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GhostInAProgram 08-20-2010 05:51 PM

My Server is Down?!
I've been cleaning my room and rearranging some things (one of which happened to be my modem). I turn my computer on and restart my MUD's server and everything loads fine. I turn on my client and wam my MUD won't boot up. I restarted my modem and the same things happens. I restard my computer and modem and still the same thing. I even went as far to think that something broke some how in my files so I backed up my player files and city files then reinstalled the stock. Still... It won't work.

I'm thinking that something got really f*cked when I unhooked my modem and now my IP is messed up some how. Also, I've tried to start my MUD using the telnet client and still nothing.

Can anyone tell me how this happened or how to fix it?


Kylotan 08-20-2010 08:23 PM

Re: My Server is Down?!
If you're running a mud, you should know how to check the server's log files. You can do that, right?

Newworlds 08-21-2010 01:56 AM

Re: My Server is Down?!
The trouble with running a server (which is what a mud is) on a home computer is that your IP is never completely static. Depending on your ISP (Comcast/Qwest/Etc) your router will dynamically assign a new ip periodically, which makes your home mud worthless when you gain a playerbase because you will have to continually post the new IP.

Now to answer your question: Your MUD is likely running, but you are trying to connect to an incorrect IP addy. Try going to an IP identity site and look at the IP it shows you (or ping out from DOS or whatever operating system you are using) and write down the IP. Then log in on that IP. Bingo!

Newworlds 08-21-2010 01:57 AM

Re: My Server is Down?!
Oh one more thing as just an FYI. It is against any ISP's general use agreement to use your home computer as a server. Read the fine print, if they catch you they will disable your service.:)

GhostInAProgram 08-22-2010 01:24 PM

Re: My Server is Down?!
I got this resolved on a different forum.

Thank you.

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