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Dionae 05-08-2002 02:36 AM

Could the player reviews section list out the name of the poster, as well as the date? It would make it a lot easier to find a specific review.

Just something like:

Feudal Realms - Herald of Karathos - 05/07/02 - 21:36:29
Feudal Realms - Baron Vesper Lauphel - 05/01/02 - 13:21:39
Feudal Realms - Melopene - 04/02/02 - 21:46:45


Soki 05-08-2002 05:15 AM

Super off topic, but I just love that little kitten picture.

Shao_Long 05-08-2002 10:46 AM

Dulan 05-08-2002 01:19 PM


#1: It was clearly marked off-topic
#2: Soki didn't post randomly to every topic with irrelevant information just for "star farming"
#3: See #2


Shao_Long 05-08-2002 01:23 PM

ugh..excuse me Dionae,but looks like I just turned another post to new flame battleground...

Orion Elder 05-08-2002 06:27 PM

Xanferious 05-08-2002 11:15 PM

i think player reviews should be broken into catagorys like the type of mud , mud codebase , and have it searchable and the top 5 recent reviews listed for qucik access

Medevil Type
| |
Hack&slash mud hack mud

Dionae 06-26-2002 12:07 AM

Just wanted to bring this to light again. I still think it would be nice if the player reviews section would list out the name of the poster. Not on the main page, but when you click on the link that lists out all the reviews made for that mud. It would make it a lot easier when trying to sort through all the reviews made for your mud, to be able to find it by poster's name, rather then trying to remember which date it was written.


Grey 06-26-2002 01:25 AM

I concur, an update in the player review section would be sweet. One thing I'd like to press about in some reviews I've read is that they're just not reviews. Sometimes they are simple flames to the administration or wiz body of a mud because the player was removed or something like that. I think harder policing of the review forums would be a nice addition too. I'm always available to help out =)

tresspassor 06-27-2002 12:38 AM

Dionae 06-27-2002 03:06 AM

I often times find myself remembering something that was written in a review by a specific person, and when I go looking to refer to it again, I can never find it amongst all the others. This would at least give me a better chance at finding a specific review if I could look it up by the poster's name, instead of just the date.

And if I mention something I read, and someone asks about it, I can just tell them it's in the review written by so-and-so, and they could find it easily, rather than having to search through all the reviews until they found one written by the person I mentioned. I more than likely wouldn't recall the exact date it was written, whereas I would remember the poster's name. So it just makes it easier for reference.

DSer 07-12-2002 07:19 AM

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