too steep, but there are a number of areas (primarily RP and PvP) where advanced players in both realms can experience remarkable complexity if they choose.

The game has a sizable community with a good amount of history: the place isn't so huge that you're one of three hundred warriors that will require years of work for anyone to know your name, but inversely it's not so small that you aren't meeting new people frequently and learning about new social dynamics throughout the world. In essence, it's "just right" in terms of having a solid elder/veteran population, a burgeoning newbie influx (supported by a firm network of helpers), and a nice wide band of those somewhere in-between.

I've also found, as one who focuses more on the RP aspects of things now, that having the background of combat available to spice things up really helps keep things fresh and invigorating. Being able to discuss scout tactics in Rivendell, dispatch wargs in Rhovanion, and meet a Rohirrim over mead in Edoras in the same hour affords one a wide variety of options in terms of interaction depending on one's mood. For all these reasons and others, I've been there now for about a decade, having truly found a MUD "home" of sorts. If you like the Tolkien theme, perhaps check it out.

Newworlds 11-20-2008 11:51 AM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
Very simple.
Home Mud: New Worlds - Ateraan.
Why? I'm the Admin and created the damn thing.

Letterman's Top 10 Reasons why you should play in order of my preference, not necessarily yours:Alright. There you have it. Give us a try for a week and if you hate it, I'll give you your money back! 100% guaranteed. If nothing else the creation is straight forward and you are with the entire populous right out of creation.

Either way, good luck on your search. There's got to be something out there for you!

nasredin 11-24-2008 12:34 PM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me

ArcticMUD was and remains THE only MUD for me. We are traditionally proud of the huge and well-developed world, unique classes with unique spells and skills, unrestricted PK and coded clans. Arctic is on-line from 1992,
we're not some unstable beta or one of the "new great MUD projects... unfortunately, not open for public yet..."
Our code is stable, tested and fully functional with the new features added regularly, but one at a time.

These days, we usually have 25-50 players on-line. We would like to double those numbers (thus my post here).

Our world is based on Krynn from Dragonlance books. To tell the truth, I started playing ArcticMUD being introduced to it by a friend (10+ years ago), and then decided to read the novels to learn more about Krynn. And know what? I was disappointed. The books were nowhere near as elaborated and exciting as the adventures in Arctic.

In fact, some of the best areas in the game were based on Dragonlance in general and didn't have direct prototypes in the books. The only place to learn the story of the feud between the Aurinites Order and the Gargoyle Clan, the role of the 3 witches and the sacrifice of their father is ArcticMUD. I wish the builder of the area publishes it as a book one day...

What I particularly like about Arctic is that there is something for everyone. Certain players may show more interest in this or that aspect of the game (e.g. in explore or in pkill), and they will find a lot of opportunities to do exactly that. On the other hand, Arctic is not just a sum of those activities - they exist to support and supplement each other in many complicated and well-balanced ways.

One of the greatest features of Arctic is restricted game information. In many MUDs, once a zone is explored, there is no more mystery about it. In Arctic, knowledge is power and the players are reluctant to share the location of treasure vaults and dragon lairs, let alone to reveal the traps and obstacles that block the way. All good equipment is limited and all the powerful spellbooks and druid tablets are quite rare, the less people know where they load the better are your chances to have the bunge of them. Thus, one never runs out of new challenges and of new zones to explore, and even our largest and most powerful clans don't know all the quests in the game.

If you ever read a book about a wizard who completed a difficult quest and finally got a powerful ancient artifact that no one else in the entire world had, you may have wondered what that wizard actually felt at that moment. Seek no further! Hundreds of Arctic quests with unique, powerful rewards wait for you!

I'm an explorer type and thus it was natural for me to praise the elaborate world design, the sophisticated quests and the quality of zone layout. However, the majority - if not the vast majority - of Arctic players would name unrestricted pkill as our greatest asset.

We do not have a special pkill arena - the entire world is the site of battle. Have you found a room with a nasty special or a mobile that doesn't like unexpected visitors? Lure your opponents to the location and see them defeated!

We do not have opt-in or level restricted pkill. Have that little bastard said some obscenity about your mom? Aim the fireball and toast the miscreant!

A big part of our PvP is related to the feud between the big clans that lasts for months and years. However, that's not the only option. Do you feel powerful and agressive? Does a player that you see resting by the crossroads have a shining sword that should righfully belong to you? Do you simply dislike their name or the way they looked at you? Draw you sword and attack! Just make sure your survive the retaliatory strike then :--P

On top of that, we have PK tournaments where the greatest among our great pkillers prove their worth. The last tournament was on November 9, 2008. Here is the log of one of the final battles (team contest, 5x5 format) on our pkill site:

Arctic is not roleplay-intensive. An interesting thing that I noticed was the fact that there is very little roleplay In Character, but more of it in Out of Character channels. When doing a hack-n-slash zone with groups of cunning AI-controlled mobiles that heal, rescue and assist each other, there is little time for storytelling. But then, "a good computer game is the one that can be played without a computer". When a player feels imaginative, they express it later on one of the game boards. Or become a zone builder :--)

Our playerbase is really international. Aside from the English-speaking world, we have Finns, Greeks, Russians (I'm a Russian btw), Danes, Germans, Chineese, Egyptians etc., all having their distinctive playing styles and habits. Once again, ArcticMUD has something for anyone.

Well, this post is already too long. Hope you found it not too boring. See you in ArcticMUD!

Delerak 11-25-2008 12:07 PM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
What's the point of this?

Newworlds 11-25-2008 02:10 PM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
Come on Delerak, you really can't be that clueless. Read the gentleman's opening post on this thread and it will fully explain.

But if you don't want to here it is in a nutshell: He wants you to recruit him for your favovorite game. So, give him some reasons to join you on a game you play. :-)

chaosprime 11-25-2008 06:44 PM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
Lost Souls, mainly because I've always felt it's gone for substance over window dressing.

Archbaron 11-25-2008 09:19 PM

Re: Go Ahead, Recruit Me
I'd like to thank everyone who has posted so far. I've been looking into your suggestions and taking them to heart.

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